AEW Dynamite 10 08 2024

AEW Dynamite Results
October 8, 2024
Spokane, Washington (Spokane Arena)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

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For you, it was a special edition of AEW Dynamite with a Double Title Match and more…but for me?

We open with a vignette featuring Jon Moxley, talking about a “wake up call” for AEW as well as Bryan Danielson’s dark side ahead of their AEW World Championship match at WrestleDream this Saturday. He says that as Bryan’s world closes in around him, he will embrace that dark side…and Jon will be ready. He has to be, he doesn’t have a choice. There are not enough people in the state of Washington to stop Mox at WrestleDream, where he will run into the mouth of war.

Jon hopes that one day Bryan will understand, it’s gotta be this way…but he doesn’t have time to worry about that right now, the stakes are too high. He storms away as we cut to a graphic for the World Title match at WrestleDream, followed by a quick rundown of what’s happening tonight.

Backstage, Bryan Danielson runs down Claudio Castagnoli for his recent comments saying tonight was Bryan’s last match on Dynamite. He talks about their history together and what it means for tonight’s main event tag match.

We cut to ringside where Darby Allin makes his way out, grabbing a microphone to call out Brody King. We get a look at the feud between Darby and Brody in the summer of 2022 as well as their battle just a few months ago, as King makes his way out to the ring. Darby thanks him for the challenge for WrestleDream but says he wished Brody wouldn’t just asked nicely, talking about their history together.

Darby goes on to talk about Brody being signed to Ring of Honor before its shutdown and subsequent purchase by Tony Khan, before addressing the idea that Brody is after Darby’s spot. Darby was never expected to be as big a name as he’s become, but–this is interrupted by Brody, who talks about Darby’s “death wish” and his dream to climb Mount Everest. Brody says Darby has what he wants, but he isn’t one to put it to waste.

This gets Darby riled up, telling King to put him out of his misery if he wants the spot so bad. Darby drops to the corner before stepping back up to stand nose to nose with King, the two shoving each other until Darby unveils a rock he’s ready to wallop Brody with…but security rushes out to intervene as we see Brody bleeding from the sneak attack. He leaves the ring as we see a graphic for that match at the PPV on Saturday.

We cut backstage with Jake Roberts and Lance Archer…who are interrupted by Don Callis, revealing the first-ever manager to manager “talent exchange” allowing Callis to acquire the Murderhawk Monster. Renee tries to find out what this means but Callis leaves with Archer, as Roberts appears to be keeping his end of the exchange a secret as we cut to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

We cut to the parking lot earlier tonight as Daniel Garcia is interviewed by Renee about his future in AEW…only for Garcia to promise to address it with the fans soon. Commentary runs down what’s to come before Hologram makes his way out for our opening match. The illuminated luchador heads down the ramp, entering the ring before Komander makes his entrance next. He gives some high fives on his way down, hopping over the top rope to enter the ring before this match gets underway!

Komander vs. Hologram

Fans show their appreciation as the two men lock up, with Komander wrenching the arm of Hologram who counters out. A further exchange of holds leads to Komander taking control…until Hologram fights back to take Komander down. The two continue to go at it, until we end things with a standoff to a round of applause from the crowd.

Double knuckle lock leads to Hologram hitting the ropes, connecting with a Deja Vu arm drag sending Komander out of the ring…and following up with a big dive through the ropes, sending his fellow luchador into the barricade!

Hologram brings Komander back into the ring, following close behind to send him to the ropes…landing a flapjack into a big kick for the cover and a nearfall. Hologram transitions to a submission hold, something of a stepover toehold of sorts keeping the leg bent back…but Komander manages to relieve the pressure enough to get on his knees, trying to counter out. This ends with Hologram breaking the hold, only to drop Komander down for a nearfall as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Komander starts to turn things around, sending Hologram to the corner for a series of strikes until Hologram turns things around, bringing Komander down for a close nearfall. Both men make it back to their feet as Hologram goes to an STF keeping Komander grounded until the latter can finally break free of the grip. Hologram back to his feet as he sends Komander to the ropes, setting up for an inverted Gory special as we come back from break…

…and Komander manages to break free! He hits the ropes for a kick on Hologram, who evades a right hand by Komander. Komander uses the nearby ropes as a launchpad, setting up for an arm drag that takes Hologram out of the ring…where Komander meets him with a big dive over the top rope! Both men back in the ring as Komander heads to the corner, but Hologram intercepts leading to a modified Spanish Fly sending both men to the canvas.

Hologram is the first one back up, climbing the top rope for a 450 splash…onto the knees of Komander! Hologram clutches himself in pain before rolling out of the ring as Komander takes to the ropes. He walks along the top rope until Hologram leaps up to meet him, looking for a hurricanrana! NO! Komander with a powerbomb, but he can’t capitalize for a pin.

The two go back at it again, with Komander not quite getting all of a reverse rana on Hologram…and this gives the latter an opening to fend him off before heading to the corner. Komander takes to the ropes only to be set up for the airplane spin into a powerbomb, getting Hologram a big win here on Dynamite!

Winner via pinfall: Hologram

We see Jake Roberts stepping out onto the stage, and it soon becomes clear why he’s out here when RUSH, Dralistico, and The Beast Mortos blindside Hologram and Komander for a beatdown! The trio stands tall with their fists up, with Roberts raising his in solidarity as we find out the other side of the talent exchange.

We get a look back at the words exchanged between Mark Briscoe and Chris Jericho last week on Dynamite, before going backstage where Briscoe accosts Jericho for what he said. Jericho didn’t have to take it there, and he’s not gonna like where Briscoe is because he’s gonna hurt the Learning Tree this Saturday.

Back at ringside, Daniel Garcia comes out to a big ovation from the crowd. He gives the crowd plenty of thanks for supporting him before addressing his future, saying he doesn’t want to be a guy who disappears without explanation. He feels it’s important to come out here, look everyone in the eye, and tell them what he’s gonna do.

He came to the conclusion that he can do whatever he wants, because Daniel Garcia is one of the best wrestlers in the world…and because he is one of the best in the world, he believes it’s important that he stays where the best wrestle here in AEW.

Crowd chants “AEW” in support as Garcia says the Daniel Garcia that is staying in AEW is not the one who gets “little brothered” by everyone in the back, but one that proves how good he really is by earning gold around his waist. No champion is safe, the feeling is restored. He drops the mic, celebrating his announcement with the fans.

Video Package: The arrival of MVP and Shelton Benjamin has thrown a wrench in the professional (and perhaps personal) relationship between Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana, as Swerve is set to make an appearance this Saturday at WrestleDream!

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, Renee talks to Mercedes Moné about the words Emi Sakura had to say about her ahead of their Double Title Match later tonight. Moné says it’s not the last time a queen’s talked trash and it won’t be the last, but Emi will fall tonight because money changes everything. They walk away as we cut elsewhere.

Daniel Garcia gets some appreciation from the roster for his decision, before Katsuyori Shibata offers some congratulations and a challenge to a match that Garcia accepts.

Back at ringside, Willow Nightingale heads to the ring for our next match. This four-way match will determine who faces Mariah May at WrestleDream, as Saraya comes to the ring next, followed by Nyla Rose and Jamie Hayter before this match gets underway!

AEW Women’s Title Eliminator Match: Willow Nightingale vs. Saraya vs. Nyla Rose vs. Jamie Hayter

Saraya leaves the ring for an immediate breather as Nyla goes after Willow, only for Jamie to intervene as she sends the Native Beast to the corner. Nyla fights back, setting Hayter up on the turnbuckle before Willow steps in to go for a powerbomb…only for Rose to counter with a hurricanrana!

Hayter follows up, sending Rose to the outside before she and Willow look to square off. Saraya and Harley get involve, the latter getting some licks in since this match has no disqualifications before the pair send Willow and Jamie to the outside…where all four are met with a massive dive from Nyla as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Nyla focuses on Saraya as she brings her back in the ring, landing some right hands before getting a nearfall. Saraya fights back, sending Nyla to the outside as Willow is intercepted on the apron before she can get in the ring. Harley attacks Nightingale as Hayter goes after Saraya on the outside. Nyla is back up, grabbing a table from under hte ring before being fended off as Saraya goes after Hayter…who takes Saraya down before heading back in the ring, where Willow is waiting as we come back from break!

The two go at it until Nyla and Saraya make their way back into the ring, with chaos ensuing as all four women end up on the mat. They end up on their feet before Saraya is sent out of the ring, leading to Hayter catching Nightingale and Rose with a double suplex! Saraya slides into the ring with a chair but Hayter catches her, grabbing the chair before going after Saraya…but Harley intervenes to no avail!

Penelope Ford comes down the ramp with a chair of her own, blindsiding Hayter before egging her on to give chase up the ramp. Back in the ring, Rose goes after Willow before Saraya tries to get involved. Nyla is in control as she teases using the table, only to climb the turnbuckle…but Harley sends her to the outside, helping Saraya try to set the table up at ringside before Nightingale catches Saraya.

Saraya catches the former TBS Champion with a Good Night before Harley helps set up the table in the corner…but Willow fights back, sending Harley down with a Doctor Bomb before Saraya tries to intervene. Nightingale hoists her up for a Death Valley Driver through the table before pulling her toward Harley to cover both for the win!

Winner via pinfall and facing Mariah May at WrestleDream: Willow Nightingale

Willow celebrates as she goes up the ramp, where she stands off with the AEW Women’s World Champion by blocking a slap…only for Mariah to nail her with a headbutt that sends her to the stage!

We cut backstage, where The Learning Tree have a heart to heart with Rocky Romero. They offer a lesson to Azucar, talking about how The Conglomeration have treated him before suggesting that when you’re in the picture, you fail to see the big picture. They walk off, with Bryan Keith telling Romero to respect the future ROH World Champion…or else.

Back at ringside, Jay White heads to the ring for our next match accompanied by Juice Robinson, with Cody Chhun in the ring as this match gets underway!

Jay White vs. Cody Chhun

Cody tries his best to fight the Switchblade early on, but Jay sends him to the corner where Robinson talks smack. Jay continues to lay into Cody, but Chhun fights back for a nearfall…only to be laid out with a lariat! Chhun doesn’t see much more offense after this as White lays into him before connecting with the Blade Runner for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Jay White

Jay gets the microphone after the match, calling out Hangman Adam Page as one of two wrongs he needs to correct…and Page is lucky number one. White knows the Hangman won’t be quiet about it, and that he’s coming for Jay…and that’s perfect, because that’s exactly what he wants. He challenges Page to a match, looking to make the first step toward getting that gold he wants so bad.

White isn’t done, addressing those who have booed him before now cheering him before saying telling Page it all starts this Saturday at WrestleDream. Giddy up, cowboy!

He drops the mic before he and Robinson head up the ramp, and we cut away.

HOOK is backstage, telling whoever attacked his father Taz to reveal themselves. Kip Sabian bumps into him, but insists he wasn’t involved before running off. HOOK starts back up before Christian Cage steps in, asking if he’s seen Kip Sabian. HOOK brushes it off before asking if Cage has something to say to him…to which Cage says he sympathizes with HOOK, since he lost Killswitch at the moment to a serious medical issue, referring to Taz’s being gone as “the loss of your father” before they go their separate ways.

-Commercial Break-

We go backstage where Mariah May is blindsided with a pounce by Willow Nightingale, who promises to win the AEW Women’s World Championship this Saturday at WrestleDream before walking off.

Back at ringside, Mercedes Moné makes her way to the ring for our next match as the CEO is set to defend both her TBS Championship and NJPW Strong Women’s Championship in this Double Title Match. Out next is the challenger as Emi Sakura makes her way to the ring, before this match gets underway!

Double Title Match (TBS Championship & NJPW Strong Women’s Championship): Mercedes Moné defends against Emi Sakura

Emi goes on the offense early, sending the CEO to the corner before Moné turns it around with a chop. She sends Sakura to another corner, but Emi turns it around to lay in some chops of her own on the champion. Moné drops to the mat, but is able to fight off the challenger to get back to her feet. The two go at it until Moné grabs Emi’s hand, heading to the ropes for an arm drag…but Sakura fights back with a right hand!

Moné to the corner as Emi charges, only for the CEO to get out of the way forcing Sakura to the outside…where the champ connects with a Meteora, sending Emi to the floor as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: With a little assistance from Kamille, the CEO takes back control of the match as Sakura is brought back into the ring. Moné goes to work on wearing her challenger down, cinching in a chinlock as Sakura fights back to her feet and catches the champ with a nearfall. Moné fights back, taking Emi down but only collects a nearfall of her own as she shows some frustration before getting back up. Mercedes goes back to a chinlock, wearing Sakura down some more before bringing the challenger to her feet for a side headlock takedown for a nearfall. Moné targets the back of Sakura now, pulling her arms back as we return from break!

Moné finds the challenger getting back to her feet, as Sakura breaks free to send the champ to the corner with a chop. Sakura is brought down hard with a Backstabber by Mercedes for a nearfall, before the challenger manages to evade a dropkick and Meteora attempt to bring Moné to the outside. She keeps Kamille at bay before attacking Mercedes and sending her onto the barricade, setting the champ and the Brickhouse up against the barricade before connecting with a cross body on both women!

She brings Moné back to the ring, setting the champ up for a backbreaker that drives Moné to the mat…but Mercedes manages to get out of the way, and the ref is distracted as Kamille trips up the challenger. This allows Moné to lock in the Statement Maker, pulling Emi back too far for her to do anything but tap out as the ref calls for the bell!

Winner via submission and still TBS/NJPW Strong Women’s Champion: Mercedes Moné

Mercedes and Kamille look to do a beatdown on Sakura, until Kris Statlander runs down for the save! She forces Kamille to hang herself up on the ropes on a big boot attempt, forcing the Brickhouse and the champ to retreat up the ramp.

Backstage, Private Party hear Stokely Hathaway out as he offers his services…before asking where he has been the past five years, when they were struggling? Stoke realizes he is being rejected and promises they will regret this before walking off, before Private Party talk about how much they need to win the tag titles this Saturday at WrestleDream.

We cut to ringside where Tony Schiavone welcomes Will Ospreay, who addresses his match against Ricochet last week and the fact Konosuke Takeshita got involved. There is a three-way match for the International Championship at WrestleDream, but Ospreay believes Takeshita doesn’t do anything without the direction of Don Callis, telling him to come out.

This, naturally, brings out Don Callis to a chorus of boos. Callis looks for a hug but Will is having none of it, demanding Don tell him if he sent Takeshita out to attack him last week. Callis hems and/or haws about the situation before admitting he did send Konosuke out there, out of frustration to teach him a lesson. Don is still upset that Ospreay refused his help two weeks ago when the tag titles were on the line.

Ospreay gives out to him about this, reminding Callis that he is the best wrestler in the world…to which Don says he threw “the best wrestler in the world” out in the garbage when it was necessary, and he’s not afraid to do it again. Ospreay tells Callis he can’t believe he ever had any respect for him, and that they’re done…to which Callis responds with a slap in the face! Ospreay sends Don to the corner until Fletcher and Takeshita run out.

Takeshita lays out Ospreay as Callis tells Fletcher to attack Ospreay after Will narrowly stops himself attacking his best friend. Fletcher is handed a screwdriver but refuses to attack Ospreay, nearly attacking Callis instead before Takeshita intervenes. Things continue to break down until Ricochet runs out to make the save, with the Family retreating up the ramp as Ricochet checks on Ospreay.

Backstage, Top Flight address losing their shot at the #1 contendership before Action Andretti vents his frustration, walking off as the Martins discuss what to do about him before we cut to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, Jack Perry addresses his challenger for the TNT Championship ahead of the match against Katsuyori Shibata at WrestleDream. He says he wants to face the absolute best version of Shibata this Saturday. He believes Shibata deserves to be the TNT Champion, but lately Perry has come to understand it’s not about what someone deserves. He tells Shibata that if he wants the TNT Championship, to come get it.

Back at ringside, “Final Countdown” plays to get the Spokane crowd on their feet (as a cool several grand drops into the bank account of the band Europe) while Bryan Danielson and Wheeler Yuta make their way to the ring for our main event. Out next are Claudio Castagnoli and PAC, two of the trios champions staring their co-champ Yuta down as they head to the ring before this match gets underway!

Bryan Danielson and Wheeler Yuta vs. Claudio Castagnoli and PAC

We start with Danielson and PAC in the ring, as Danielson charges at Castagnoli to send him off the apron with a dropkick. PAC goes on the attack now, sending Bryan out of the ring as Yuta gets involved to even things up. Yuta leaves the ring, assisting Bryan in bringing PAC back in the ring as Danielson goes for a surfboard stretch…and tags in Wheeler for a dropkick, giving Yuta a nearfall in the process.

PAC gets back into it after Bryan tags back in, bringing the World Champion to the corner before tagging Claudio back in. Claudio lays into the American Dragon, wearing him down with a series of stomps before driving his boot into Bryan’s face. Tag made to PAC to continue the damage, but Bryan escapes a back suplex for a tag to Yuta!

Yuta rushes in with a flurry of offense to send PAC to the corner, followed by a German suplex for a nearfall and Cattle Mutilation locked in…until Castagnoli steps in to break it up. Yuta stands up to his fellow trios champion, before Danielson sends him out with a dropkick…but PAC sends him to the outside, where Claudio hits him with a Neutralizer! PAC catches Yuta with a thrust kick in the ring, taking control as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: It’s a collision between trios champions as PAC and Claudio trade tags while wearing down Yuta, perhaps teaching less-experienced of the three a lesson as PAC gets a nearfall off a snap suplex. Yuta tries to fight back but is dropped with a kick by PAC before Claudio tags in. Wheeler fights back with a headbutt, only to be dropped to the mat by Claudio…who continues to wear Yuta down, before the young man gets to his feet. Claudio sends him down with a back body drop before tagging in PAC, the pair keeping Yuta isolated in their corner as we come back from break!

Danielson is still out on the floor as Yuta slowly fights back to his feet, escaping a back body drop but unable to get a tag out. Claudio takes him down before tagging PAC back in. PAC keeps Yuta down before climbing the turnbuckle…where he ends up jumping into a thrust kick by Wheeler! Both men are down as the ref begins the count, each crawling to their corner before Claudio tags in. He brings Yuta back to the corner, where Wheeler tries to fight back before being propped up on the turnbuckle by Claudio.

He fights off Castagnoli before tagging in Danielson, who hits a missile dropkick on Claudio before catching him the corner with a series of a dropkicks and a flurry of chops and kicks. He props Claudio up on the turnbuckle, but Castagnoli fights for a powerbomb…which is reversed into a hurricanrana by Danielson! “YES” chants resonate as Danielson lays in a series of kicks before taking Claudio down with a roundhouse kick.

He grabs Claudio’s hands, promising to kick his head in with a series of stomps before PAC intervenes…only to receive some of this treatment from the World Champion! Claudio breaks it up, but is caught with a backslide giving Bryan a nearfall.

Bryan heads to the corner, looking for the Busaiku Knee…but stops when he sees Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir at ringside. This distracts him, giving Claudio an opening for an uppercut for a nearfall. He tags in PAC for a 450 splash and the cover…but Danielson kicks out again! Marina gets on the apron to distract the ref, as PAC gets a hammer to attack…only for Yuta to intervene, which leads to Danielson catching him with a LeBell Lock! PAC taps out as the ref calls for the bell!

Winners via submission: Bryan Danielson and Wheeler Yuta

Claudio, PAC, and Marina go after Yuta as Danielson rushes at Mox, the pair fighting to the back as we go back to the ring, where Claudio ends up slamming the hammer on Yuta! The three continue their beatdown as Danielson and Mox bring their brawl back to ringside, where Danielson sends Mox away before catching Claudio with a Busaiku Knee! Claudio rolls out of the ring as Mox and Shafir retreat up the ramp, “Final Countdown” playing once more as the World Champion stands tall amidst a “YES” chant before checking on Wheeler Yuta as we close out a special Title Tuesday edition of Dynamite.