AEW Dynamite 09 18 2024

AEW Dynamite Results
September 18, 2024
Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Results by: Jerome Wilen of

We go backstage as Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli and Marina Shafir are shown backstage, followed by Darby Allin coming in from another part of the arena.

The music of Orange Cassidy hits as the fans give him a great ovation. He comes out with Kyle O’Reilly and the ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe.

It’s Wednesday and we are kicking off the show with a big match tonight…

The music of Chris Jericho hits next as he comes out with Big Bill and Bryan Keith.

The Learning Tree Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy

The bell rings as we are underway. Briscoe, O’Reilly and Big Bill and Keith are in the ring. We have a brawl with all six men! The action spills to the floor. However, Cassidy and Jericho are in the ring. Cassidy then leaps over the ropes and takes out the Learning Tree gang! Briscoe then leaps over the ropes and takes them out as well. Cassidy enters the ring and nails Jericho with a huge orange punch! Cassidy covers Jericho, but he kicks out at two.

Jerich heads to the floor, as Cassidy follows, taking him out with punches. Jericho fights back with big chops on Cassidy…Cassidy then leaps over the barricade and then comes back over and hits Jericho…the action goes back in the ring as Cassidy is up on the top rope. Jericho goes up and Cassidy sends him down on the mat. Jericho applies the walls of Jericho on Cassidy as the ref checks on him. Cassidy then rolls over Jericho for just a two count. Jericho picks up Cassidy and powerslams him on the mat. Jericho covers Orange, but he kicks out. Jericho chops Cassidy and then taunts the fans. Cassidy fights his way out of the corner and then goes to the apron, as Jericho sends him crashing to the floor. Jericho goes to the floor and picks up Cassidy and drops him on the barricade. Jericho grabs the camera and then hits Cassidy with a kick. Jericho goes to the top rope, waves to the fans and comes down as Cassidy puts up his feet and catches Jericho. Jericho and Cassidy slap each other…Cassidy goes for a drop kick as Jericho moves and then lands a lionsault on Cassidy and covers him for just a two count.

The fans begin to chant freshly squeezed…Cassidy drops Jericho and covers him for only a two count. Cassidy is up on the top rope. Cassidy comes down with an elbow, but Jericho gets his knees up…Cassidy sends Jericho over the top and to the floor. Cassidy leaps through the ropes as Jericho catches him and sends him crashing into the barricade. Jericho picks up Cassidy and sends him into the timekeepers table. Both men are up on the table. Jericho picks ups Cassidy and sends him through the table as both men crash through the table – we get holy s— chants…we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: The ref checks on both men as we get a replay of Jericho and Cassidy crashing through the table. Jericho is up and starts crawling towards the ring. Cassidy is up and tries to get in the ring…both men make it back in the ring. Both men are on their feet and exchange blows and chops! Both men run the ropes and take down each other. The ref checks on both men.

Back from picture-in-picture: Jericho and Cassidy exchange elbow shots. Cassidy charges at Cassidy, as both men drop each other again…both men are on their knees and exchange strikes. Cassidy then kicks Jericho and sends him down in the corner. Cassidy then kicks Jericho in the chest. Cassidy charges at Jericho, but he gets up and drops Cassidy with a big lariat. Jericho covers Cassidy, but he kicks out at two. Cassidy kicks Jericho and goes to the top, but Jericho clubs him in the ear. Both men are up on the top rope. Cassidy sends Jericho the floor with a big headbutt to the face and then connects with a big crossbody…Jericho then gets Cassidy in the Walls of Jericho! Cassidy tries to fight out of it. Cassidy makes it to the corner, but Big Bill kicks Cassidy…Kyle O’Reilly nails Big Bill as both men fight to the back…Cassidy rolls up Jericho, but he kicks out at two. Jericho then picks up Cassidy and drops him with a death valley driver. Jericho covers Cassidy, but he kicks out at two. Jericho then mocks Cassidy. Jericho runs the ropes and then catches him and drops him with a big DDT! Cassidy goes to the top rope…Jericho is up and then drops Jericho with a diving DDT. Cassidy covers Jericho but he kicks out at two! Cassidy runs at Jericho for an orange punch, but is caught by a code breaker! Jericho covers Orange, but he won’t stay down! The fans begin to chant this is awesome! Jericho then drops Jericho with a big beach break and covers him, but he kicks out at two. Bryan Keith runs in, but Briscoe comes to take out Keith. Jericho has a roll of quarters while the ref is distracted and misses…Jericho drops the quarters, Cassidy picks them up and nails Jericho with an orange punch…he covers Jericho and gets the three count!

Winner by pinfall: Orange Cassidy

We go to a backstage vignette with PAC and Claudio Castagnoli asking for Wheeler Yuta and says to Yuta to put his socks on and they will see him next week. Claudio asks for Yuta to show up next week. Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir come in as Mox says Yuta can do what he wants…Mox then says Yuta needs to look in the mirror and be the man he was taught to be.

We go backstage with Alex Marvez. Wheeler Yuta comes in and he says that he is conflicted on recent events…Yuta says he has been distracted…he is then handed his title…Yuta says that he takes pride in the trios championship and will kick who’s ever a– he has to at Grand Slam.

The Undisputed Kingdom join the commentary table as Hook’s music hits. The FTW Champion makes his way down to the ring, as we go to a match not previously announced.

Hook vs. JD Ink

The bell rings as we are underway. Hook drops JD with a big lariat and then picks him up and sends hard to the mat. Hook then picks up Hook JD and tosses him hard to the mat. Hook then nails JD with big elbows, applies the redrum, as JD quickly submits.

Winner by submission: Hook

After the match, Roderick Strong trash talks Hook, but he walks off ignoring him.

We go backstage with Alex Marvez as Private Party come in issuing a challenge for the trios championships and says they can find someone…


Back from the break, Renee Paquette is talking with the Patriarchy. Christian Cage addresses Nick Wayne and says that Cage and Wayne will be champions together. Cage tells Renee he needs to address Cage by his proper moniker…the next AEW World Champion. Kip Sabian then comes in as the Patriarchy leave…Cage tells Sabian he will put him in the grave next to his dead father if he doesn’t move out of the way.

The music of Serena Deeb hits next as she makes her way out and down to the ring. The music of the AEW Women’s World Champion – “The Glamour Mariah” May is out next.

Queen Aminata and Yuka Sakazaki are out next…

Yuka Sakazaki and Queen Aminata vs. AEW Women’s World Champion “The Glamour” Mariah May and Serena Deeb

The bell rings as we are underway. Deeb and Yuka start off as they lock up. Deeb sends Yuka to the ropes and then drops her. Deeb grabs the leg of Yuka and she counters. Both women make pin attempts. Both men get up as we have a stand-off. Deeb grabs Yuka, but she gets out of the hold and kicks Deeb across the face. Aminata comes in and drop kicks Deeb as May is on the floor posing and kissing the title belt. Aminata is taken down by a dragon screw from Deeb. May is now up on the apron and is tagged in. She drop kicks Aminata and poses for the camera…we go to picture in picture.

Picture-In-Picture: May puts a big boot to Aminata’s throat. Deeb is tagged in. She nails Aminata with a big uppercut. Deeb grabs the arms and legs of Aminata and locks her up, mocking the fans….Deeb grabs Aminata and drops her to the mat, covers her, but Aminata kicks out at two. Deeb shoves Aminata and then kicks her. As Aminata gets up, Deeb hits her with a big uppercut…

Back from picture-in-picture…Aminata tags in Yuka as she comes down with a big missile drop kick on Deeb…May is in, but is dropped by Yuka. Yuka then kicks Deeb and covers her for only a two count. May back in and suplexes Yuka…Deeb then suplexes Aminata. Yuka picks up Deeb, spins her around and drops her to the mat. May, Deeb and Aminata are on the floor…Yuka comes off the top and takes out Deeb and May on the floor…Yuka rolls Deeb back in and as Yuka covers Deeb, May comes in and nails Yuka, causing the disqualification. May then hits Yuka in the back repeatedly with the title belt. May grabs the hair of Yuka and then kisses Yuka on the cheek.


Back from the break, the commentary team talk about Nigel McGunness’ challenge to Bryan Danielson. If Danielson can show up and is healthy, the match will happen. Taz asks if Bryan is cleared, what type of shape will he be in.

We tried to go to a video package hyping the feud, but had brief technical difficulties. They are now fixed as the video airs, showing some old ROH footage with matches between Nigel and Bryan.

As the commentary team talks about more matches on the card for Grand Slam, the music of Jon Moxley hits…he, Claudio Castignoli and Marina Shafir come out slowly through the crowd in the arena. Private Party come out of nowhere and attack Mox…Claudio then take out Private Party…Claudio grabs Marq Quen and has him in the ring. Claudio takes out Quen with a huge slam. Mox and Marina send Isaiah Kassidy into the barricade. Mox grabs Zay as Marina kicks Isiah Kassidy and then punches him. Komander is in the ring…he leaps over the ropes, but is met by a huge uppercut by Claudio! Marina then walks towards Alex Abrahantes and then takes him out. Mox grabs a hammer and a mic. Mox then says Private Party has been here five years and is in the exact same spot…Mox says consider this a gift. He then nails Isaiah in the hand with the hammer. Darby Allin comes out and nails Mox with the skateboard. Mox and Darby are in the ring. Marina holds back Claudio. Darby swings the skateboard at Mox and he ducks, leaving the ring. Darby grabs a mic and tells Mox that he is not the same man from five years ago…he tells Mox he will win at Grand Slam and then go onto become the new AEW World Champion in his home state.

We go to a vignette featuring TNT Champion Jack Perry.

The music of Ricochet is next as he comes out to a big ovation. The music of The Beast Mortos is next as he makes his way to the ring.

The Beast Mortos vs. Ricochet

The bell rings as we are underway. The Beast charges at Ricochet who gets Mortos in the corner…Mortos hoists up Ricochet and nails him with a big right hand. Mortos kicks Ricochet in the chest. Mortos charges at Ricochet, but he counters with a big boot and sends The Beast to the floor. Ricochet then runs the ropes, leaps over the ropes and takes out Mortos on the floor…the action goes back in the ring as Ricochet covers Mortos, but he kicks out at two. Ricochet sweeps Mortos and tries to cover him, but he kicks out at one. We get a big Ricochet chant. Ricochet kicks Mortos in the back of the head, sending him to the floor. Ricochet leaps over the top rope, but is caught by Mortos and dropped on the apron, as we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Both men are back in the ring, as Mortos has Ricochet in a headlock. Mortos then punches Ricochet in the side of the head. Mortos grabs Ricochet and sends him head first into the turnbuckle. Ricochet fires back, but its not enough as Mortos sends Ricochet back into the turnbuckle. Mortos picks up Ricochet and drops him in the corner. Ricochet staggers to gets up, but Mortos grabs him and chops him sending him down to the mat…

Back from picture-in-picture: Mortos has Ricochet in a headlock…Ricochet fires back, but Mortos grabs the wrist of Ricochet, but is met with a kick. Ricochet is up on the shoulders of Mortos but he drops Ricochet and then covers him, but Ricochet kicks out a two. Mortos picks up Ricochet, but he slips out of it and kicks Mortos, who then headbutts Ricochet…Mortos looks for a monkey flip, but Ricochet moves and he goes to the floor…Ricochet then picks up Mortos and flips him hard on the mat….Ricochet then connects on Mortos with a big 450 splash. Ricochet covers Mortos, but he kicks out at two. Ricochet goes to the top rope. Mortos is up and sweeps the leg of Ricochet. Mortos slaps Ricochet as both men are up on the top rope. Mortos then sends Ricochet hard crashing to the mat. Mortos covers Ricochet, but he kicks out at two! Mortos picks up Ricochet, but Ricochet counters with a big crucifix bomb! Ricochet then picks up Mortos for a reverse DDT and drops him to get the three count!

Winner by pinfall: Ricochet

We go to a video package on the last few weeks of Hangman Adam Page.


Back from the break, we have a recap of the match between FTR and Grizzled Young Veterans on last Saturday’s Collision.

We go to Tony Schiavone in the ring, who welcomes Hangman Adam Page. Hangman comes out, making his way to the ring. Tony asks for a word and brings up All Out with his win against Swerve Strickland…Tony brings up the warning Page gave out about anyone supporting Swerve and asks Page what he is talking about…Page says that he knew a day would come when Strickland was dealt with a would be gone. Page then says he knew that it would not just be Swerve that would pay, but people who protected him and supported him. Page says he is surrounded by them and people who would cheer him…Page says when he hears those voices and reminds him when he sat at home suspended. Page says he hears another voice loud and clear…a voice coming clear from the commentary desk. Tony then talks about Jeff Jarrett…Page then backs Tony into a corner, as the music of Jarret hits…he comes down and runs to the ring, but taken out by Page. The action spills to the floor as Page hammers Jarrett and bashes his head against the barricade. Page rolls Jarrett into the ring as he goes for a buckshot lariat. Security then comes to the ring and separates both men. Page goes to the entrance area, but Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, and Sonjay Dutt hold back Page. Jarrett says that he will be damned if he will let him lay a finger on Tony Schiavone…Jarrett says that there is an entire locker room that wants to kick Pages a– and he is the first in line…Jarrett says someway, somehow before he retires, he will kick pages a–.

We go backstage with Renee who attempted to talk with Ricochet, but is interrupted by Will Ospreay…Ricochet tells Ospreay that the moment he stepped in AEW that everyone goes out of their way to call out Ricohet and more people are worried about Ricochet and not Ospreay…Ricochet says he talked with Tony Khan and has himself an International Title match on October 2….Ricochet closes the segment calling Ospreay little bro, as Ospreay looks on with concern.


Back from the break, the music of Will Ospreay hits as the International Champion comes out to a big ovation. The music of Kyle Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita is up next, as they come out with Don Callis. He joins the commentary table.

The music of the Young Bucks hits next, as the World Tag Team Champs also known as The EVP’s come out next. Next up is the Continental Champion The Rainmaker Kazuchika Okada.

The Young Bucks (Matthew and Nicholas Jackson) and The Rainmaker Kazuchika Okada vs. Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita

The bell rings as Fletcher and Nicholas start off. Nicholas nails Fletcher, but he fights back Fletcher swings and misses, as Will Ospreay is in and he and Fletcher double team Nicholas. Okada is tagged in…He puts a headlock on Ospreay….Okada is taken down by Ospreay. Ospreay brings Okada to the corner as Takeshita tags himself in. The Bucks and Okada take out Ospreay, Fletcher and Takeshita…The Elite go to the floor and pose, but Ospreay, Takeshita and Fletcher get up and leap over the top rope, taking out The Elite…we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Takeshita has Okada in the corner as Ospreay is tagged in…Okada gets Ospreay to the opposite side of the ring, as Matthew Jackson is tagged in. He picks up Ospreay and drops him on his back and covers him, but Osprey kicks out at two. Ospreay is sent to the floor…Ospreay goes back in the ring as Matthew picks him up and slams him. Matthew covers Ospreay, but he kicks out at two. Okada is tagged in. He kicks Ospreay in the head…Nicholas is tagged in. He nails Ospreay, who goes down in the corner.

Back from picture-in-picture, Ospreay fights he way out of the corner to tag Fletcher. He takes down both of the Bucks. Fletcher then is sent crashing down by Fletcher and then takes down Matthew….Fletcher picks up Nicholas and drops him with a brainbuster and covers him for only a two count. Okada is tagged in. He nails Fletcher with a few uppercuts…Fletcher picks up Okada and drops him hard. Takeshita is tagged in…Takeshita then drops Okada with big running elbow. Okada is down. Takeshits picks up Okada and drops him with a brain buster…Takeshita covers Okada, but the Continental Champ kicks out at two. The Bucks come in to take Ospreay and Fletcher off the apron…Takeshita takes out Okada by planting him on the mat. Ospreay and Fletcher drop kick Okada…the Bucks come in…they superkick Takeshita but he shakes it off…we get a big AEW chant. Takeshita and Okada are up…we go to the final picture in picture break…

Picture-In-Picture: Okada charges at Takeshita and connects with a big knee. The Bucks are in, celebrate and mock the fans….Nicholas is tagged in. He slaps Takeshita and then tags in Matthew….Nicholas is then tagged in as the Bucks double team Takeshita…Takeshita tries to fight back, but its not enough as Nicholas drops Takeshita with a big spin kick to the head…

Back from picture-in-picture, the Bucks send Fletcher and Ospreay to the floor. Nicholas is up on the top rope and comes down, landing on Takeshita…Okada then goes to the op rope and lands on Takeshita with a big elbow. Matthew is in as the Bucks go for an EVP trigger, but Takeshita holds it off…Takeshita tags in Ospreay. He comes in with a big diving elbow on Nicholas and then takes out Matthew and covers him, but he kicks out at two. Okada comes in as the Bucks superkick. Matthew then picks up Ospreay and drops him with a sitdown powerbomb…Matthew covers Ospreay, but Fletcher breaks up the pin attempt. The Bucks superkick Ospreay, dropping him to the mat. Matthew covers Ospreay, but he kicks out at two…Fletcher is in as he and Ospreay double team Matthew…Fletcher covers Matthew, but he kicks out at two. Fletcher kicks Nicholas sending him to the apron. Takeshita is in and runs the ropes, but is caught by Okada…Takeshita then sends Okada to the floor and leaps over the ropes, landing hard on Okada on the floor…Nicholas is on the apron…Fletcher picks up Matthew and drops him with a tombstone and covers him, but Matthew kicks out at two! Oapreay comes in and hits Matthew with a big hidden blade as Fletcher picks up Matthew and drops him as Fletcher covers him to get the pin.

Winners by pinfall: Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita

After the match, Ospreay and Takeshita exchange words as Flether looks on. Ospreay, Fletcher and give up the United Empire hand symbol, with Don Callis in the ring celebrating, as Takeshita jaws at The Elite who make their way up the ramp, as the show goes off the air.

*The action for the main event was great, but it was a challenge to keep up with at times.