AEW Dynamite 06 12 2024

AEW Dynamite Results
June 12, 2024
Des Moines, Iowa (Wells Fargo Arena)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

It is Wednesday, my dudes…you know what that means.

The show kicks off with AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland making his way out to a big pop from the Des Moines crowd. Commentary remind us that Strickland defends his title against Will Ospreay as the champ heads to the ring alongside Prince Nana, who leads the crowd in chanting “Whose House? Swerve’s House” before the champ begins to speak.

Swerve asks if they’re ready for tonight and for Forbidden Door, as “Billy GOAT” Will Ospreay faces the Mogul himself in the main event for the AEW World Championship. Two absolute bonafide stars, the biggest in this generation colliding, for all gold. Two killers, well…more like one killer…in that ring. Swerve says what he told Ospreay about the killer instinct still holding true, and seeing Ospreay as an Assassin over and over again…until Double Or Nothing. He didn’t see that assassin against Strong, and says that Strickland isn’t someone you can hesitate on. He got the nickname Killshot because if you don’t pull that trigger, Swerve sure will.

He commends Ospreay on being a fighting champ, however, unlike the EVPs who haven’t hardly defended their belts. This draws out the Elite, with Okada saying it’s his house before Nicholas runs down those who have faced them and how “half the roster” has left because of them. The trolls and bots still doubt them, and the boys in the back don’t think they’re violent…but they challenge AEW’s best in the most violent match in the company…Blood And Guts! Matthew says this is where Swerve comes into the picture.

Despite what Swerve’s said lately, they still dig the champ. They offer a proposal to the World Champion to join The Elite as their fifth man for Blood And Guts, offering a pair of their new shoes as a gift. Matthew hands a pair to the champ, who says he doesn’t wear size 9s, and no one wears pearl necklaces. He runs them down before before calling himself a philanthropist…prompting Nana to throw the shoes into the crowd!

The Bucks are not happy about this, looking to hit the champ with an “injury bug” before The Acclaimed rush down for the save…except the interim EVP Christopher Daniels steps out to intervene, calling for everyone except Jack Perry to leave the ringside area, because he is set for a TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier right now against Dustin Rhodes!

Dustin’s music hits as we get the introductions, with Rhodes heading to the ring to get this match underway!

TNT Championship Ladder Match Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes vs. Jack Perry

Perry does his best to get the upper hand on Dustin when he enters the ring, but Rhodes manages to turn it around quickly as he wears the Scapegoat down. The action doesn’t take long to spill to the outside, with Rhodes catching Perry with a back body drop to the floor as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Perry manages to turn things around, bringing Rhodes into the ring before driving him into the corner for more damage. He lays in the beating some more as we return from break!

Jack’s got Dustin up on the ropes as he teases a V-trigger…only to get caught with a powerslam from the Natural! Both men back to their feet as they trade blows. Dustin manages to get the upper hand here, sending Perry to the corner before grabbing a chair that was brought in…but the ref pulls it away! With the ref distracted, Rhodes hits Perry with the corner low blow before getting a nearfall. He sets the Scapegoat up for a Cross Rhodes, and makes the cover…but Perry manages to kick out just before three!

Perry takes control of the match once again, sending Rhodes to the outside before driving the Natural’s head into the concrete. Perry goes back in the ring as the ref begins the count, but Rhodes narrowly gets to his feet and back in the ring by nine. Despite being back in the ring, Dustin finds himself struggling back to his feet as Perry watches on…only to drop the Natural with a sneaky low blow of his own!

Perry heads tot he corner as Dustin slowly gets to his knees…flipping off the Scapegoat, which only angers Perry as he hits a big knee strike for the pin and the win!

Winner via pinfall: Jack Perry

Perry advances to the TNT Championship ladder match at Forbidden Door, as the Scapegoat celebrates in the corner before leaving the ring.

After a recap from Collision, we head backstage where O’Reilly, Briscoe, and Cassidy address their trios match later tonight. Cassidy talks about folks having his back, including Willow Nightingale. Mark then fires everyone up with an impassioned speech that is a little hard to recap, before everyone but Willow and Orange leave the scene.

We cut back to ringside as RUSH makes his way to the ring, his opponent already in the ring as this match gets underway!

RUSH vs. Deonn Rusman

RUSH dominates from the early going, laying into Rusman all throughout the ring before putting him away quickly for the pin and the win.

Winner via pinfall: RUSH

RUSH isn’t quite finished however, grabbing a microphone from ringside and telling the crowd to shut up before laying into Rusman back in the ring…until MJFL makes his way out to the stage, taking his jacket off before making a beeline for the ring as he and RUSH go at it! Security rushes in to break things up, but it seems RUSH and MJF have one thing in common as they want to have this fight uninterrupted, sending the security out before they go back at it. MJF takes a bite out of RUSH who leaves the ring, only to go back after Max and sends him toward the barricade. MJF turns it around as the fight spills into the crowd.

They continue to brawl, with MJF getting the upper hand as the chaos backstage. Things only manage to escalate when RUSH sends a trashcan at the head of Friedman before staff and the roster come in to try and break things up even further. We cut back to commentary as they reveal that MJF takes on RUSH next week with no commercials to interrupt the action (something I’m gonna hold them to, thank you very much!), before running down the rest of the card for tonight.

We cut to a recap from Collision as we gear up for tag team action between the Premier Athletes and Samoa Joe and HOOK, but up next is trios action as Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly and Mark Briscoe take on Kyle Fletcher, Roderick Strong and Konosuke Takeshita!

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, Orange Cassidy makes his way to the ring for our next match. He is quickly followed by Kyle O’Reilly and Mark Briscoe before the trio make their way to the ring. Out next are Kyle Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita, accompanied by Trent Beretta and Don Callis before Roderick Strong heads out alongside The Undisputed Kingdom, the group in full heading to the ring before this trios match gets underway!

Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly and Mark Briscoe vs. Kyle Fletcher, Roderick Strong and Konosuke Takeshita

We start off with Cassidy and Strong, but Orange tags in O’Reilly who has a score to settle with Roderick…but not just yet, as Strong tags in Fletcher. The two go at it, until Fletcher tags in Takeshita. This is followed by Briscoe tagging in, taking the fight to Takeshita for a moment before Konosuke gets the upper hand once again. Cassidy tags back in but is taken down by the Alpha, who tags in Fletcher for a double-team. O’Reilly intervenes before Briscoe takes him down on the outside with a dive…which is followed by a dive from Fletcher as well! This leaves Cassidy alone in the ring, and he hits a springboard dive on everyone else sending them to the floor.

Orange gets back to his feet as Trent confronts him…giving Konosuke an opening to lay him out with a lariat to the floor as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Cassidy gets brought back into the ring as Takeshita continues to wear him down, tagging in Fletcher for a short spell before the Alpha is brought back in to continue the attack…but Cassidy counters out of a half and half, only to be laid out by Takeshita who tags Strong in as we come back from break!

Cassidy manages to escape the grasp of Roderick before tagging in O’Reilly go goes right after his old friend before a tag is made to Takeshita. Kyle goes after him and the intervening Fletcher before Roderick tries to go after him off a tag…only for Briscoe to tag in! Chaos ensues until we’re left with Roddy and Mark in the ring, with Strong countering a crane kick only to be sent in the corner. Strong goes up top but is taken out by Briscoe, before Cassidy makes the tag…but Mark is on a roll with a big dive to Strong and Fletcher, who tagged in just in time to be laid out!

Fletcher rolled back into the ring as Cassidy drops him for a nearfall, but an Orange Punch gets stopped by interference before chaos ensues once again between all six men. Briscoe looking for a Jay Driller on Takeshita, but he gets dropped with a Blue Thunder Bomb…right before Cassidy hits a DDT on Konosuke. Fletcher gets involved and feels the wrath of a Stundog Millionaire, followed by a big kick from Briscoe sending Takeshita out of the ring.

Cassidy goes up top but is caught by Roderick Strong, only to be knocked off by Briscoe who makes a blind tag as Cassidy gets hit with a brainbuster…and Briscoe hits him with a Froggy Bow for a nearfall! We get just a little more chaos in this ring, before Fletcher puts Briscoe away with a piledriver for the pin and the win!

Winners via pinfall: Kyle Fletcher, Roderick Strong and Konosuke Takeshita

Trent goes on to attack Cassidy outside the ring, until Willow’s music hits…but Nightingale is blindsided by Kris Statlander on the stage! Stokely warns her against getting involved in their business as the Don Callis Family watch on.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, Renee talks about Rey Fenix as we see the challenger warming up for his title match in our main event and showing that he is prepared to try and win his second International Championship.

Video Package: New Japan’s Shingo Takagi is entering the Owen Hart tournament!

Backstage, Christopher Daniels announces an upcoming eliminator match for the tag titles and the Continental Championship, with all seconds barred from ringside in both matches.

We cut elsewhere backstage as Samoa Joe and HOOK look to get the jump on the Premier Athletes before they make their entrance…and as we go back stage, the pair lay in a beating with Shibata capturing it on camera before they head to the ring to get this match underway!

Premier Athletes vs. Samoa Joe and HOOK

HOOK starts things off officially, laying into Daivari before Nese tries to get involved…but to no avail, as HOOK lays into him as well! Sterling tries to intervene at ringside, which gives the Athletes an opening…but Shibata lays out Sterling in the process. Joe takes to keeping Daivari at bay with a Coquina Clutch as HOOK locks in Redrum on Nese…who taps out!

Winners via pinfall: Samoa Joe and HOOK

Shibata locks a sleeper hold on Sterling to end things before we cut to…

Video Package: Stephanie Vaquer calls out the CEO ahead of their Title For Title match at Forbidden Door…but before we get there, we have a TBS title match up next!

Back at ringside, Mercedes Moné makes her way to the ring for our next match. Out next is Zeuxis from CMLL, and this TBS title match is underway!

TBS Championship: Mercedes Moné defends against CMLL star Zeuxis

The challenger sends Moné to the corner, but the champ is quick to turn things around before picking up a nearfall in the process. Moné takes to the ropes for the assist on an arm drag, before Moné covers for another nearfall. Zeuxis gets to her feet and lays into the champ with a roundhouse kick, but Moné takes the fight to the outside with a swinging arm drag off the announce table that sends her challenger to the steps!

Moné brings her back into the ring to continue the attack as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Zeuxis manages to turn things around in her favor once more, setting the champ up for a surfboard stretch before Mercedes fights free, locking one in on the challenger for good measure. Zeuxis breaks free and catches Moné with another big kick, leading to a nearfall before we come back from break!

Zeuxis gets a bow and arrow on the champ, who counters into a cover to force a break…and then a kick to the challenger’s ribs lays her out on the canvas. Zeuxis fights back with a Liger Bomb, but Moné kicks out as the challenger hoists her up on her shoulders…but Moné reverses with a hurricanrana before sending her to the corner. Sunset flip but Zeuxis rolls through, dropping the champ for another nearfall.

Moné sends the challenger to the corner for a double knee to the face, and a Meteora off the turnbuckle gets the champ another close nearfall. Mercedes follows up with a pair of vertical suplex, but there will be no third amigo as Zeuxis fights out before hitting a double underhook lungblower and the cover…but the champ kicks out!

Moonsault press is a no-go as Moné rolls out of the way, setting up for a Moné Maker that gets the pin and win for the champ to retain!

Winner via pinfall and still TBS Champion: Mercedes Moné

We talk about Stephanie Vaquer’s upcoming NJPW Strong Women’s Championship bout before the two go at it at Forbidden Door, before cutting to…

Video Package: A look at Mina Shirakawa and her connection with Mariah May ahead of Mina’s match at Forbidden Door against Toni Storm for the AEW Women’s World Championship!

Backstage, Mariah is with Toni Storm as the champion addresses Mina ahead of their showdown before Toni tells May it’s time for her, uh, personal wax.

We cut back to ringside, where “The Redwood” Big Bill introduces Chris Jericho for this week’s TV Time. Have mercy, the Learning Tree makes his way to the ring next as we gear up for another riveting edition of 2024’s Highlight Reel.

Jericho hypes his new t-shirt before running down the corn industry of Iowa, saying it “doesn’t work for me, brother” (and I am quickly back on board with this whole thing). Bryan Keith says if you’re gonna grow corn, you’d better respect Chris Jericho…who then introduces his guests for this TV Time, Private Party.

Addressing their music talking about shots, Jericho says the pair should make sure they have a designated driver. He then gives them props for their high flying, but says they haven’t been winning because their basics just aren’t up to snuff.

He talks about being trained by the late great Stu Hart 33 years ago, saying Top Flight can’t even climb to the top turnbuckle properly. Private Party says he should show them and Des Moines how to climb the top rope, calling him the Caitlin Clark of AEW. Jericho then, uh…demonstrates how to climb the turnbuckle, asking if they’ve learned something.

Private Party says they have learned, before shoving him off the turnbuckle! This gets Keith and Bill going after them before they get sent out of the ring, allowing Zay to head up top and get the drop on the Learning Tree! They escape the ring and through the crowd before Jericho’s new students can go after them.

Video Package: Jon Moxley has been through it all in his career, and is ready to defend his IWGP World Heavyweight Championship against Tetsuya Naito at Forbidden Door!

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, the Bang Bang Gang call out House of Black ahead of their match on Collision, making fun of the House before declaring that if you’re not down with that, they’ve got two words for ya…Guns Up!

Back at ringside, Daniel Garcia makes his way to the ring with Nick Comoroto in the ring already as the match gets underway!

Daniel Garcia vs. Nick Comoroto

Garcia gets the jump on the bigger man Comoroto, who turns it around to use his power to his advantage…until Garcia drops him to the mat! We see Will Ospreay and MJF watching from backstage as Garcia catches Nick with a guillotine into a DDT for the pin and the win!

Winner via pinfall: Daniel Garcia

Garcia celebrates while Ospreay watches on from backstage, before Renee approaches him about his title defenses and Garcia’s challenge. Will says he’d love to address how sick a wrestler Daniel is, but he’s focused on this match against Fenix tonight and his mind is also focused on Forbidden Door. He says he’s got a match to deliver and a contract to hand over, walking off as we cut to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, PAC talks about his string of rough luck after returning to AEW before saying it ends now. There is no more apathy from him, he is angry and he is at his best when he’s angry. He will enter the Owen Cup, he will win the Owen Cup, and he will win the AEW World Championship at Wembley. This will be his redemption story. He then addresses the Bang Bang Gang, saying the Death Triangle has not forgotten what they did.

Back at ringside, Will Ospreay makes his way to the ring for our main event! We see Swerve Strickland watching on at ringside as Ospreay steps into the ring, before his challenger Rey Fenix makes his way out next beofre this match gets underway!

AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay defends against Rey Fenix

The two go at it almost immediately, trading strikes until Ospreay sends Rey flying…but the challenger lands on his feet. Fenix catches the champ with a flurry sending him out of the ring, but Ospreay manages to get right back in using the ropes for speed to hit a big boot knocking the challenger to the outside.

Fenix evades a follow up attack from the Assassin, sending him back into the ring before nailing Ospreay with a frog splash for a nearfall before we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Fenix maintains control of the match, keeping the champ grounded with some strikes and holds to keep Ospreay from building momentum before sending him into the corner. He goes back into a stretch on the champ, who struggles to fight back as Fenix starts clubbing away at his head. Ospreay starts fighting back, getting to his feet for a chop that goes back and forth as we come back from break!

Fenix gets him with a headscissors armbar, before the champ fights out…and sends Fenix to the mat before launching himself from the turnbuckle! Will is back on his feet as Fenix goes at him, only for the champ to hit a springboard back elbow for a nearfall. Ospreay stays on the offense as he heads to the corner, only to be cut off by the challenger who hits him with a kick off the ropes. Fenix goes back at it, but is cut off by Ospreay as the two go at it on the turnbuckle…leading to a hurricanrana from Fenix! But Ospreay lands on his feet!

Fenix is back on his feet as well before they go back at it, with Fenix getting the upper hand with a roundhouse kick. Ospreay fights back with a kick of his own, but it’s Ospreay with a modified air raid crash for a nearfall on the challenger as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: The fight goes to the outside with neither man having a real advantage as they quickly return to the ring for another exchange of strikes. The champ finally gets the upper hand on Fenix now, taking him down before laying in some hard kicks on the challenger. Fenix fights back to his feet, only to be sent back to the canvas by the champ as we come back from break!

Ospreay goes right back on it, but is caught with another headscissors armbar…but the champ crashes him down to the mat for a nearfall instead! Fenix catches the champ with a German suplex in response, but only gets a nearfall for his troubles as Ospreay gets back up, countering before Fenix reverses a Storm Breaker for a nearfall once more. Ospreay heads to the ropes but Fenix stops the Oscutter…but can’t stop a second Oscutter as the champ makes the cover! But Fenix kicks out!

Ospreay slowly gets to his feet as he gears up for the Hidden Blade…but Fenix counters with a snap hurricanrana for a nearfall. Champ’s in the corner as Fenix charges at full speed…right into a Hidden Blade by Ospreay! Will stares Strickland down as he climbs the turnbuckle, telling the champ this is his house before nailing Fenix with a Swerve Stomp and a Hidden Blade for the pin and the win!

Winner via pinfall and still AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay

Ospreay celebrates as Strickland enters the ring, staring down his opponent for Forbidden Door to a big pop from the crowd. Ospreay offers a handshake with a smirk, but Swerve shouts him down for thinking this is a game. Strickland calls his fellow champion an immature child, saying Ospreay can’t carry both worlds on his shoulders…but Ospreay snatches the World title from Swerve’s hands!

He puts both titles on his shoulders, telling Swerve he does actually feel pretty comfortable holding both belts. Swerve stares him down, telling Ospreay he’s lucky they’re still friends…because if anyone else did this, he’d put them in the ground. Strickland takes back his title, leaving the ring to stare Ospreay as we get one more rundown of this weekend’s shows and next Wednesday.

The two champs continue this staredown as we’re reminded of the big AEW World Championship match at Forbidden Door before Dynamite comes to a close.