AEW Dynamite 08 14 2024

AEW Dynamite Results
August 14, 2024
Norfolk, Virginia (Chartway Arena)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

It is Wednesday, my dudes…you know what that means!

We kick things off with Mercedes Mone’ making her way to the ring alongside Kamille, as the TBS Championship is on the line in our opening contest. Out next is Hikaru Shida, making her way to the ring before this match gets underway!

TBS Championship Match: Mercedes Mone’ defends against Hikaru Shida

The two lock up to start things off, with Shida sending the champ to the ropes before being forced to break. Mone’ goes on the charge, pulling the challenger to the mat by the hair before taunting her. Shida’s back on her feet as she sends Mercedes to the corner, but Mone’ escapes a running corner tackle, taking her down for a Statement Maker…but Shida rolls the champ onto her shoulder to break the hold!

Mone’ goes after the challenger once again, but is sent to the corner with a hurricanrana by Shida who follows up with some mounted punches before taking the champ down for a two count. Shida goes back on the attack for a nearfall, leading to both women trading nearfalls in the process. Mercedes rolls over to the apron to avoid further damage from the challenger, eventually taking Shida down for a cover…but the ref catches her foot on the ropes and stops the count.

Shida ends up heading to the outside, where Kamille briefly intervenes giving Mone’ the opening for a Meteora, before bringing Shida back into the ring. Low Meteora by the champ, but it’s only good for a two count. Mercedes is back on the attack however, sending Shida to the corner before slamming her head into the turnbuckle. Shida tries to fight back but is sent to the mat by Mone’, who gets another nearfall in the process!

Mercedes brings the challenger back to her feet, sending Shida to the corner once more…but this time Hikaru fights back, turning things around as she sends the champ into the opposite corner followed by some hard elbow strikes and a jumping knee strike for a nearfall. The champ catches her by surprise with a Backstabber, but a Meteora from the corner is evaded by Shida who sets Mone’ up on the turnbuckle.

Mercedes fights her off before hitting a Meteora off the turnbuckle, but Shida manages to kick out at two. Mone’ grabs the challenger for a Three Amigos, but only gets two of them before Shida counters with a Falcon Arrow. Despite the words of Chuck Taylor, however, Mercedes is able to kick out at two!

Shida leaves the ring, eager to get violent with a kendo stick as Kamille tries to intervene…taking a kendo stick to the shoulder for her troubles! Mercedes grabs the stick from Shida, leading to an argument with the ref that allows Kamille to retaliate with a big boot to the face! She sends Shida back into the ring, where Mercedes hits Hikaru with the Money Maker for the win!

Winner via pinfall and still TBS Champion: Mercedes Mone’

The celebration is cut short as Britt Baker’s music hits, and Kamille recognizes a masked figure in the crowd shades of a few weeks ago. She brings the mystery person over the barricade, laying in the boots as we see Baker making her way through the crowd on the opposite side. She goes into the ring, looking ready to deliver a Lockjaw…but Kamille helps the champ escape, with the pair regrouping on the stage as Baker stands tall holding the TBS Championship up to a pop from the crowd.

We get a look back at last week when Hangman Page attacked Jeff Jarrett, leading to tonight’s match against Jay Lethal. Backstage, Jay Lethal’s attempts to speak on facing Page tonight are interrupted by an attack by the Hangman once more, who brings Lethal to the ring to forego the usual entrances as this match gets underway!

Jay Lethal vs. Hangman Adam Page

Despite the early onslaught by Hangman, it is Jay who manages to get into the swing of things as he sends Page to the outside…but a dive attempt is intercepted by Hangman, who goes right back on the attack both in and out of the ring following a Dead Eye on the apron before we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Page maintains control as he brings Lethal back in the ring, continuing to vent his anger out on a fellow ROH champion until Jay starts to turn things around…but not for long as Page lays into him once again before we come back from break!

Page continues the attack, dropping Lethal with a suplex for a nearfall. He brings Lethal to his feet before sending him to the corner, where he lays in a chop and a right hand. Lethal gets propped up on the corner but fights back until Page catches him with a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. Page backs off, looking ready to inflict more damage as he heads to the corner before charging at Lethal…who escapes and catches Page with a couple roll-ups for a pair of nearfalls in the process. This gets followed with a couple cradles for the same result, and a Lethal Combination that still sees Page kick out at two!

Lethal looks for a figure four leglock but is sent to the ropes by Page, who nearly cinches in a crossface before Lethal breaks the hold. Page catches Jay trying another figure four by gouging the eyes, only for Lethal to catch him with a pin attempt for a two count. Both men back on their feet now, as Page rattles Lethal with a discus lariat followed by the Buckshot Lariat for the win!

Winner via pinfall: Hangman Adam Page

Video Package: We get a look back at the recent RevPro event, as the issues between MJF and Will Ospreay continue to escalate ahead of All In where the “American” Championship is on the line at Wembley Stadium!

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, PAC addresses being the “real” number one contender to the championship held by MJF despite Ospreay getting the match at All In, before stating he will face whoever leaves Wembley Stadium as champion at All Out in the same building he defeated Kenny Omega five years ago!

Video Package: After a look back at Collision where Darby Allin, before going into Darby talking about Jack Perry ahead of their match for the TNT Championship at All In!

Back at ringside, Darby Allin makes his way out to the stage…but is blindsided with a running knee from a hooded figure quickly revealed to be Jack Perry! Perry continues the attack as he brings Allin through the tunnel and to the back, though Darby starts to fight back before being sent into a security door by the TNT Champion…who brings the door down on Darby, keeping him pinned down as he runs his challenger down.

Jack is not done however, as he heads over to a heavy-looking road case looking to run it into Darby. Security rushes in to stop him, dragging him away as he tells Darby that he wants their title bout to be a Coffin Match!

-Commercial Break-

The “film” by Mariah May airs next, with the 2024 Owen Hart Cup winner running down Toni Storm’s mistakes before stating it’s “All About Mariah” and that Toni’s biggest mistake was living at the same time as May. She then talks about moving on once this is all over, before making one last statement: “we’re both gonna die, I just get to write your eulogy!”

Backstage, Renee talks to Mina Shirakawa about the situation. Mina says she is shaken and heartbroken by all of this, hoping that no one is seriously hurt.

Back at ringside, Orange Cassidy makes his way out for our next match, followed by Roderick Strong. Rounding out the competitors is Kyle O’Reilly before this match gets underway!

Three-Way Match (Winner gets #1 spot in Casino Gauntlet Match at All In): Orange Cassidy vs. Roderick Strong vs. Kyle O’Reilly

All three men go at it from the opening bell, knowing what’s at stake as the action spills to the outside where Cassidy goes for a dive on Strong. O’Reilly offers a chance for Cassidy to get back in the ring before we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Cassidy and O’Reilly exchange holds and strikes, each man looking to wear the other down until Strong tries to come into the fray…only to be sent right back out! This allows Kyle and Orange to go back at each other, with Kyle getting a nearfall in the process. Cassidy gets his hands in his pockets, ready for his next move as we come back from break!

Strong comes back in, with all three men falling to the mat as a result of a big suplex spot. The three continue to go at it once they’re back up, with Strong once again being sent out of the ring as Cassidy and O’Reilly end up trading nearfalls leading to a rear choke by Kyle…but Roderick is back, locking in a double Stronghold before both opponents manage to break out. Orange is back on his feet but is soon set to the corner, before Kyle and Roddy go at it. O’Reilly’s got a guillotine locked in on Strong, but it gets broken up with a leg drop from the turnbuckle by Cassidy!

All three men are down as the Undisputed Kingdom make their way down to the ring with chairs…but they are soon cut off by the Conglomeration, leading to a dive by Briscoe to the outside to fend them off! He and Ishii bring the Kingdom back up the ramp and to the back as Strong looks to drop Cassidy onto a chair that’s been set up…but Orange takes a seat, sending Roderick over the ropes to the outside before hitting a dive on him! This is quickly joined by Kyle entering the fray as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The three men start going back at it on the outside, until Roderick takes advantage to bring Cassidy back into the ring as we come back!

Kyle makes his way back in as Roderick is locking in a Stronghold, leading to the former friends attacking each other instead…and this gives Orange an opening to unleash some kicks before hitting the ropes, hitting a DDT on O’Reilly and a Beach Break on Strong for a nearfall. Cassidy setting up for an Orange Punch but gets intercepted by Kyle, who takes Strong back down to the mat before looking for an armbar on Cassidy…only for Strong to lock in a heel hook on Kyle!

Orange escapes the hold he was in, breaking up Roddy’s with a swift kick. He and Kyle look for a high-low, but it turns into a high-low from Kyle and Roderick instead. They both cover Orange but are told they can’t both get the pin, leading to both men getting back up to exchange strikes. Kyle looks for an armbar on Strong, until Orange catches him with a crucifix pin for the win!

Winner via pinfall: Orange Cassidy

Backstage, Renee is standing by with Claudio Castagnoli and Kazuchika Okada for a face-to-face ahead of their match next week for the Continental Championship. Claudio talks about his unsuccessful run in the Continental Classic last year, and what it means to get this opportunity. Okada mocks his challenger, talking up his own tournament accolades before promising to beat Claudio to retain the title. He also says he will continue to be champion going into this year’s Continental Classic, mocking Castagnoli once more before walking off.

Claudio says he hopes he doesn’t face this version of Okada next week. He wants to face the man who has main evented at the Tokyo Dome, the real Rainmaker, before making a statement that next week in Wales, he will be Okada’s number one problem.

-Commercial Break-

We look back at the chaotic main event of Collision before going backstage, where Christian Cage addresses both teams going to a draw and talking about facing new opponents. He then talks about Nick Wayne facing Kip Sabian on Rampage, apologizing to Norfolk for not being there in person, before grabbing the mic from Renee and running her off to hype up the Patriarchy to wrap things up.

We head back to ringside where Tony Schiavone introduces HOOK, making his way to the ring sporting a bandage over his eye after the fireball Chris Jericho threw at him a few weeks ago. Tony asks HOOK how his eye is, to which the former FTW Champion says he cannot see out of it before running down Jericho by saying he can see just fine out the other one. He follows up by challenging Jericho to the FTW Championship, right here and right now in Norfolk!

This brings out The Learning Tree, with Jericho sporting a smirk on his face as the trio takes to the stage. Jericho says hi to everyone before running down HOOK for challenging him to a fight. Jericho starts coming down the ramp asking if HOOK wants a fight…but says he ain’t getting one. It’s not worth Jericho’s time to fight HOOK in Norfolk…but it is worth his time to do so at All In. Jericho lays out some caveats for the title match: first, that it’s HOOK’s final shot at the FTW title, and if he loses he has to walk away from The Learning Tree and the Jericho Vortex forever. The other caveat is that next week in Wales, HOOK must face the Redwood, Big Bill, who promises a beating on HOOK.

HOOK accepts the terms, promising he will beat Big Bill next week and will tear Jericho limb from limb…and that the Learning Tree will never, ever be the same again! The use of his old catchphrase raises the ire of Jericho as we go to commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, the Young Bucks make their way out ahead of our next match, set to defend the AEW World Tag Team Championship…before their challengers in The Acclaimed blindside the champions! The fight gets taken down to the ring, where the Bucks manage to turn it around with a double basement dropkick and a dive on the challengers. Bowens is brought into the ring as Nicholas grabs the titles from the stage, and the bell is rung to get this match underway!

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match: Young Bucks defend against The Acclaimed

Matthew takes the fight to Bowens before getting a nearfall, while Billy Gunn makes his way to the ring to a big pop as he looks to motivate his pals. Tag made to Caster who wears down Matthew some more before Nicholas is able to make the tag, keeping Max down with some hard strikes before tagging Matthew back in as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The Bucks trade tags as they look to keep Caster isolated, but Bowens is able to make the tag and The Acclaimed take control as we come back from break!

They set up for Scissor Me Timbers but Matthew fights out, only to meet an angry Billy Gunn on the outside. Caster tries to confront him but he manages to get back into the ring. Nicholas goes after Billy before tossing a chair at him, which Gunn catches…just as the ref looks over, leading to Gunn being ejected from ringside!

Caster tags back in but is overwhelmed by Matthew, who gets a tag to Nicholas. The fight ends up on the outside, where Caster gets a few shots in before Nicholas sends him back into the ring. Caster is sent to the corner, but Matthew ends up taking a kick from Nicholas instead as Bowens tags in…but Matthew tags in as well, and the Bucks to take Bowens down with some hard kicks, allowing Matthew to get a nearfall.

Bowens gets hung up on the top rope by Nicholas before Matthew hits a Backstabber for a nearfall, and we head to picture-in-picture once again!

Picture-in-Picture: The Bucks maintain control, keeping Bowens down as Nicholas starts taunting Caster…but Bowens fights back, only to take a wheel kick from Nicholas who gets the tag to Matthew. The double teaming continues as Matthew quickly tags back in, and Bowens is struggling as we come back from break!

Matthew is now the legal man as both Bucks knock Caster off the turnbuckle with a double superkick, only to be dropped to the canvas with a double lariat from Bowens! Anthony fights off the Bucks long enough to finally tag in Caster, who takes Nicholas down before sending Matthew into the turnbuckle and follows that with a dive to Nicholas outside.

he brings Nicholas back in, getting a cross body and the cover before Matthew breaks it up. Chaos ensues with all four men being taken out, leading to the ref starting the count before Caster gets to his feet. Nicholas sends him to the corner setting up for a senton bomb…but Caster gets his knees up, driving them into the back of Nicholas!

On the outside we see Matthew take Bowens to the ramp with a powerbomb, as Nicholas fights back to his feet for a tag to Matthew. Caster lays into Matthew until he is sent into the referee, allowing Matthew a chance to nail him with a low blow before he goes for one of the tag titles on the outside. He looks to hit Caster with it until FTR come down to the ring, where Dax grabs the title away from Matthew and threatens to hit him…until Matthew spits in his face, leading to Harwood taking him down with a double leg!

The ref sees this and that is enough to call for the bell, a disqualification win for the Bucks to retain the championship!

Winners via disqualification and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: The Young Bucks

Video Package: A look back at the career of Bryan Danielson, set to “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” by Green Day, centered on his early days and his time in AEW, ahead of what could be the “Final Countdown” for Bryan as he faces Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Championship at All In!

Back at ringside, the American Dragon is in the front row to watch our main event as Wheeler Yuta makes his way to the ring. Out next is Swerve Strickland, who slowly makes his way to the ring avoiding contact with Danielson until staring him down from the ring itself as this match gets underway!

Non-Title Match: AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Wheeler Yuta

Yuta charges at the champ in the corner, but Strickland stops him and quickly takes the fight to the outside, where he brings Yuta over toward Danielson to taunt his challenger as he lays into Wheeler some more. He then sends Yuta back into the ring, laying in a chop before sending him to the corner. Yuta fights back for a moment, but is taken down with a backbreaker by Strickland who follows with another one.

Swerve stays on the attack as he sends Wheeler back into the corner, dropping him with a snapmare and hitting the griddy before climbing the turnbuckle. He points with a smile at Danielson, who’s trying to will on his protege Yuta as Strickland sets the young man up for a modified stretch muffler. The hold is broken but Swerve quickly pins him to the canvas for a nearfall. Swerve sets up a leglock on Yuta, shifting his attention between Yuta and Danielson as he lays in some punches on Wheeler.

Yuta fights back to his feet, pulling at the fingers of the champ to take him to the mat setting up for some hard kicks…but Strickland fights back with some kicks of his own, before getting a nearfall. Wheeler’s back up and sends the champ to the outside with a dropkick, sending him back in the ring before climbing the turnbuckle…but Swerve escapes the path and catches him with a crossface!

Yuta escapes before catching Swerve with an ankle lock…but the champ escapes as well, only for Yuta to stay on the attack before a backpack pin gets him a nearfall. Strickland gets caught with a German suplex that gets Yuta another nearfall, but the champ fights out after with a back elbow. A palm strike from Yuta is met with a smile from Swerve, who lays into Yuta until he falls to the mat after a headbutt from the champ…who follows with a House Call! Crowd is chanting “one more time” and the champ obliges with a second House Call on Yuta…only to set him up for a third one!

Swerve grabs Yuta by the arms, laying into him with the same kicks that Yuta put in earlier. He does it so much that the ref has no choice but to call for the bell!

Winner via ref stoppage: Swerve Strickland

Swerve grabs a mic on the outside, running down Danielson before promising to beat and cripple the American Dragon at Wembley to force him into retirement after All In. Swerve drops the mic as we see Danielson going to check on Yuta…only to take a House Call from Strickland who slides back into the ring! Swerve mocks Danielson with a “Yes” chant of sorts, Prince Nana holding the title up high as Dynamite comes to a close.