AEW Dynamite 09 11 2024

AEW Dynamite Results
September 11, 2024
Lexington, Kentucky (Rupp Arena)
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

It is Wednesday, my dudes…you know what means!

We kick off with an exclusive look at the immediate fallout of Jon Moxley’s betrayal of Bryan Danielson at AEW All Out, where we hear Mox talk about the pair of them building something together. Something that couldn’t be destroyed, something they could be proud of. Interspered with footage of the medics checking on Danielson, we hear Mox talk about egos being out of control, and AEW is crawling with said egos.

Mox talks about their mentor praising Danielson in the past, and his words of “we are who we are” before calling himself the king of these lands. Mox says diplomacy has failed, and today he chooses war.

We cut to the parking lot as Darby All skates in, possibly ready to finally address Mox calling him out the past couple weeks. From there, we go to ringside where Tony Schiavone welcomes Chrsitian Cage to the ring. Cage and his Patriarchy head down the ramp, Christian holding the case containing his World Championship contract as the group enters the ring while we get a look back at Cage trying to cash in his title shot at All Out.

Tony talks about Cage winning the title shot at All In, only for Cage to tell Lexington to sit down and shut up while he conducts his business. He talks about his son Nick saying the word on the street is Cage has “infinite aura” before addressing what went down at Wembley Stadium. He talks about Killswitch finally submitting to him, recognizing him as one of the best big men in the business…and he belongs to Cage.

Tony then brings up Cage trying to cash in his title shot at All Out, to which Cage admits it was not the right time. Cage shuts down a scattered “Luchasaurus” chant before running down Bryan, saying that what happened to him at All Out will be nothing compared to what Cage does to win what he feels is rightfully his. He raises the contract up high, declaring himself the undisputed next AEW World Champion before leaving the ring.

Backstage, Don Callis talks to Will Ospreay about teaming with Kyle Fletcher in the upcoming Tag Team Casino Gauntlet. Ospreay is not eager to accept Don’s offer as he is focused on defending the International Championship…but Fletcher implores him to reconsider, to which Ospreay finally accepts. He shakes hands with Fletcher and Callis, but Konosuke Takeshita stares him down before we cut away.

Back at ringside, Jack Perry pulls into the arena in his Scapemobile(?) before heading to ringside for our opening match! Perry enters the ring as Lio Rush comes out next…only to be blindsided by the champ as this match gets underway!

TNT Championship Match: Jack Perry defends against Lio Rush

Jack lays into the challenger in the corner, removing his jacket and throwing it onto the camera. We get a better view of the ring as Perry continues the attack, before Rush fights back to send the champ to the outside…only for the Scapegoat to turn things around, slamming Lio down hard on the floor as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Rush briefly gets a comeback, but is fended off by Perry who sends the challenger into the barricade. The action eventually comes back into the ring, where we see Perry maintain control as he wears Rush down some more leading to a chinlock to keep Lio down as we come back from break!

The hold is finally broken as Action Andretti tries to intervene, leading to Perry riling him up so much that Andretti gets ejected from ringside. Despite this, Lio starts to fight back for a nearfall on the champ, sending Perry to the outside for a pair of dives that sends him to the barricade the second time around. Back in the ring is the champ as Lio goes off the top rope, rolling to a stop when Perry evades him…but the champ gets dropped with a Spanish Fly, giving Rush a close nearfall!

Perry back to his feet, catching Lio with a Snake Eyes into the middle turnbuckle for the cover…but Lio manages to kick out! Rush gets to his feet but is taken down with a snap dragon suplex by the champ. Lio fights out of a second attempt by the champ, dropping Perry on his head with a poison rana. Rush takes to the ropes but is blindsided with a knee strike, who follows up with a running knee strike for the win to retain!

Winner via pinfall and still TNT Champion: Jack Perry

Jack collects his title and hikes it up the ramp to the back as we get a run down of what’s to come tonight. Backstage, Alex Marvez tries to get a word from Jack Perry but the champ delivers some odd words of wisdom before getting in his Scapemobile (yep, I think that’s what I’m calling it) to get out of the arena.

Video Package: A look back at the Lights Out Steel Cage Match between Hangman Adam Page and Swerve Strickland at All Out

Backstage, we hear from Hangman himself as he is asked where his head is at now. Page says if he would’ve founded 1000 houses belonging to Swerve Strickland, he would’ve burned 1000 houses down. He then talks about how everything he did to Swerve at All Out, he meant it, and now he speaks to all of us…if we got in his way, if we stood between Page and Strickland, if we tried to protect Swerve from Page, Adam would find us and hurt us.

He storms off, presumably to make good on this promise as he attacks someone at random before staring down the Dark Order, with Evil Uno saying he doesn’t even know who Page is anymore before they walk off. Page then finds himself standing across from Jeff Jarrett, who looks for a level of revenge for Hangman getting his hands on his wife. Jarrett talks about the toughest SOB a man can face being the man in the mirror…and Page doesn’t take well to this, laying into Jeff with a right hand!

The two start brawling until Page sends Jarrett into a stack of chairs, as security and Jeff’s friends intervene before Page walks away.

Back at ringside, Komander and Private Party make their way out for what I’m assuming is a match…but it’s not to be, as Claudio Castagnoli and PAC come rushing down to blindside them, with Marina Shafir offering a helping hand as Jon Moxley watches on. PAC grabs a microphone, talking about what happened at All Out and referring to himself as someone who was lost…but now has a purpose. He says that this company is now ours, dropping the mic as the group makes their way out through the crowd.

-Commercial Break-

We cut to the parking lot, where Jericho and his students roll up as we see The Learning Tree wearing the jacket that Orange Cassidy ruined four years ago. Jericho says he took Cassidy’s backpack at collateral, and while the $7000 he is owed isn’t in the bag he found something equally important, stating that Cassidy will suffer the consequences of his actions before they walk off.

Back at ringside, Ricochet makes his way to the ring for our next match. Sammy Guevara makes his way out next, and this match is underway!

Ricochet vs. Sammy Guevara

The two men circle before locking up, quickly exchanging holds back and forth before reaching a standstill as they both attempt a thrust kick. The pair reset before trading strikes, with Ricochet taking Guevara down before hitting a dropkick that sends Sammy to the outside…setting up for a tope that sends him to the floor!

Both men are on their feet again, going at it up the ramp until Sammy sends Ricochet into one of the tunnels to get the upper hand. He then makes his way up the setup as Ricochet makes it back to his feet…just in time for Guevara to connect with a moonsault dropping him back to the stage! Both men are down as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The action makes it way back to the ring as Guevara looks to keep on top of Ricochet, getting a nearfall in the process. Sammy is able to keep Ricochet down as he gets a chinlock cinched in, only for Ricochet to fight back to his feet…but Guevara denies him before getting a nearfall off a standing moonsault as we come back from break!

Ricochet is sent back to the outside by Guevara, who stays on the attack by sending him to the barricade before going back into the ring…where he hits the rope for a big dive over the ropes onto Ricochet! Sammy looking for a powerbomb now, but Ricochet counters with a back body drop sending Guevara onto the ramp. Guevara tries to scramble away as Ricochet tells some of the fans to clear some space…and we soon see why, as he leaps onto the guardrail, not once but twice for a leap onto Sammy!

Guevara is brought back into the ring as Ricochet goes back on the attack with some kicks, only for Sammy to roll him up for a nearfall. Ricochet fights back before setting Sammy up on his shoulders, only for Guevara to reverse out of it. Sammy takes the fight to Ricochet in the corner before landing a long-distance cutter for the cover…but Ricochet kicks out!

Ricochet is still down as Sammy goes up top, but has to adjust when Ricochet gets out of harm’s way. Guevara catches Ricochet, looking for GTH…but Ricochet fights back, connecting with a kick that lets him set up for the Vertigo to pick up the win!

Winner via pinfall: Ricochet

Ricochet doesn’t get time to celebrate as Mortos comes into the ring, catching him with a massive spear! Guevara slides into the ring with a chair to fend off the Beast, with Mortos leaving the ring as Sammy offers Ricochet a helping hand to get to his feet.

Video Package: We take a look back at the Chicago Street Fight between Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander at AEW All Out!

-Commercial Break-

Backstage, we hear from Kazuchika Okada after defending his AEW Continental Championship at All Out. He talks about how easy the match was for him to win, before Don Callis arrives to tell Okada he did not pin Takeshita. Okada says Konosuke will be champion…but not the Continental Champion! He mocks Don before Takeshita stares him down, the champion eventually backing down as we cut away.

Back at ringside, Darby Allin makes his way down where he gets a microphone, addressing that Jon Moxley has been looking for him…so here he is. Mox’s music hits as Darby stares down the corner of the arena Mox has been known to enter from…and sure enough, here comes Jon Moxley alongside Marina Shafir. No sign of Claudio or PAC as the two head toward the ring, entering as Darby stares them down before Mox gets a second microphone to speak…saying he’s not sure what Darby has seen or heard, but nothing has changed between them from their last encounter.

Darby cuts him off, saying he and Mox don’t pretend to be superstars living in a fantasy world. They both came from nothing and will do whatever it takes to not go back, citing his circumstances growing up before noting that Mox never changed himself for anybody…and that’s something Darby aspired to.

Darby talks about meeting Mox not in AEW, but in a high school gym on the independent scene, and how nervous he was about that moment, and how much he wanted to be like Mox at the time…but not now, not after what he did to Bryan Danielson. He could never do that to someone he considers family. He asks Mox what he wants, and Mox responds by acknowledging the shot at the World Championship at Grand Slam.

That isn’t gonna happen because the champion is indisposed, but Mox is calling for Darby to hand over that title shot because Darby isn’t ready. Darby runs Mox down, saying he sounds like everyone he claims to hate by acting self-entitled. If Mox wants the shot, he has to earn it…and Mox offers to face him at Grand Slam for that title shot, promising to teach Darby a lesson the hard way.

Darby accepts, telling Mox that if he wants to burn AEW to the ground he’d better not be surprised if Darby pulls him into the fire. Backstage, we hear from Christopher Daniels until Nigel McGuinness steps in wanting to speak with Tony Khan, asking CD to come alongside for what he has to say.

At commentary, we take a moment to acknowledge and pay respects to those who lost their lives in the attacks of September 11, 2001.

After that, we cut to ringside as Mariah May makes her way to the ring for our next match. Queen Aminata heads down the ramp next, and this Title Eliminator match is underway!

AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator: Mariah May vs. Queen Aminata

Mariah gets the upper hand early, but Aminata fights back to take the champ to the ropes…only for May to evade a hip attack, wrapping the Queen up in the ropes before hitting a dropkick to take her down hard. Mariah props Aminata up on the apron for a forearm, followed by a big kick to keep her down as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Mariah stays on the attack, wearing the Queen down some more as we inexplicably shift to a full commercial break. Thanks, TNT!

-Commercial Break-

Back in the ring, Mariah continues to lay into Aminata before bringing her to the corner to prop the Queen up for a chop. Aminata fights back for a nearfall, following up with a snap suplex and a release German suplex for good measure. Aminata hits the ropes for a running kick on the champ before making the cover, but the champ kicks out!

May counters out of a powerbomb attempt, setting her up on the ropes for a lifted DDT and the cover, but this time it’s Aminata who manages to kick out. Aminata fights back again, hitting a scoop slam for another nearfall as she follows up with a kick before going up top for a double stomp…but May evades, getting to her feet for a dropkick before hitting the Glamour knee from the ropes. She follows up with a Storm Zero to pick up the win!

Winner via pinfall: Mariah May

Aminata is helped out of the ring as Mariah celebrates, grabbing a microphone to address that she hasn’t had her Women’s World Championship celebration yet. Something’s missing…someone is missing. She calls out Mina Shirakawa, asking her to please come back.

Backstage, we hear from the Young Bucks who address tonight’s main event, bringing up that whoever wins will face them for the titles at Grand Slam.

-Commercial Break-

Video Package: We look at the return of Jamie Hayter since All In at Wembley Stadium!

Back at ringside, Iron Savages are in the ring as the Learning Tree heads down the ramp for our next. We look back at what happened four years ago and Jericho taking Cassidy’s backpack at Collision, and this match is underway!

The Learning Tree vs. Iron Savages

We start off with Jericho and Boulder, the latter wearing down Jericho until Big Bill tags in to level the playing field. Despite the best efforts of Bronson and Jameson, things don’t end up well for the Iron Savages as The Learning Tree picks up the win!

Winners via pinfall: The Learning Tree

After the match, Jericho addresses Cassidy still not paying him what he’s owed before revealing what’s inside the backpack…a picture of Orange and his former Best Friends. Jericho says that’s Cassidy’s problem, thinking he can have friends in this business. You can’t have friends in pro wrestling, and if you think you do you’re probably being used.

We notice Big Bill giving a look at Jericho as he presses on, telling him to pay Jericho back his $7000. We hear from Cassidy who appears on the big screen, telling Jericho he doesn’t have much as he reveals a bunch of random items in his hands…before stating that his boys are bringing the rest of the money now.

We see Mark Briscoe and Kyle O’Reilly using a Caterpillar to bring a huge pile of pennies…which they then drop into Jericho’s car! Jericho panics at the sight of his car possibly being wrecked, as Cassidy drops an extra bill to grab some change before saying that should cover the cost.

We cut back to ringside, where Nigel McGuinness is standing by in the ring with a microphone. He talks about there being no World Championship match at Grand Slam since Darby Allin is putting his title shot on the line against Jon Moxley. He says this is good news for the champion, who is probably gasping for air like Justin Roberts when he was being choked out with his own tie, but it’s not good for AEW.

Nigel says that as a former World Champion himself, he feels the champ should be competing at Grand Slam. He says he’s had to watch Danielson’s career from the sidelines for years, an afterthought and postscript to a career that should have been his. Danielson is afraid of Nigel, and the one match everyone wants to see…but Tony Khan is not afraid, he knows a money match when he sees one.

At AEW Grand Slam, it will be Bryan Danielson versus Nigel McGuinness! This gets a big pop as Nigel promises that Oasis will play him to the ring, before asking if Bryan will join him in the final countdown or if we will see the final match of the “American Coward,” saying the ball is in Bryan’s court before leaving the ring.

We head to the stage as the Young Bucks step out, ready to keep an eye on our main event. Out first is FTR for this Tag Team Casino Gauntlet Match, followed by Kyle Fletcher and Will Ospreay as this main event gets underway!

Tag Team Casino Gauntlet Match

FTR is able to fend off the high-flying offense of Fletcher and Ospreay, picking up a nearfall at one point before our next team comes out…and it’s The Righteous!

They go after both teams, sending FTR out of the ring before focusing on Fletcher and Ospreay and keeping them grounded as team #3 steps out for the gauntlet…and it’s Matt Taven and Mike Bennett of Undisputed Kingdom!

They go after Fletcher first, turning their attention to the Righteous before FTR enter the ring, and chaos quickly ensues as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: The action continues as all three teams go at it, with Undisputed Kingdom getting the upper hand just as we come back from break…

…where our next team is revealed to be The Acclaimed!

They stare down the Bucks before entering the fray in the ring, fending off Undisputed Kingdom before Caster hoists Dutch up for a fireman carry slam…only for Cash Wheeler to break the pin! He gets fought off as Dax rushes in, only to take a Famouser from each of The Acclaimed as the countdown reveals our next team…MxM Collection!

They quickly get into the ring, staring down The Acclaimed before FTR blindsides the Collection to get the upperhand. This ends with the vets being sent to the outside as the Collection show off after dropping The Acclaimed, sending them to the outside where The Righteous go on the attack…until FTR go on the attack.

The action makes its way back into the ring, where we see a massive suplex chain send several men to the mat and even to the outside as we go to picture-in-picture again.

Picture-in-Picture: MxM gets a good head of steam as they fight off the other teams in the ring, but are soon taken out as FTR takes control of the match. We see a chain of submissions from FTR and The Acclaimed before The Righteous clear things out, leaving us with Undisputed Kingdom going at it with Fletcher and Ospreay as we come back!

There is chaos outside the ring as the countdown reveals our next participants…Dante and Darius Martin of Top Flight!

They get into the ring where the stand off with Undisputed Kingdom and The Righteous to clear them out, before Dante faces off with Will Ospreay for an exchange of offense. Dante evades Ospreay to hit a headscissors taking down Ospreay, only for Taven to catch him with a thumb to the eye. Fletcher fights off Taven but is taken down by FTR, who hit the Shatter Machine only to have seemingly everyone break up the pin as we get our next team out…and it’s The Outrunners!

Big pop from the Lexington crowd as they run to the ring, eventually clearing everyone out before turning their attention to Vincent for a double elbow drop to another big pop. Vincent rolls out of the ring, but he and Dutch are faced with a double dive from the Outrunners as the countdown reveals our next team…GYV!

FTR runs up the ramp to fight them, the brawl taking both teams to the back. Back in the ring, Mansoor is caught on the turnbuckle by Turbo Floyd, who hits him with a superplex onto the mass that is the remaining men on the floor! Floyd brings Mansoor into the ring for a double cover, only for Dutch to pull one of the Outrunners out to break the pin. They start to fight until Darius Martin hits them with a dive, as back inside we see Dante facing off with Kyle Fletcher…before Ospreay catches Dante with a Hidden Blade! He stops Mansoor from breaking up the pin as Kyle makes the cover, earning the two their shot at the AEW World Tag Team Championship at Grand Slam in the process!

Winners via pinfall and facing the Young Bucks at AEW Grand Slam for the World Tag Team Championship: Kyle Fletcher & Will Ospreay

Fletcher and Ospreay celebrate, staring down the Bucks who cannot believe who they are facing at Grand Slam as we look at what will go down at Arthur Ashe Stadium before this episode of Dynamite comes to a close.