AEW Collision and Rampage Results
May 11, 2024
Rogers Arena in Vancouver, BC
Results by: Alex Kahrs of
Saturday night’s alright for Collidin’, especially when you’re gearing up for a Rampage!
We kick off Collision with Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli making their way to the ring to a big pop from the crowd for our opening contest. Out next are Top Flight, heading to the ring before this match gets underway!
Blackpool Combat Club’s Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli vs. Top Flight (Dante and Darius Martin)
We start off with Darius and Bryan to a big “AEW” chant from the crowd, before both men exchange holds leading to a standoff. They go at it again, with Darius getting a side headlock before Danielson counters out of it, hitting the ropes for speed…but Darius catches him with a hip toss, grounding him for an armbar! Bryan escapes, but is caught with a backslide for a nearfall by Darius!
He brings the American Dragon to the corner for a tag to Dante, the brothers double-teaming Bryan before Dante goes for a wristlock…but Danielson counters out, sending him to the corner to tag in Claudio! Castagnoli nails Dante with a European uppercut before sending Dante to the ropes, but the high flyer uses his agility to catch the Swiss Superman by surprise! Tag to Darius, who takes Claudio down with an assisted vertical suplex for a nearfall! Claudio takes control now, hanging Darius up on the rope before tagging in Danielson…who hits a double stomp, forcing Darius down to the canvas!
Bow and arrow from Bryan, stretching Darius back as Claudio tags himself in…hitting a basement uppercut before making the cover on Darius…who manages to kick out!
Claudio is back on the attack quick however, going after the arm before driving him into the turnbuckle and sending him out of the ring as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Bryan tags back in as the BCC maintain control, with Danielson wearing down the arm of Darius before sending him into the corner for a set of kicks and chops. Bryan keeps up the pace as he tags in Claudio to continue the attack, but Darius gets a dropkick to create some space. That doesn’t last very long as Claudio goes right back on him with some clubbing blows, taking Darius down before tagging Danielson back in. Darius struggles back to a vertical base as Bryan sets up for some kicks when we come back!
Bryan lays those kicks in, but Darius makes it back to his feet and the two trade blows until Danielson sends Darius to the corner for some kicks! Darius gets sent across the ring to the opposite turnbuckle, but is able to escape with a kick from the turnbuckle to tag in Dante! Claudio tags in as well, but is rattled with a series of forearms by Dante! Dante keeps the big man off his feet with a cross body for a nearfall…and sees a chance to keep Bryan down with a dive to the outside! Claudio’s back on his feet but Dante takes him out, hitting a frog splash from the top for the cover…BUT CLAUDIO KICKS OUT!
Claudio is back to his feet, taking Dante down before setting him up for the giant swing…and then locks in the Sharpshooter! Dante struggles to the ropes before Claudio pulls him back toward the middle…but Darius rushes in to break up the hold!
Chaos ensues with all four men in the ring going at it, eventually sending Bryan to the outside where Darius dives to take him out! Dante hits a springboard moonsault on Castagnoli for the cover, but Claudio once again kicks out!
Top Flight set up for a double-team but Bryan intercepts with a Busaiku knee, sending Dante out of the ring before Claudio takes out Darius for the pin and the win!
Winners via pinfall: Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli
Bryan gets a microphone after the match, giving kudos to Top Flight for their hard work saying this is what AEW is all about. He talks about the crowd chanting “AEW,” which raises that chant from the crowd again. Bryan says the first Anarchy in the Arena nearly ended his career, but he will compete in this one because he loves professional wrestling.
We see Claudio making a quiet exit from the ring, presumably to let Bryan have this moment as the American Dragon runs down The Elite for what they did to Tony Khan and not even being here despite claiming they want to run this company. Bryan says he will fight to defend what AEW is all about, to a big pop from the crowd as his music hits.
We get a recap of Mogul Embassy turning on Swerve Strickland at Dynamite, followed by a rundown of what’s to come tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Back at ringside, Will Ospreay makes his way to the ring for our next match. Out next is Lee Moriarty, accompanied to the ring by STP’s Shane Taylor as he heads quickly to the ring…only for Undisputed Kingdom’s music to hits, signaling the arrival of Roderick Strong who is on commentary as this match gets underway!
Will Ospreay vs. Lee Moriarty
The two go at it from the opening bell, exchanging holds before Ospreay finally getting a side headlock on Moriarty…who takes Ospreay down with a headscissors, only for Ospreay to narrowly miss a kick to the head of Taigastyle. Both men back to their feet, with Moriarty taking Ospreay down to the mat…but Ospreay maintains the grip, before Lee breaks it with a kick! Moriarty hits the ropes for speed, but is taken down with a dropkick before he heads to the outside…where he’s met with a springboard cross body by Ospreay, to a big pop from the crowd as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: We see Undisputed Kingdom going at it verbally with Ospreay, who also contends with Shane Taylor at ringside…which gives Lee an opening to take Ospreay out, sending him right back to the outside! Lee distracts the ref as Shane attacks Will, sending him back into the ring for Lee to score a nearfall. Moriarty continues the attack in the corner, wearing Ospreay down some more before we come back from break!
Moriarty keeps at it here, going after the neck of Ospreay…but the Aerial Assassin fights back, sending Lee to the corner before catching him with a leg drop for a nearfall! Ospreay stops himself going for a Tiger Driver 91, opting for a kick to the face instead…but Moriarty turns it around on him for a nearfall of his own!
Lee goes for a suplex but it gets blocked, and Ospreay catches him with a forearm before heading to the corner. Lee tries to intercept but gets caught on the turnbuckle, before Will hits a torture rack powerbomb for another nearfall! Will’s back on his feet, but Shane gets on the apron to stop an Oscutter…only to take a thrust kick to the face by the Assassin! Ospreay hits the ropes but is caught with a submission from Moriarty!
Ospreay fights out of it enough to get a nearfall on Moriarty, setting up for what looks like another Tiger Driver attempt…but instead, Ospreay hits the Storm Breaker on Taigastyle for the pin and the win!
Winner via pinfall: Will Ospreay
Undisputed Kingdom stare down Ospreay, giving him grief from ringside…and this allows Shane Taylor to blindside Will! He takes Ospreay down hard before leaving the ring, where Undisupted Kingdom stand over him to mock the Aerial Assassin.
We get a look at the upcoming TBS Championship match at Double Or Nothing before it’s announced that Willow will be in action at an upcoming STARDOM show against Tam Nakano. We then get a look at Mercedes Mone’ throwing the first pitch at a recent game in Fenway Park. We’ll see the contract signing for Nightingale/Mercedes on Dynamite!
Back at ringside, Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony make their way to the ring for our next match, with Evan Rivers and the Voros Twins of social media fame are already in the ring as this match gets underway!
Brian Cage & Gates of Agony vs. Evan Rivers and The Voros Twins
It is absolute destruction from the word ‘go’ as Cage goes after Rivers early. Both of the Voros try their best to even the odds but the Gates are quick to put a stop to all that, before the Embassy pick up the pin and the win!
Winners via pinfall: Brian Cage & Gates of Agony
Tony Schiavone tries to get a word from the trio after the match, but Cage says they’ve already made their point before Swerve Strickland’s music hits. Cage heads toward the ramp to confront him…but the AEW World Champion sneaks up on the Gates! He takes Liona down first before grabbing a chain, tying up Kaun to the ring post…but Liona is back up and he charges into the champ, driving him into the steel steps!
Liona shouts into the camera saying this is all Nana’s fault before looking to go after Strickland again…but Swerve nails him with a cinder block, stopping Toa in his tracks! All the while, Cage is watching from the ramp, refusing to go after the champ who sets Liona’s head up on the steps with a chair in hand…swinging it down over the head of Toa!
Cage still wants nothing to do with intervening here, shouting at Strickland from the stage as Swerve’s music hits.
-Commercial Break-
We cut backstage, where Swerve addresses trying to be a “company guy” and realizing that people are turning their backs on him and trying to use him. He talks about taking out the Gates of Agony and having one more guy to face…and that’s Brian Cage.
He calls the Machine out, challenging him to a match on Dynamite in his home state to remind him whose house this is!
Back at ringside, Daniel Garcia makes his way to the ring for our next match with his opponent KM already in the ring as this match gets underway!
Daniel Garcia vs. KM
KM gets the jump on Garcia, wearing him down before mocking him with his own take on the Garcia dance. KM brings Garcia back to his feet, sending him to the corner for some more strikes…but Garcia turns it around! He sets KM against the corner now, mounting up for some punches before hitting him with, uh…something else. Garcia takes KM down with a suplex, setting up for a dragon sleeper that forces KM to tap out!
Winner via submission: Daniel Garcia
Garcia leaves the ring to celebrate with the crowd, and the camera cuts away just as we see someone rushing into the ring. We focus our attention on Garcia heading up the ramp, before going to a recap of what happened on Dynamite setting up for Anarchy in the Arena at Double Or Nothing.
Back at ringside, FTR head to the ring as Dax Harwood is in action next. Out next is Tommy Billington to a nice pop from the crowd as this match gets underway!
FTR’s Dax Harwood vs. “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington
The two circle the mat before locking up, with Billington starting to get the upperhand with a wristlock before Dax hits a side headlock takedown. Both men get to their feet with Tommy hitting the ropes, only to be taken down by Harwood who goes on the attack now. He takes the Dynamite Kid down, keeping a wristlock in tight even as Billington gets to his feet, only to be taken right back down.
The exchange turns around in Tommy’s favor when he reverses out of it, hitting the ropes and taking Dax down with a shoulder tackle on the last of four attempts! Dax leaves the ring for a breather as the ref begins the count, but he makes his way back into the ring before getting a side headlock, only for Tommy to fight out of it.
Dynamite Kid hits the ropes but is taken down hard with a back elbow by Harwood, who follows up with a chop. Dax sends the Kid to the corner now, but Billington fights back with some strikes of his own…until Hardwood lays him out with a lariat! Dax goes for the cover, but Billington kicks out!
Tommy’s back to his feet for a shotgun dropkick, sending Dax to the ropes…and opening up for a cross body that sends both men to the outside as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Billington is in control here as he brings Harwood back into the ring, sending the former tag champ to the corner…but Dax turns it around, taking Tommy down to set up for a chinlock! The ref checks on the Kid, who seems to still be in it as he slowly gets back to his feet…but Dax breaks the hold himself to take Tommy back down to the canvas. Billington fights right back to his feet, sending Dax down with a back suplex and forcing Harwood to roll out of the ring as we come back from break!
Dax gets to his feet on the outside, only to be dropped with a dive by the Dynamite Kid! Billington brings Harwood back in, setting up for an aerial attack and a clothesline…and then hitting a big elbow from the top for the cover! BUT HARWOOD KICKS OUT!
Dax fights out of a waistlock, sending Tommy to the corner to set him up on the top turnbuckle. The two go at it on the turnbuckle, with Billington sending Dax down to the canvas before going up…only for Dax to intervene with a forearm! Harwood hits a big superplex, sending the Kid down hard to the mat!
Dax slowly makes his way up, climbing the turnbuckle…but is forced to abandon that when Billington rolls away. Dax hits a couple German suplexes, but the third is countered by the Kid who hits a couple deadlift suplexes of his own! Dax fights out, but is caught with a kick…only to hit Tommy with a suplex to break things up!
Dax sets up the Kid for a piledriver but is rolled up not once but twice for a nearfall! Victory roll attempt gets blocked by Harwood, however, who hits a slingshot powerbomb for the pin and the win!
Winner via pinfall: Dax Harwood
Dax leaves the ring, allowing the Dynamite Kid to get his kudos from the crowd as commentary talks about a tag match at Dynamite that sees New Japan’s Jeff Cobb teaming with Kyle Fletcher to deal with Jon Moxley and Bryan Danielson.
We cut to footage from this past Wednesday, where The Elite run people down with Okada challenging Dax Harwood to a match at Dynamite before The Young Bucks confront Christopher Daniels. They insult him greatly before Daniels snaps right back at them, saying he was their friend when being their friend would’ve been difficult. We then cut backstage, where Daniels says he hasn’t forgotten where he came from. He talks about being in the room early on in the formation of AEW, and says he isn’t afraid to deal with the Bucks now.
As punishment for last Wednesday, Daniels has been forced to find a partner to face the Young Bucks at Dynamite…and he chooses Matt Sydal, promising that he won’t be the one punished when they go at it!
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, FTR talk about Anarchy in the Arena and being on both shows as the workhorses of the company before addressing Okada’s challenge for Dynamite on Wednesday. Dax then says AEW is where the best wrestle, and Okada has never faced someone like him.
Back at ringside, Thunder Rosa makes her way to the ring for our next match. Out next is Robyn Renegade, and this match gets underway!
Thunder Rosa vs. Robyn Renegade
The two lock up, with Robyn getting an early advantage. The two head across different corners, where Robyn finally breaks the hold…and gets dropped by Rosa! Thunder gets in control as she sets Renegade up on the ropes for a chop, followed by one in the corner…but Robyn turns it around with a double-hand chop of her own! Rosa fights back, eventually sending Robyn to the outside…but Renegade gets the upper hand, sending her to the barricade as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Renegade maintains control of the match as she brings Thunder back into the ring, wearing her down until the former champ turns it around! She gets Robyn locked up and gets a nearfall shortly after, keeping Robyn at bay until Renegade fights back to her feet. Rosa heads to the corner, but is cut off by Renegade who gets a chinlock in on Thunder…but Rosa fights to her feet as we come back from break!
Thunder gets hung up on the ropes, setting up for a double foot stomp from Robyn who gets a nearfall in the process! Rosa is brought back to her feet by Robyn, but Thunder strikes back and turns it around with a couple lariats and a lungblower! Robyn barely makes it onto the ropes before Rosa hits a dropkick for the cover…but Robyn kicks out!
Both women make it back to their feet as Rosa lays it in on Renegade…only for Robyn to take her down hard! Thunder rolls away to the corner, but is intercepted with a kick from Renegade…but Rosa evades a moonsault that follows! Modified cobra clutch from Thunder Rosa forces Robyn Renegade to tap out!
Winner via submission: Thunder Rosa
Rosa delivers a message to Deonna Purrazzo after the match, before we cut backstage where Johnny and Taya address Vancouver before Johnny challenges PAC to a match at Rampage. The two kiss, and then uhhhhh…kiss some more as we get a reminder that our main event is up next!
-Commercial Break-
We get a word from HOOK out on the streets of the Red Hook district (presumably), where he addresses Jericho’s offer to “advise” him and where that went. He says Jericho doesn’t know who or what HOOK can be…but he can’t wait to show him!
We get a rundown of what’s going down on Wednesday, featuring some big title eliminator matches and championship bouts before we end on the announcement of Will Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor happening next week on Collision!
Back at ringside, Adam Copeland makes his way to the ring for a huge pop from the crowd ahead of tonight’s Collision main event! Out next is Kyle O’Reilly, and this TNT Championship match gets underway amidst another huge crowd pop!
TNT Championship Match: Adam Copeland defends against Kyle O’Reilly
The two shake hands before locking up, with Copeland getting an armbar of sorts on his challenger…who takes the champ to the ropes to force a break. O’Reilly backs up and we get another big pop as the pair circle the mat before locking up. Big “Kyle” chant from his hometown crowd, but Copeland counters a move into a hammerlock.
Kyle fights out, getting a side headlock before being sent to the corner…only to send Copeland away, catching him for a nearfall! Kyle stays on the attack however, keeping the champ at bay before Copelands the ropes…only for O’Reilly to catch him with another tight side headlock, taking him down to the mat!
Kyle wears the champ down with a knee to the back, but Copeland makes it back up and sends the challenger to the corner! Copeland is in control now as he goes after the ribs of O’Reilly, before sending him hard into the corner and following with some hard strikes back on the ribs. Kyle starts fighting back, but is caught with a headbutt to the ribs from Copeland before he goes for a standing guillotine…but the champ is quick to fight out of it, sending him to the ropes and knocking him off the apron as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Kyle is struggling on the floor as Copeland goes on the pursuit, continuing the damage before sending him back into the ring for a bodyscissors that targets the injured ribs. Kyle’s attempts to fight back are met with an armbar of sorts from the champ, until the challenger finally manages to escape as we come back from break!
Copeland takes to the top turnbuckle but is intercepted by Kyle, who sets up for an armbar that traps the champ! Copeland refuses to tap out however, eventually countering into a crossface…but the challenger gets a foot on the ropes to force a break!
Both men back to their feet as Copeland hits the ropes, only to be intercepted by O’Reilly…who hits a Nigel-esque lariat from the ropes for the cover! BUT COPELAND MANAGES TO KICK OUT!
They’re back to a standing position as Kyle lays in a flurry of strikes followed by a leg sweep, continuing the attack in two corners before locking in a legbar on the champ! Copeland is struggling as he reaches for the ropes…and manages to grab it to force the break!
The hometown crowd boos this as their boy Kyle goes back on the attack, sweeping the champ’s leg out from under him before going to the top for a knee drop! Cover by Kyle, and the champ kicks out again…but Kyle goes for the armbar again! Copeland manages to break free, dropping a reverse facebuster on the challenger! Both men back to their feet, trading blows until Kyle hits another flurry…only to take a boot from Copeland! Kyle goes for another lariat from the ropes, but instead leapfrogs a spear to catch the champ in a nearfall!
Copeland counters into a rear choke but the challenger gets him pinned for a nearfall and forcing a break…going for another armbar! Edge fights out of it and goes after the challenger…who once again catches the champ for a nearfall! The two end up fighting it out on the turnbuckle, where Kyle wrenches the arm of Copeland on the way down!
They get back to their feet once more trading blows, but the champ catches O’Reilly with a shot that drops him down hard. The ref checks on Kyle who confirms he’s good, rising to his feet just as Copeland goes for a spear…only to get caught with a hold from O’Reilly!
But the champ refuses to tap out, making it to his feet to break free with an Impaler on the challenger…who rises to his feet just as Copeland hits a spear for the pin and the win!
Winner via pinfall and still TNT Champion: Adam Copeland
Both men are struggling to their feet as we go to black, indicating the transition from Collision to Rampage!

We open Rampage with Copeland and O’Reilly showing a bit of sportsmanship after that TNT title match…but something weird happens as Copeland starts acting out of sorts, eventually leaving the ring to let Kyle have his moment with the hometown crowd.
We cut backstage, where Claudio Castagnoli is asked about leaving the ring while Bryan Danielson addressed Anarchy in the Arena. Claudio talks about Bryan nearly ending his career after his first match of the sort, and how he even subbed in against Zack Sabre Jr. as a result. Bryan is calling his shots in his final year of full-time competition, but Castagnoli is concerned for Danielson’s health so he doesn’t want anything to do with it.
Back at ringside, Trent Beretta makes his way to the ring for our Rampage opening contest! Out next is Dalton Castle, and this match gets underway!
Trent Beretta vs. Dalton Castle
Trent and Dalton go at it from the jump, with Dalton eventually getting an upper hand until Trent hangs his arm up on the top rope…but Castle catches Beretta by surprise, hitting a knee that drops him off the top turnbuckle! Dalton goes right back at it, bringing Trent to the apron…but Beretta catches him this time, nailing the Party Peacock with a Flatliner to the apron as we head to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Despite his best efforts to fight back, Castle is unable to wrest away control from Beretta who brings the action back into the ring. Dalton does manage to fight off Trent briefly, but is sent to the corner for his troubles as we come back from break!
Beretta starts to mount up on Castle, but it gets turned into a sunset powerbomb for a nearfall by Dalton! Both men back to their feet, but Castle gets a hip toss on Beretta…and another for good measure! Castle is fired up as he takes Trent to the ropes, throwing him back down for another close nearfall in the process.
Castle goes back at it, but Trent counters out into a piledriver for a nearfall of his own! Dalton rolls away, using the ropes to get back to his feet…only for Beretta to go for a tornado DDT! Castle escapes, taking Trent down instead!
Beretta escapes to the outside, catching Dalton by surprise as he goes after the eyes before attacking his arm! Castle gets back in the ring, but Trent catches him with a gogoplata, wearing him down so much that the ref calls for the bell!
Winner via ref stoppage: Trent Beretta
We cut backstage, where Deonna Purrazzo says she’ll be thinking of Thunder Rosa when she tears Lady Frost apart tonight, looking to make a statement later tonight!
-Commercial Break-
Video Package: Rush is gearing up for his return, reminding everyone that if you mess with the bull you get the horns!
Back at ringside, Bryan Keith makes his way to the ring for our next match with his opponent JD Drake already in the ring as this match gets underway!
Bryan Keith vs. JD Drake
Drake is quick to use his size to his advantage here, taking Keith out of the ring for some hard strikes before bringing him back in for a nearfall. Drake sends Keith to the corner for some chops, but Bryan is fighting back and hits a flying shoulder tackle! He follows with a big scoop slam as Drake heads to the corner, only to get hit with a kick and a nasty drop from the Bounty Hunter, who picks up the pin and the win!
Winner via pinfall: Bryan Keith
Backstage, we see Adam Copeland behind a chain link fence with barbed wire, talking about surviving tonight’s TNT Championship match against Kyle O’Reilly before challenging Malakai Black to a match at Double Or Nothing…putting the TNT Championship on the line in a barbed wire steel cage match! He tells Malakai to show up on Dynamite to accept his challenge before storming off.
Back at ringside, Deonna Purrazzo makes her way to the ring for our next match. Out next is Lady Frost, and this match gets underway!
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Lady Frost
The two lock up before Deonna goes on the attack, sending Lady Frost down…but Frost manages to fight right back, sending Purrazzo to the apron! It doesn’t last long as the Virtuosa evades her attack before we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Purrazzo largely maintains control of the match, wearing Frost down with an armbar at the peak of her attempts to break her apart…but Frost fights back, sending the Virtuosa away as we return from break!
Frost is on a roll now, laying in some hard strikes on Purrazzo before sending her to the apron for more damage…followed by a cartwheel hip attack for a nearfall! Deonna manages to take it right back to Frost however, wearing her down before dropping Frost into an armbar! Frost manages to roll into a position to get to the ropes, forcing a break! Frost climbs up top, hitting a tornado forearm on the Virtuosa for the cover…but Deonna kicks out!
Frost goes back up top, but is intercepted by Purrazzo who sets her up in the tree of woe…before nailing a nasty shot in the corner, pulling her to the middle for the pin and the win over Lady Frost!
Winner via pinfall: Deonna Purrazzo
The celebration is cut short by the arrival of Thunder Rosa, but the Virtuosa is quick to make her escape through the crowd as Rosa tries to go after her.
The Acclaimed give us a “musical presentation,” giving us a small glimpse of what they’ve been up to since losing the AEW World Trios Championship to Bullet Club Gold!
-Commercial Break-
Video Package: Scorpio Sky talks about being back, better than ever, and says that together the Sky is the limit!
Back at ringside, PAC makes his way to the ring for our Rampage main event! Out next is Johnny TV alongside Taya Valkyrie, and this match gets underway!
PAC vs. Johnny TV
Johnny seems eager to mock the Vancouver crowd, wiping himself with a Canucks jersey before PAC blindsides him in the corner! PAC sends Mr. TV across the ring for more damage, and the action moves to a third turnbuckle entirely. The action goes full circle PAC heads to the last turnbuckle for a missile dropkick, forcing Johnny to roll out of the ring for a breather…but not for long, as PAC hits an Asai moonsault!
PAC brings Johnny back to the ring, but is distracted by Taya giving Johnny an opening for a beatdown and a moonsault of his own, scoring a nearfall as we go to picture-in-picture!
Picture-in-Picture: Johnny maintains control on the outside, heading back into the ring as PAC struggles to his feet to get back in as well. Johnny stays on the attack with a kick, getting a nearfall as he tries to keep PAC at bay. Johnny gets knocked back by PAC, but is quickly back in control with some mounted punches and an armbar…before PAC breaks free, heading to the corner. Mr. TV goes for a cravat now, bringing PAC back to the middle of the ring as PAC tries to fight out of the hold before we come back from break!
Johnny doesn’t let PAC get out before driving him into the mat, taking a break on the outside for a smooch with Taya…and runs right into a knee by PAC on his way back in! PAC hits a forearm shiver now, followed by some hard kicks…but Johnny distracts the ref long enough for Taya to catch PAC by the ankle. She asks PAC what he’s gonna do about it, and PAC leaves the ring to presumably answer that question…but not before Johnny gets a corkscrew dive through the ropes on him!
Johnny brings PAC back in the ring for a nearfall, bringing him toward the corner as he goes for a split-legged moonsault…but PAC intercepts, taking Johnny down before charging at him in the corner! Johnny with a boot to the face, dropping PAC before setting up for another split-legged moonsault…but the Starship Pain misses as PAC gets out of the way! PAC goes up top as Taya gets on the apron to distract him…but an attempt to punch PAC goes awry when Johnny gets sent into her on the ropes, knocking her off the apron!
PAC goes for an octopus hold on Johnny, transitioning into a Rings of Saturn in the middle of the ring and forces Johnny to tap out!
Winner via submission: PAC
The screen comes on revealing Bullet Club Gold, who run down PAC before Jay White threatens to deal with him if he gets involved in Bang Bang Gang business again. If you’re not down with that, they’ve got two words for ya…Guns Up!
PAC’s music hits as the crowd show their appreciation before Rampage comes to a close.