AEW Dynamite 07 17 2024

AEW Dynamite Results
July 17, 2024
Little Rock, Arkansas (Simmons Bank Arena)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

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For the 250th time since October 2019, it’s time for AEW Dynamite!

We kick off at ringside for our opening match as MJF makes his way to the ring. Out next is Will Ospreay to a big pop from the Little Rock crowd, as the AEW International Champion heads to the ring before this match gets underway!

AEW International Championship Match: Will Ospreay defends against MJF

The two men stare each other down as the bell rings, the crowd eager to see what happens…until MJF leaves the ring, escaping to the crowd for what appears to be a water break from a fan, ripping up a sign before heading back to the ring. Ospreay goes to lock up, and Max evades him to strut. We finally get a lock up now as the two trade holds, with Ospreay flipping out of a wristlock and giving a strut of his own.

MJF gets a side headlock but Ospreay gets to the ropes, escaping to catch MJF off his game…only for Friedman to duck down to evade the Aerial Assassin. The two lock up again, but MJF complains to the ref about his hair being pulled. Another tieup leads to a similar result, before Ospreay sends the former World Champion out of the ring. Max saves himself from a dive by Ospreay…but Will catches him with a different one entirely!

He brings MJF back into the ring, hitting a back suplex for a nearfall before setting up for a Hidden Blade…only for MJF to get to the corner to avoid the attack. He reels Ospreay into the bottom turnbuckle and taunts the crowd before locking in an armbar. Will gets to his feet but is slammed down by Max who goes for a back suplex of his own…but Ospreay counters out, only to be caught with a jawbreaker of sorts for a nearfall!

Ospreay manages to escape a Heatseeker but Max catches him off the springboard for a cutter, only picking up another nearfall as a result. Ospreay once again evades a Heatseeker, setting up for an elbow off the top turnbuckle. Both men are slow to get to their feet, but once they do they start trading punches until Ospreay gets sent to the ropes…where he catches Max with a forearm forcing him to the outside. MJF takes a breather, but not for long as Ospreay catches him with a cartwheel dive over the top rope!

Ospreay goes up top for a moonsault but MJF rolls away, only for Ospreay to hit a second moonsault…and as Max tries to roll forward he gets caught with a standing shooting star press for a nearfall by Ospreay, who follows up with a Skytwister for another nearfall!

Max rolls to the outside but is caught by the Aerial Assassin, who drops him back to the floor before grabbing a table from ringside. MJF escapes danger as he heads back in the ring, crawling to the corner to beg off the champion…only to get a set of chops for his troubles. Ospreay charges back at MJF, who fights his way out and feigns a hurt knee before catching Ospreay with a piledriver for a close nearfall.

Ospreay is struggling to move as MJF has some words for Daniel Garcia through the camera, before going back to the champion…who fights back to his feet for a chop on MJF. Ospreay hits the ropes, but ends up running right into a knee from Max…who drops to his knees from the impact. MJF goes back after the legs of Ospreay, setting up for a figure four leglock! MJF slaps the champ and uses the pressure to force him to his shoulders for a nearfall…but Ospreay works to reverse the pressure onto the challenger!

Despite being close to the ropes, MJF decides to reverse course to keep the hold on the champion…who finally grabs the bottom rope, forcing a break. Ospreay slowly gets to his feet before MJF sends him to the corner for some chops, sending him across the ring to cause even more damage on the champ who favors his knee after the crash. MJF brings him back up for another chop, sending him to the ropes…and Ospreay’s knee seemingly gives out, causing him to crash to the mat.

Ospreay checks on his knee on the apron while the ref checks on him, but Max goes right back to work by going after Will…who fights back to his feet with some chops, even while struggling to walk. MJF with a chop block to the front of Ospreay’s knee, but it’s only good for a two count on the champ. MJF takes Ospreay to the ropes once more for some strikes before sending him across the ring, only for Will to catch him and drop the challenger to the mat. MJF manages to get back to his feet, calling for a brainbuster…but Ospreay fights out before hitting an Oscutter on Friedman!

Max rolls out of the ring to prevent further momentum for the champ, who looks for an Oscutter on the apron…but MJF falls backward to avoid it, forcing Ospreay to crash onto the apron instead! Ospreay looks hurt and is being checked on as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: MJF takes advantage of the situation, wearing down the champion throughout before bringing him back into the ring proper. Ospreay tries to fight back but is caught in an armbar by the challenger, but the champ fights back to his feet as we come back from break!

Ospreay heads to the ropes but is cut off by MJF, who looks for Salt of the Earth but instead sets up for Made In Japan to get a nearfall on the champ. Will uses the ropes to get back to his feet but Max is still on top of him, wearing Ospreay down…until the champ takes to the ropes once more to drop MJF with a corkscrew kick. Ospreay favoring his shoulder as he brings MJF back to his feet, laying in a couple strikes before Max fights back with an elbow.

Ospreay gets the upper hand here, hoisting MJF onto his shoulder before hitting a modified Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. MJF rolls to the apron, escaping the grasp of the champ as he falls to the floor outside. Ospreay follows him outside, but is fought off by the challenger who escapes through the crowd.

Ospreay gives chase for a walk and brawl that goes up through the stands, with the champ getting a high five from a fan as he brings MJF back toward ringside with some more strikes along the way. One stop made on the trip sees Ospreay dipping the challenger into a trashcan before finally taking the action over the barricade.

With both men finally back at ringside, Ospreay sets MJF up on the table from earlier before climbing up top…but MJF drops off the table before rolling back in the ring. Ospreay gets caught by the challenger for a nearfall, before countering into one of his own. MJF gets another nearfall as they trade off, before Ospreay finally gets backs to his feet…only for the challenger to get to the turnbuckle for a Long Island Sunrise! Max covers the champ, but only gets a nearfall for his efforts.

The fight goes outside as Max sets Ospreay on the table before climbing the turnbuckle…but this time it’s the champ sliding off the table. MJF drops down, going back on the attack as he sends Ospreay to the barricade. He attacks Will’s arm before once again calling out Garcia through the camera, turning his attention back to the champ for more damage before heading back to the ring to break the ref’s count.

MJF gets a running start as he goes back outside, running right into Ospreay before mocking the crowd as he grabs a water bottle for a sip…spilling some water on Doc Sampson before going back after the champion. He sends Ospreay toward the barricade, but the champ leaps on for an Oscutter sending Max to the floor!

Ospreay favors the shoulder again as he brings MJF back into the ring. Max teases a Cross Rhodes on the champ, only to take one from Ospreay instead! MJF gets sent to the corner, where he uses the ref as a shield to get one over on the champ before covering him for a nearfall. Max readjusts, setting Ospreay up for a Heatseeker that the champ evades…only to get caught by his little assassins on the rope by MJF, who gets a nearfall for his efforts once again…before setting up for a tombstone piledriver on the apron!

But the champ escapes! Ospreay goes for one of his own but Max counters out…only to catch a kick to the head by Ospreay, who follows up with a Styles Clash onto the apron! Ospreay sends the challenger back into the ring for a cover, but MJF manages to kick out.

Ospreay is struggling but manages to lift MJF up for a powerbomb, but his challenger is once again able to stay in the match as a nearfall takes us back to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Doc Sampson is called over to check on the champ’s shoulder, as Ospreay appears to be struggling to even move his right arm at this point. It appears the shoulder is dislocated, something the medic and Ospreay manage to finally resolve as Ospreay goes back after MJF…only for the TNT to cut to commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, we see MJF heading to the ropes to take advantage of things once more…but is cut off by the champ for a nearfall! Ospreay takes to the ropes this time, only to be caught in a tombstone piledriver by Max for a nearfall of his own.

Seeing the opening he needs, MJF goes right after that shoulder before wrapping tape around the champ’s throat. The ref admonishes him for this, as Max goes back after Ospreay sending him to the corner to keep the damage on the shoulder. Mocking the fans in Little Rock, MJF brings the champ back to his feet…but Ospreay sends him to the corner this time, fighting back until Max drops him down to the mat!

Ospreay manages to get back into it as he sends MJF to the outside, but the challenger cuts off a dive attempt. Max mocks the fans once again, only to be sent into the camera tech by an Ospreay dive…with the champ bringing MJF back into the ring for a cover, only for the challenger to kick out.

Ospreay gets intercepted on the turnbuckle as MJF looks for a hurricanrana…but the champ catches him, dropping Max to the mat with an avalanche Styles Clash instead! Ospreay struggles for a good position to pin MJF, and this costs him as the challenger grabs a rope to force a break. Max catches the champ on the ropes before hitting a Heatseeker that drives Ospreay’s head onto the apron!

MJF sends him onto the table outside once again, climbing up top…and lands a massive elbow drop, driving the champ through the table! Both men are barely moving as the ref checks on them…and we once again go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: MJF crawls away from the carnage, managing to get back into the ring as the ref begins the count. Ospreay finally manages to move enough to get back in the ring himself, breaking the count as Max does everything he can to avoid dealing with the champ. Rising back to his feet, the challenger starts stomping away at Will’s leg…as we go back to a full commercial break. Thanks again, TBS!

-Commercial Break-

Back from break, MJF catches Ospreay with a standing armbar using the top rope for leverage until the ref admonishes him. MJF grabs the rope again until the ref once again gives out to him about it…and it eventually gets to a point where the ref kicks MJF’s hand off the rope to stop the chicanery!

This throws Max off enough for Ospreay to get a couple nearfalls on the challenger, who fights back for a couple nearfalls of his own. Backslide by Ospreay for a nearfall, but gets caught for a powerbomb that gives Max a close nearfall once more!

Both men are still down as the ref checks on them, with Ospreay slowly getting back to a vertical base in the corner while Max teases a kangaroo kick…which gets caught for a monkey flip attempt by the champ! MJF catches himself on the corner, but gets dropped with a Cheeky Nando’s by Ospreay instead. Will goes for a hurricanrana on the challenger, but MJF lands on his feet before charging at him in the corner.

Max goes for a hurricanrana of his own, but this time the champ lands on his feet much to MJF’s surprise. Ospreay starts fighting back with some hard strikes leading to an enziguri. Sunset flip leads into a series of nearfall attempts by both men…and Ospreay goes for an Oscutter that gets intercepted by MJF! The two trade strikes and reversals now, leading to a Spanish Fly by the champ…but MJF manages to kick out!

Ospreay manages to get back to his feet as MJF heads to the corner, where he gets set up by the champ…only for Max to catch him for a tombstone piledriver attempt. Ospreay fights out, hitting an Oscutter followed by the Hidden Blade…but it only gets him a nearfall as the challenger is still in this!

Ospreay sets up for another Hidden Blade, but MJF manages to narrowly evade it…forcing the champ to crash to the mat instead. MJF tries to fight back before Ospreay hits him with a headbutt…and we get a 1-minute warning as Ospreay teases a Tiger Driver on MJF. He pauses even as he has MJF up for the move, softly dropping the challenger back to the mat instead…and Max takes advantage of this by shoving the champ into the ref!

With the ref down, Max appears to be setting up for something before catching Ospreay with a massive right hand. MJF makes the cover, and with literally two seconds left in the match he gets the pin and the win for the title!

Winner via pinfall and new AEW International Champion: MJF

Medics and officials check on both men as we get the occasional shot of what MJF used to pick up this win, a peek at the Dynamite Diamond ring he threw out to the floor as MJF is given oxygen after everything he’s been through. MJF has enough time to say we can thank him later as we cut away.

Backstage, The Acclaimed talk to Mark Briscoe about joining Team AEW for Blood & Guts next week. Briscoe accepts the offer, though he quickly turns his attention to Swerve Strickland who addresses the former tag champions before asking if they’re ready to get violent. Briscoe calls out The Elite as the group walks away, before a graphic for All In reminds us that Strickland will defend the AEW World Championship against Bryan Danielson. We then get a graphic for the Champion VS Champion match taking place tonight, before heading back to the ring.

Back in the ring, it’s time for TV Time. Big Bill welcomes “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho, who talks about being at the very first Dynamite as we celebrate Dynamite 250. Jericho then admonishes those who don’t take the advice of the Learning Tree, showing footage of what’s happened to HOOK, Shibata, and Samoa Joe as a result.

Jericho wants to know who would be crazy enough not to listen to the Learning Tree…and it seems we may have an answer as Minoru Suzuki walks down to the ring to a great reception from the crowd. Suzuki has a paper in his hand as he stares down the Learning Tree…grabbing his microphone to say “next week” before Bryan Keith reads off the paper, revealing an FTW Championship match between Suzuki and Jericho with Big Bill and Bryan Keith banned from ringside!

Suzuki punctuates the challenge with a headbutt before leaving the ring as we cut backstage, where The Elite responds to Team AEW’s promo earlier. The Young Bucks hype themselves up as well as Okada and Jack Perry, welcoming back Hangman Page to join their team next week before Mercedes Mone’ interrupts to thank the EVPs for banning Britt Baker from backstage. Okada asks if Mone’ can do the C-E-O dance for them before she walks off, with Okada showing his, uh…gratitude before we cut to commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, Mercedes Mone’ makes her way to the ring for our next match as she defends her TBS Championship. Out next is the challenger as Nyla Rose, who heads to the ring before this match gets underway!

TBS Championship Match: Mercedes Mone’ defends against Nyla Rose

Mercedes goes for a lockup but is quickly sent to the corner by Rose, only to leap over to evade the challenger…who drops Mone’ to the mat just as quickly. The champ manages to turn things around with a couple kicks, using the corner to inflict some more damage…but Rose fights right back, only for Mercedes to evade a delayed vertical suplex. Mone’ goes for a tornado DDT but gets caught by the challenger, who hangs her up on the top rope before delivering a knee drop for a nearfall as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Nyla continues the attack, wearing down the champ as she sends Mercedes into the corner. Mone’ manages to escape, turning things around with a running double knee in the corner for a nearfall. Mercedes takes a moment before going back after the challenger, stomping away as Rose heads to the corner…but the champ lays in some mounted punches, countering a powerbomb into a hurricanrana for another nearfall. She goes for an abdominal stretch, trying to wear Nyla down even further until the challenger fights back with a boot, only to be caught once again by the champ as we come back from break!

Rear choke by Mercedes is broken up with a snap suplex, forcing Mone’ to escape to the corner where the challenger catches her with a chop. Mercedes heads to the opposite corner but is caught with a hip attack as Rose makes the cover, but the champ kicks out to stay in the match. Nyla climbs the turnbuckle, but is cut off by Mone’ who hits a splash and a running dropkick in the corner. Mercedes climbs back up for a Meteora, but only gets a two count for her efforts.

Champ gets caught by Nyla, setting her up on the top turnbuckle…but Mone’ catches her with an avalanche bulldog! The champ pulls out a glove with CEO on it, mocking Britt Baker as she cinches in a Lockjaw on Rose…who breaks out of it by biting the hand of Mone’! Mercedes transitions to a Statement Maker, forcing Nyla to tap out to retain!

Winner via submission and still TBS Champion: Mercedes Mone’

Mercedes celebrates before leaving the ring, ripping up a sign from a masked “fan”…who shoves her away before taking the mask off to reveal Britt Baker! She rushes after the champ, but security is able to intercede before things get too crazy.

Video Package: Mariah May addresses turning on “Timeless” Toni Storm, saying she would do anything to make Toni proud…and this one’s for the champ!

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, Jack Perry addresses Darby Allin’s challenge from last week, telling him to find the champ tonight to find out what a real sacrifice looks like.

We go back to ringside, where Toni Storm’s music hits…only to reveal Mariah May to appear on the stage, dressed like the Timeless One before heading to the ring. May enters the ring, grabbing a microphone to say everyone saw this coming…except Toni Storm.

She calls the champion a woman so desperate for the spotlight, that she didn’t see she was giving it all away. The question shouldn’t be why, it should be “Mariah, what took so long?”

Mariah says she didn’t think it would take this long either, but she was having so much fun that she couldn’t help string things along…until she saw Wembley. She then says she can be Toni Storm, but now can be so much more…but don’t worry Toni, Mariah still loves you.

The crowd interrupts, chanting “We Want Toni” to the amusement of Mariah. May says she never loved Storm more than when she was on her knees, begging her to stop. Mariah calls that Toni’s greatest performance, and May’s greatest performance will be at All In…because All Elite Wrestling is now All About Mariah.

Backstage, the Bang Bang Gang addresses having the Unified World Trios Championship stripped in footage from Collision. Christopher Daniels confronts them to get the titles, before the group calls out the Patriarchy…and if you’re not down with that, they’ve got two words for ya: Guns Up!

-Commercial Break-

We head back to ringside for our main event, as the coin drops to signal the arrival of Kazuchika Okada. The AEW Continental Champion heads to the ring for this Champion VS Champion match, his entrance cut off by the arrival of Swerve Strickland as the AEW World Champion heads to the ring next…and this match gets underway!

Champion VS Champion: AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. AEW Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada

The two lock up with Okada getting the advantage first, only for Strickland to turn things around. They take to the ropes, each man evading the other until Swerve hits an arm drag on Okada…who responds with a headscissors that Swerve escapes to lead us to a standoff.

Okada sends him to the corner but Strickland is quick to counter, taking him to the mat before hitting an uppercut off the ropes. He mocks Okada’s taunt, drawing some ire from the Rainmaker who gets to his feet before the two trade strikes. Okada mocks Swerve to get a free shot…and Strickland obliges with a kick down low! Swerve leaves the ring, but is cut off with a DDT from Okada as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Okada stays in control, wearing down Strickland before bringing him back into the ring for more damage. Swerve fights back but is quickly taken down by the Rainmaker, before the fight heads to the corner. Okada sends Swerve across the ring and follows with a flying hip attack, mocking the crowd as Strickland tries to recover. Okada goes right back after the World Champion, but Swerve fights back with a right hand before Okada shoves him off, only for the two to trade strikes as we come back from break!

Okada gets caught with a strike on the jaw, giving Strickland an opening…but not for long as he gets rattled in the corner by the Rainmaker. Okada goes after him on the apron now, but Strickland fights out of a tombstone piledriver attempt. Swerve takes to the corner for a rolling flatliner, followed by a lungblower for a close nearfall.

Swerve heads to the corner but is cut off by Okada, who hits a neckbreaker for a nearfall of his own before the Continental Champion gets to his feet. He brings Swerve up as well, hitting a scoop slam before climbing up top for an elbow drop and giving the people something they DON’T want…only for Swerve to roll him up for a nearfall!

Swerve starts fighting back now, but is quickly cut off by a dropkick from the Rainmaker. Okada goes to the corner, but is intercepted by Swerve for a neckbreaker and a big powerslam. Swerve goes up top, but Okada evades a Swerve Stomp…and drops him with a tombstone piledriver!

Okada goes for a Rainmaker lariat but it gets countered by Strickland…and the Young Bucks rush into the ring, blindsiding the World Champion! The ref calls for the bell!

Winner via disqualification: Swerve Strickland

Jack Perry runs in to gang up on Strickland, but The Acclaimed and Mark Briscoe run down to even the odds! Chaos ensues Strickland eventually clears the ring…but Hangman Page comes down to confront his fiercest rival! The two end up brawling out of the ring and through the crowd as we turn our attention to the other men on both squads for Blood & Guts going at it outside the ring…until Darby Allin’s music hits.

The crowd gets riled up as we finally see where Darby is coming from, as the daredevil of AEW comes down from the rafters to join the fray! Officials are doing all they can to break things as Dynamite 250 comes to a close.