AEW Dynamite 06 26 2024

AEW Dynamite Results
June 26, 2024
Buffalo, New York (KeyBank Center)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

It is Wednesday, my dudes…you know what that means.

The show opens with MJF’s music signaling the arrival of the former AEW World Champion as he approaches the ring…but he is quickly interrupted by Buffalo’s own Daniel Garcia! Garcia enters the ring, staring MJF down as he gets a microphone of his own.

MJF tells Garcia to tread lightly before Daniel thanks him for the help last week. He says that here in Buffalo, everything is Daniel’s business before saying he’s sure MJF is out here to run down his hometown and his family. Garcia says hi to his mother before saying he’s going to do what no one else has been willing to do…he’s gonna say nice things about MJF!

This surprises Max and the crowd as Garcia talks about his reign as champion. MJF approached Garcia some time ago, and rather than saw him as some rookie he saw Garcia as a pillar of this company…and if he could win enough matches he could challenge for the World Title. When he did challenge, it was one of the most embarrassing nights ever…but the loss motivated him to go on the run of his career.

That run has helped him realized he doesn’t have to settle for being a pillar, when he can be the backbone of this company…and for that, Garcia wants to thank MJF. He also wants to let him know, if he wants to talk smack now, he’s gonna have the city of Buffalo at his head.

MJF scoffs at this, but says he didn’t come out here to run down Buffalo. He came out here first to soullessly shill Forbidden Door when MJF faces Hechicero, get your tickets today. Reason number two–before he was so rudely interrupted–he wanted Garcia to come out here as he had a question for him. After everything that came out of Garcia’s mouth, however, MJF has just one thing to say…thank you.

The two shake hands before MJF says no one else wants to say these things and he understands why, but no one else is on his level…though he can see one man who’s getting close. MJF says he that Garcia earned the praise that was given, before acknowledging that he beat Garcia down a lot when they last faced off. That said, Garcia doesn’t run away from the grind…Daniel Garcia IS the grind.

MJF offers Garcia another match, but not just any match…Daniel Garcia versus Maxwell Jacob Friedman in Wembley Stadium, at All In! The crowd pops for this as Garcia starts to respond…before Will Ospreay’s music hits, bringing the AEW International Champion out to a strong response from the crowd.

Ospreay calls out to Buffalo wanting to see their faces, which gets a big pop before Will gives a shoutout to Daniel Garcia. Ospreay addresses Garcia’s request for a shot at the title he holds, and the wins he’s been collecting to get there. He thanks Garcia for letting him get Forbidden Door out of the way, and offers a shot at the International Championship next week…but not only that, but a shot at the World Championship as well!

Garcia loves the sound of that, accepting the challenge as Ospreay leaves the ring. Garcia turns his attention to MJF about his challenge for All In…but Max tells Garcia he should focus on the match against Ospreay, before leaving the ring. Garcia gives a little dance to celebrate what went down, as we see Swerve Strickland watching on from backstage.

Strickland talks Ospreay down for giving title shots before Forbidden Door even goes down, and then tells him to keep up his end of the bargain when they team up later tonight. Swerve walks off as Prince Nana asks us whose house? The crowd responds “Swerve’s House” as Nana takes a sip of his…coffee?…before walking off.

Back at ringside, BCC make their way to the ring for our opening contest before Los Ingobernables de Japon arrive next, with a graphic reminding us of the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship match at Forbidden Door as this trios match gets underway!

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta) vs. LIJ (Shingo Takagi, Titan and Hiromu Takahashi)

We start off with Shingo and Claudio as the two go at it, Claudio getting an early advantage on the mat before Shingo fights back to his feet. The two trade blows again before Shingo gets sent to the corner, only to take Claudio down before they end with a standoff. Tags made to Hiromu and Yuta who trade strikes until Hiromu sends Yuta to the corner, using the impact to catch Wheeler with a kick!

Tag made to Titan as LIJ triple-team Yuta in the corner, and Titan follows up with a missile dropkick and a standing dropkick that sends Yuta to the outside. Yuta gets brought back in as Titan goes for the cover, but only gets a nearfall. Yuta fights back with some strikes and a inverted atomic drop, before tagging in Castagnoli.

Titan hits a flurry of offense on Claudio, but a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker turns things around for Castagnoli as a tag to Mox brings us to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Mox keeps control of the match by wearing Titan down, tagging Yuta in to continue the beatdown as Wheeler gets a nearfall. Yuta only lets up on this to tag in Claudio, who goes for more damage of his own on the masked man…but Titan starts fighting back before getting caught with a giant swing by Claudio sending him toward the corner. Claudio gets a nearfall for his efforts before locking in an armbar, with Titan struggling to fight out as we return from break!

Hiromu runs in to break things up, leading to a bit of chaos (not the New Japan stable) between all six men! Things settle down as we’re left with Titan and Moxin the ring, with Jon keeping Titan away from his corner. Titan fights back, dropping Mox to the mat before tagging in Shingo…who sends Mox to the corner for some clubbing blows!

Claudio tries to intervene but is sent to the corner by Shingo, who hits some uppercuts on both men before sending Mox into Claudio, giving the opening to drop both of them to the canvas. Yuta runs in but faces Shingo’s wrath as well, leaving us with Mox and Shingo trading blows once again.

Mox hits Takagi with a hard right hand but takes a back elbow from Shingo in response, leading to a tag to Yuta that sends him right into an exchange of strikes. Shingo sends Wheeler to the ropes, but he rebounds and evades Shingo to drop him for a nearfall…only for Shingo to nearly catch him with a nearfall of his own!

Shingo goes right back after Yuta, but Mox has seemingly had enough as he slides into the ring with a chair, attacking Shingo with it to force the match to a non-finish! The ref calls for the bell!

Winners via disqualification: LIJ (Shingo Takagi, Titan and Hiromu Takahashi)

BCC go for the beatdown on LIJ as Naito’s music hits, bringing the challenger for Mox’s IWGP World Heavyweight Championship out as Mox finally leaves the ring to go after him while Titan and Claudio go at it. Shingo and Yuta fight on the outside and then inside, with Shingo hitting some clubbing elbows on Yuta before Bryan Danielson leaves commentary to confront his Owen Hart Cup opponent for Forbidden Door. Shingo finally stops as he stands across the ring from Danielson, staring him down ahead of their big match at the pay-per-view before we go to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, the Bang Bang Gang make their way out to the ring as Jay White is in action for this Owen Hart Cup match. Out next is Rey Fenix, accompanied by Alex Abrahantes and Penta El Zero Miedo as he heads to the ring and we get both groups getting dueling responses from the crowd…but the seconds (and thirds and fourths) on both sides get at it so much the ref ejects them all before this match gets underway!

Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Quarterfinal: Jay White vs. Rey Fenix

Fenix tries to surprise Jay with a rollup but only gets a nearfall, as White sends him to the corner and then the ropes for some strikes. Fenix starts to fight back before being sent to the ropes, eventually taking the Switchblade down with a headscissors before using the ropes for an arm drag forcing him out of the ring.

White tries to get a breather before Fenix takes him down with a dive through the ropes, sending him to the barricade for a thrust kick before heading back onto the apron…where White trips him up to turn the tide. Fenix in the corner now as White fights back with a neckbreaker, taking control of the match as we head into picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: The action spills to the outside where Jay continues to wear Fenix down, turning his attention briefly to someone in the crowd for some jawjacking before going back to Fenix, sending him into the ring for a nearfall. Switchblade hits some punches sending Fenix back in the corner, followed by a big chop as we return from break!

White hits a couple more chops before Fenix fights back, hitting a thrust kick and a tightrope kick laying Switchblade out before hitting a frog splash…but only gets a nearfall! Both men back to their feet as White blocks a thrust kick to drop Fenix to the canvas with a DDT, following up with a brainbuster for another nearfall. Jay looks for a sleeper suplex but Fenix reverses, pinning him down for a nearfall. White fights back with a uranage, but only gets a nearfall of his own as a result!

Jay looks for a Blade Runner but Fenix counters out for another close nearfall, and the two exchange counters before Fenix goes for a belly to belly piledriver…only for White to counter with the Blade Runner for the pin and the win to advance!

Winner via pinfall and advancing in the Owen Hart Cup: Jay White

Bang Bang Gang come back out to celebrate the win before Christian Cage steps out, staring down the Unified World Trios Champions as the Patriarchy head to the ring. The champs invite Cage to step into the ring, but Christian decides better of it before he and his crew retreat up the ramp.

Backstage, the Young Bucks vent their frustration about The Acclaimed beating them in the Tag Title Eliminator match last week before promising they will retain. They also talk about The Elite all holding gold after Forbidden Door, before stating they are inserting their own wildcard into the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. They then run down a stagehand for not tying their shoe before we cut back to ringside…where The Acclaimed make their way out, presumably with a response to the Bucks as we go to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

We head back to ringside where The Acclaimed address the match last week when they beat the Young Bucks for a future shot at the AEW World Tag Team Championship. They exposed the EVPs for who they really are, and promise they’re getting those titles back…and all they have to do is beat the Bucks one more time!

Bowens says the champs will have no excuses the next time they face off, with the challengers planning a strategy around when to make the challenge. He tells Buffalo to throw those scissors up, but he’s interrupted by Okada and the Bucks.

The Elite talk about conducting some business as they look to challenge The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn to a trios match at Forbidden Door…but Billy Gunn says he’s giving up his spot in the match to someone else, calling us to the screen for a video package that reveals Hiroshi Tanahashi will team with The Acclaimed instead! Scissor Ace is coming, much to the chagrin of The Elite as we head backstage for a promo from Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe, and Orange Cassidy that I once again cannot do justice with a recap.

Back at ringside, Toni Storm makes her way to the ring alongside Mariah May for our next match before Mina Shirakawa and…Mariah May…step out to the stage next. They make their way to the ring as Anna Jay, Harley Cameron, and Saraya come to the ring before this match gets underway!

Saraya, Harley Cameron and Anna Jay vs. AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm, Mariah May and Mina Shirakawa

We start off with Anna and Mina going at each other, with Jay starting to get the upperhand before a tag gets made to Mariah. Things quickly turn into chaos as Harley tags in, only to get worn down by Mariah who looks for a tag…but is unsure whether to tag in Mina or Toni. They both slap her shoulder for the tag, but things break down once again as May gets sent to the outside as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Harley continues to wear down May during the commercial, with an assist from Anna and Saraya to keep her isolated as we return from break!

Mariah manages to get a tag and it’s the champ running in, taking Saraya down after the tag is made there…but Mina tags herself in! This gives Saraya an opening to strike before tagging Harley back in, with Cameron getting a nearfall before Mariah breaks it up! Mina gets the tag as Anna and Saraya get sent to the outside, allowing Shirakawa to hit the Mina Driver on Cameron for the pin and the win!

Winners via pinfall: Toni Storm, Mariah May and Mina Shirakawa

The trio start to celebrate before Mina steps away, grabbing a bottle to attack the champion ahead of their match at Forbidden Door…but Storm evades, forcing the bottle to crack against Mariah May instead! Mina and Storm check on the fallen Mariah before an angry Toni starts shouting at Shirakawa before officials break things up.

Video Package: Mercedes Moné and Stephanie Vaquer face off in a Title For Title match with the TBS Championship and NJPW Strong Women’s Championship on the line!

Backstage, Mercedes talks about being here on Dynamite while Vaquer is not…before turning her attention to Collision when the NJPW Strong Women’s Champion is in action. She tells Stephanie to enjoy her final days as champion before Forbidden Door, because Moné changes everything.

Back at ringside, “The Learning Tree” Chris Jericho heads to the ring alongside his students, as Big Bill says that the attack on Bryan Keith means he is not cleared to compete in the upcoming trios match…but where one door closes, another Forbidden Door opens.

Jericho gets the mic, running Samoa “Joke” and his crew for injuring their Bad Apple before unveiling a video of their own to reveal their partner for Forbidden Door. He talks about not watching the video because he wanted everyone to see this at once, and the video on the screen reveals…Minoru Suzuki!

The video shows Suzuki addressing their past teaming but says Chris misunderstands something…Suzuki doesn’t want to team with him, he wants to face Jericho one-on-one! He asks Jericho if he’s afraid of him, saying he wants nothing to do with the “Learning Tree” stuff before challenging Jericho to a match for the FTW Championship!

Bryan starts to run down Suzuki before Samoa Joe’s music hits, bringing him along with HOOK and Shibata out to the ring as Joe runs Jericho down. The trio has been studying meticulously to get an understanding of their opponents, asking for their thoughts and saying Shibata summed it up best…with Shibata using his phone translator to say “oh brother, this guy sucks!”

Jericho slaps Joe in the face for this, leading to a headbutt from Joe as all six men start to go at it before the Learning Tree and his branches rush out of the ring. They retreat up the ramp as we go to commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, Zack Sabre Jr. makes his way to the ring for our next match as we see Gabe Kidd from Bullet Club War Dogs hanging out with Undisputed Kingdom in the crowd. Out next is Kyle O’Reilly as this match gets underway!

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

The men circle the mat before locking up, trading holds until Sabre gets O’Reilly down…but Kyle quickly fights back to his feet, leading to a standoff between them. ZSJ takes O’Reilly to the corner before Kyle fights back, countering into an armbar before Sabre escapes to the corner. Sabre locks up once again but is caught with a hammerlock before breaking free. Kyle grabs a hold of the wrist to get Zack to his back for a nearfall, before transitioning to a kick to the spine of Sabre!

Snapmares get exchanged between the two before Sabre counters out of a hold, twisting the neck of O’Reilly and attacking his hands to take control as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Sabre wears O’Reilly down before bringing him back to the middle of the ring, but Kyle counters into a guillotine before ZSJ escapes…only to get caught with a dragon screw to the ropes by O’Reilly! Sabre gets control back with a modified headlock as we come back from break!

O’Reilly fights out of the hold, countering into an ankle lock that Sabre escapes from…but he can’t escape a flurry of kicks sending him to the mat. Sabre does, however, keep Kyle on his toes with some more strikes before O’Reilly fights back…only to take a kick before ZSJ gets him down for a nearfall. Kyle back on the attack as he goes for a cross arm breaker, but Zack’s able to break free…only for O’Reilly to catch him with an ankle lock!

ZSJ counters into a cross arm breaker of his own, but O’Reilly escapes for another ankle lock before Sabre breaks free. Both men on their feet as Zack hits an elbow strike that leads into both men kicking each other…but it’s Sabre who gets sent down to the mat! Both men back on their feet and once again go at it, until Zack rolls through for a cross arm breaker.

O’Reilly tries to counter out, but Sabre traps him with a key lock for a quick tapout to bring this match to an end!

Winner via submission: Zack Sabre Jr.

Things heat up with TMDK and Gabe Kidd heading to ringside to confront Orange Cassidy…until Tomohiro Ishii comes out to help even the odds! Ishii heads to the ring, standing alongside Cassidy until their foes retreat away from the ring as we go to commercial break.

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, the AEW World Champion makes his way to the ring for our main event! Out next is his partner, the AEW International Champion and the man challenging him for his title at Forbidden Door as Will Ospreay heads to the ring. The Gates of Agony make their way to the ring to round out the competitors before this match gets underway!

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland and AEW International Champion Will Ospreay vs. Gates of Agony (Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun)

Gates of Agony rush the champions, with Liona taking Swerve out of the ring as we start off with Bishop and Ospreay going at it. Ospreay manages to get the upper hand before tagging in Strickland, with each man hitting a moonsault on Kaun before Swerve gets a nearfall. Frustration is already mounting as Ospreay slowly makes his way out of the ring, only to see them nearly hit each other before Kaun takes advantage.

Tag made to Liona as the Gates look for a double-team, only for the champ to escape to the outside as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Gates regain control of the match as they bring Swerve back in the ring, wearing the World Champion down before we come back from break!

Swerve starts fighting back, inching toward the corner for a tag before Liona pulls him back. Swerve breaks free, only for Kaun to sweep Ospreay off the apron to keep the World Champion isolated instead. Gates of Agony go back on the attack until Swerve sends Kaun into Liona, giving him the opening to tag in Ospreay!

Kaun gets the tag as Will starts fighting back, but Bishop catches him with a big slam from the top turnbuckle for a nearfall before Strickland breaks it up. Liona comes rushing in but gets sent to the outside by Swerve, who hits a Swerve Stomp as Ospreay takes Kaun down for a nearfall. Ospreay starts to set up for a Tiger Driver 91, hesitating before Strickland tells him to go for it…but Kaun fights out of it, before Ospreay ends up hitting Strickland!

Gates take advantage of this until Swerve breaks up the nearfall, leading to a staredown between the two champions before taking Kaun down for a nearfall off an Oscutter. Liona gets the tag now, but is taken out with a Hidden Blade by Ospreay while Swerve keeps Kaun at bay for the pin and the win!

Winners via pinfall: Swerve Strickland and Will Ospreay

The pair celebrate until Ospreay gets his hands on the AEW World Championship, which sets Swerve off as he kicks him down to the mat…and follows up with a House Call to lay his challenger out! Swerve takes his title back, standing all with the title on his shoulder as Dynamite comes to a close.