AEW Dynamite 06 05 2024

AEW Dynamite Results
June 5, 2024
Loveland, Colorado (Blue Arena)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

It is Wednesday, my dudes…you know what that means.

The show kicks off with MJF’s music as the former AEW World Champion makes his way down the ramp to a big pop from the crowd. Max enters the ring, calling for his music to be cut as the crowd cheer him on chanting “he’s our scumbag.”

MJF talks up being in Colorado, which gets the crowd going as he talks about being back and having new merch out. He then talks about being home, sitting and watching what’s going down before going into wrestling at Forbidden Door when they head to Long Island, New York. He goes back to his point, talking about the changes to The Elite before running down Okada and the current World Champion, Swerve Strickland.

MJF says he was offended by Strickland calling himself a business mogul, saying he either didn’t go to business school or missed courses in public speaking. To MJF, however, the most offensive thing he saw was Will Ospreay calling himself the best in the world. MJF runs down a list of men Ospreay didn’t beat, reminding everyone that Max beat each and every one of them before stating he is the best in the world.

Max goes on to say he became the face of AEW, with the best matches and interviews in the company, and going from being the most hated man in the company to the most beloved. He listened back home as people tried to smear his name…but is interrupted by the music of RUSH as El Toro Blanco steps onto the stage, calling for his music to be cut. He says MJF is much like these fans, in that he never shuts up.

While MJF was out injured, RUSH has been working hard and winning. MJF comes back to a celebration, but where is RUSH’s celebration? RUSH feels he deserves that spotlight, so he’s going to take it…because when you mess with the bull, you get the horns!

MJF runs him down, saying he didn’t catch anything El Toro Blanco just said and running down The Elite for making things worse around here. He asks RUSH to run that back, before cutting him back off. MJF addresses the bounty he offered for taking out Bryan Danielson, recognizing the international superstar RUSH is as he has beaten some of the best in the business. Here’s the problem, MJF isn’t one of the best…he is THE best.

MJF offers some words to RUSH, insulting him in Spanish before cutting his catchphrase…only for RUSH to make a beeline for the ring, the two immediately going at it as officials and security run down to break things up! RUSH breaks away to get some more shots in on MJF, before security finally pulls him out of the ring and up the ramp.

Video Package: We get a look at the rise of Roderick Strong, the man challenging for the AEW World Championship in tonight’s main event!

We cut back to ringside, where Orange Cassidy makes his way to the ring for our opening contest to such a loud pop it nearly drowns out the announcement of the match itself, clarified to be a four-way match with the winner facing Will Ospreay next week for the AEW International Championship. Out next is Kyle O’Reilly, followed by Jay Lethal and Rey Fenix before this opening match gets underway!

Four-Way Match (Winner faces Will Ospreay next week for the AEW International Championship): Orange Cassidy vs. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jay Lethal vs. Rey Fenix

After an early flurry, Fenix gets sent out of the ring by Lethal, who catches O’Reilly with an enziguri that sends him out as well. This leaves Lethal hitting a strut, only to be dropped to the mat by Cassidy who sends him to the ropes. Kyle attacks Jay on the apron before going back in the ring, locking up with Cassidy…who gets his hands in his pockets to break a hold!

Orange catches some momentum off the ropes for a dropkick forcing Kyle out of the ring, but Cassidy gets caught by Fenix in the corner immediately after. Fenix hits a flurry of offense sending Orange out, but is blindsided by Lethal in the process. Jay goes for the Lethal Injection but is caught by a waistlock from O’Reilly, who gets rocked by Fenix before all three go at it…until Cassidy gets back into it, taking the rest of the competitors out as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: The action focuses on Lethal sending two of the other men out before going after Cassidy in the corner, setting up for a superplex that drops him hard to the mat but only gets a nearfall. He goes back on the attack with a kick to the gut, but Cassidy blocks a suplex attempt as we come back from break!

Cassidy continues to evade a suplex before dropping Lethal with a Stundog Millionaire…but Kyle rushes in with a cross arm breaker on Cassidy! He gets Orange to his shoulders for a pin attempt, but Fenix hits a splash to break it up. Fenix and O’Reilly get sent to the outside as Lethal goes for a figure four leglock on Cassidy, cinching it in tight. Fenix goes for a stomp on Lethal, who evades as Kyle gets a sleeper hold on Fenix instead!

Lethal breaks his hold to stop O’Reilly getting the submission, and this ends up with Lethal getting caught with a cross arm breaker by Kyle for his troubles. Cassidy and Fenix break the hold before attacking each other, which gives Lethal an opening to drop Fenix before rolling out of the ring. Fenix gets caught with a headscissors by Cassidy, who hits an Orange Punch on O’Reilly only to be rocked with a Lethal Combination by Jay!

Lethal Injection connects on Cassidy, but he’s quickly caught by surprise by Fenix, who cradles Lethal for the pin and the win!

Winner via pinfall: Rey Fenix

Just as the match ends, we see Don Callis and Trent Beretta heading down the ramp to go after Orange Cassidy, only for Kris Statlander to seemingly intervene…until she drops Cassidy with a right hand! Orange does all he can to keep his composure as Willow Nightingale’s music hits, sending her on a beeline for her former friend…but Statlander escapes, leaving the ring with Stokely Hathaway as they head up the ramp.

Earlier Today: Chris Jericho makes his way to the arena, offering driving advice to the man who dropped him and his “students” off before giving some tips to the cameraman.

-Commercial Break-

We cut backstage where Renee talks to Willow Nightingale, who addresses losing to Mercedes Mone’ before turning her attention to Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander. She says after stabbing her in the back, you don’t know how dangerous Willow’s smile can be. Orange pops up to give a fist bump to Nightingale for the save earlier, before we cut back to ringside.

Back at ringside, Christopher Daniels steps out to the ring to talk about the TNT Championship ladder match. Qualifying matches were announced last week, and we will have another qualifying match right here, right now!

Out first is Mark Briscoe to a big pop, followed by Brian Cage before this match gets underway!

TNT Championship Qualifying Match: Mark Briscoe vs. Brian Cage

Cage lays into the ROH World Champion early on, sending him to the corner for some hard strikes before Briscoe manages to fight back, sending Cage out of the ring in the process. Briscoe grabs a chair and sends it into the ring, only for the ref to toss it out to a wave of boos from the crowd. Briscoe is distracted by this, which gives Cage the opening to go back after him before sending him to the floor.

Cage follows up by bringing Briscoe back into the ring, launching him over the top rope before posing for the crowd as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Cage maintains control throughout, laying into Briscoe in a showcase of his power before getting a nearfall. Cage then transitions into a headlock that keeps Briscoe grounded to the mat, but Briscoe starts fighting back as we come back from break!

Briscoe makes it to his feet for some forearms to Cage, hitting the ropes for momentum to hit another one and following with some chops. Cage gets sent to the ropes before Briscoe hits an elbow strike on the Machine, picking up a nearfall in the process. Cage gets sent to the corner now before Briscoe sends him out of the ring with a big kick!

Briscoe leaves the ring, once again bringing chairs into the ring. The ref takes one of them out but the other is set up, allowing Briscoe to hit a tope dive over the top rope onto Cage! Briscoe sends him back into the ring before hitting a Froggy Bow…but Cage kicks out!

Briscoe goes for a Jay Driller, but Cage turns it around for a pumphandle slam for a nearfall. He follows up with a Liger Bomb, but Briscoe kicks out of this as well. As the match goes on, we see Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita watching from the stands and Jack Perry watching from backstage. Briscoe back on his feet for an uppercut, but Cage catches him with a thrust kick. Briscoe fights back, hitting a Death Valley Driver on the Machine before going up for another Froggy Bow that gets him the pin and the win!

Winner via pinfall and advancing to Forbidden Door: Mark Briscoe

We cut backstage where Jack Perry mocks Briscoe before saying the universe already chose him to be the new TNT Champion. Back at ringside, Briscoe resumes celebrating the win tonight as he advances to the ladder match at Forbidden Door.

Backstage again, Renee talks to Samoa Joe and HOOK about the former World Champion offering to be a mentor before the Premier Athletes interrupt to run HOOK down. Joe keeps him from going off on Nese and Daivari, saying losers like them don’t talk to winners like us unless they think they can get away with it.

-Commercial Break-

We cut backstage once more, following “The Learning Tree” as he catches up with his old JAS pals Matt Menard and Cool Hand Ang. He gives Menard some advice on commentary and gives Ang some tips on parenting before walking off.

Back at ringside, The Acclaimed start a rap about the Young Bucks before the EVPs cut him off, telling them the segment has been cut since they disparaged Nicholas and Matthew. The crowd chants what they think of this, but The Acclaimed’s mics are cut off so they cannot respond as they head up the ramp instead.

We cut backstage where Renee talks to Swerve Strickland, who addresses MJF before saying the contract for the AEW World Championship match will be sent to Will Ospreay. He then talks about the Young Bucks and how Team AEW shouldn’t forget the World Champion next time.

Video Package: Hype for Mercedes Mone’ and Stephanie Vaquer ahead of their Title For Title match at Forbidden Door

Back at ringside, Blackpool Combat Club makes their way through the crowd, who give a big ovation for all four men including the returning Wheeler Yuta ahead of our next match. Out next are the CMLL stars as Volador Jr. Magnus, Rugido, and Esfinge head to the ring before this eight-man tag match gets underway!

Blackpool Combat Club (Wheeler Yuta, Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, & IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley) vs. CMLL’s Volador Jr., Magnus, Rugido & Esfinge

We start off with absolute chaos as all eight men go at it, the action quickly spilling to the outside as the BCC start to get the upper hand over the luchadors. Things finally calm down as Danielson and Rugido enter the ring to trade blows, with Danielson sending the luchador to the ropes…but Rugido hits a dropkick sending him out of the ring! Chaos ensues again as the BCC rush into the ring now, but the CMLL stars get the upper hand this time.

Rugido catches Danielson with a tiger feint kick for a nearfall, before tags are made to Yuta and Magnus. Yuta takes Magnus down with a shoulder tackle but is caught with a headscissors by the luchador in response…only to be sent to the corner for a BCC team beatdown! All four men take Magnus down hard to the canvas, riling the crowd up before we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: BCC maintain control, keeping Magnus isolated in the corner as Claudio tags in for more more damage, only to tag Danielson back in to continue the beatdown. Tag to Mox now, who drives Magnus into the ropes with his boot before we return from break!

Mox brings the luchador back into the middle of the ring, going after the shoulder before Magnus fights back with an enziguir and a tag to Esfinge. Claudio tags in as well, but is sent out of the ring as the rest of BCC go after him. He catches each with a backbreaker before turning to Castagnoli, tying him up for an impressive pin attempt that Claudio manages to kick out of. Rugido comes in, hitting Mox with a German suplex followed by one to Yuta before Magnus comes in for a running knee.

A second attempt gets countered into a giant swing by Claudio, before Volador comes in this time…but Danielson catches him with a kick to the chest! Rugido finally gets the tag back in, clearing things out before going for a German suplex on Yuta. Chaos breaks out once more in the ring, before Volador gets a headscissors on Danielson…only to be caught with a seatbelt clutch by Yuta for the pin and the win!

Winners via pinfall: Blackpool Combat Club

BCC celebrate as we cut backstage, where Jericho offers a stagehand some dining tips at catering on how to properly fill one’s plate.

Video Package: Daniel Garcia talks about the risks he needs to take for himself, which include the challenge laid out to Will Ospreay for the AEW International Championship

We cut backstage, where The Acclaimed confront the Young Bucks for cutting them off earlier tonight. Some harsh words are exchanged before The Acclaimed walk off.

-Commercial Break-

We cut back to the office of the EVPs, where Matthew and Nicholas are confronted by Christian Cage and the Patriarchy. Cage is angry about what went down at Double Or Nothing, and asks the Bucks for another shot at the title. Matthew says that after last week they realized they can’t just hand titles or title shots, but they are willing to help Cage out as best as they can. Cage is asked what his shoe size is before the Patriarchy leave the office.

Back at ringside, Toni Storm makes her way out to accompany Mariah May to the ring before settling in at commentary. Out next is Saraya, and this marquee match two weeks in the making gets underway!

Mariah May vs. Saraya

Saraya blindsides May in the corner, but Mariah manages to take the fight back to her as she drops the former Women’s World Champion to the canvas. Saraya slides out of the ring, with May giving chase before Saraya finally makes it back in the ring. Mariah is forced to chase after Saraya once again, with Harley blindsiding her with a clothesline as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Saraya maintains control as she goes back to the outside to continue the attack on May. She sets Mariah up on the apron for a kick that sends her back into the ring, and Saraya follows closely before driving her boot into the throat of Mariah. Back in the middle of the ring now as Saraya drops May before we come back from break!


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The two fight to their knees with an exchange of strikes. May sends Saraya to the corner before setting her up on the turnbuckle for a running handstand hurricanrana that sends her into the mat! Mariah climbs up top for a missile dropkick and the cover, but Saraya kicks out.

May sends her to the corner once again, setting her up for a running hip attack before covering Saraya once again…and once again, Saraya manages to kick out!

Both women back to their feet now as they trade strikes, countering each other before Saraya hits the RamPaige for a cover of her own…only for May to kick out this time!

The two go back at it until Mariah cradles Saraya for a nearfall, who fights back with a thrust kick before locking in the PTO and forcing May to submit!

Winner via submission: Saraya

Toni rushes in to go after Saraya, but Mina Shirakawa heads down the ramp to confront the AEW Women’s World Champion after the challenge was made at a recent STARDOM show. Mariah for her parts, tries to uhhh…comfort both ladies, as we get a graphic confirming the match between Mina and Toni at Forbidden Door.

Backstage, Jericho gives Private Party some advice about opening up their party to everyone. Big Bill says those who need advice the most don’t take it, before Jericho invites them to TV Time with the Learning Tree next week. The group walks off, leaving Private Party to mock Jericho as we go to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, we hear from Bryan Danielson who gives kudos to Wheeler Yuta for his performance tonight during the eight-man tag match. He then addresses his final year of full-time competition, and how it hasn’t gone his way after losing some big matches. The straw that broke the camel’s back was losing Anarchy in the Arena, and talking to Wheeler Yuta reminded him that his final year is not over year.

Danielson talks about the winner of the Owen Hart Cup earning a shot at the AEW World Championship at All In, indicating he intends to end his final year on top before walking off.

Back at ringside, Roderick Strong makes his way to the ring for our main event. Out next is Swerve Strickland, and after we get ring introductions for both men this match gets underway for the AEW World Championship!

AEW World Championship: Swerve Strickland defends against Roderick Strong

Roderick circles the canvas looking for an opening before the two men lock up, with Strong getting a waistlock that Swerve counters out of. Strong goes right back at it, but Strickland sends him to the ropes to force a break. Side headlock by the champ takes Roddy to the mat, but Strong fights back to his feet before sending Strickland to the ropes…only for the champ to take him down with a shoulder tackle!

Strong quickly gets the upperhand with a front headlock now, but the champ just as soon gets to his feet before sending Strong to the ropes…and hits a suplex on Strong, only for Roderick to counter out of a second one. Swerve hits a kick on the challenger, who rolls out of the ring to evade a House Call!

Roddy makes it back into the ring as he goes after Strickland, but the champ evades a kick to turn things around in his favor. Despite this, Strong fights back with a chop before Swerve sends him into the turnbuckle. Strickland goes up top for a Swerve Stomp, but is distracted by Taven before Strong sends him down…and follows up with a massive backbreaker onto the turnbuckle itself, forcing the champ out of the ring!

Strickland back on his feet as Strong goes for a dropkick, only to be pulled through the ropes by the champ who drops Roderick down hard onto the floor, causing some major damage to the challenger as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Swerve gets on the apron, but he gets cut off by Strong who takes control of the match bringing the champ back in the ring to wear him down. Roderick follows up with a series of backbreakers before locking in an abdominal stretch as we come back!

Strickland tries his back to fight out of the hold, finally getting back to his feet before Strong starts wearing him back down again…until the champ counters, taking Roddy down hard to the canvas! Swerve in the corner for a diving uppercut on the challenger, followed by sending him onto the top rope and hitting a Flatliner. Brainbuster by the champ as he goes for the cover, but Strong manages to kick out!

Swerve back to his feet as he goes for Big Pressure, but a distraction from the Kingdom opens him up for an attack by the challenger…but Strickland catches him with a powerslam for a nearfall instead. Swerve heads to the corner, looking for a House Call but Strong evades, leaving the ring to the safety of his friends on the outside. Swerve goes for a dive but is caught by the Kingdom…which leads to Strong dropping him onto the apron!

Strong takes the champ back into the ring for the cover, but Swerve manages to narrowly kick out. Roddy back to his feet as the crowd boo, but the challenger is poised to lay into Strickland with some forearm strikes before the champ fights back…only to be caught with a double knee facebuster by Strong!

Roderick catches him with a couple suplexes for a nearfall, followed by a big Sick Kick that yields the same result. Swerve rolls to the apron as Strong follows closely, setting the champ up on the apron before Strickland fights back. Sweep followed by a thrust kick, and it all builds to a dive sending the challenger to the floor!

Strong is sent back to the ring as Swerve looks for a House Call. Roddy evades, but Strickland catches him with a House Call on the rebound for the pin and the win to retain!

Winner via pinfall and still AEW World Champion: Swerve Strickland

Swerve celebrates in the ring as we get a rundown of what’s to come this week, as well as the upcoming Forbidden Door pay-per-view, and Strickland leaves to celebrate with the front row of fans as the show comes to a close.