Recent Leapin’ Lanny Poffo interview

Lanny PoffoDavid Dexter reports that Lanny Poffo was a guest on Live Audio Wrestling Sunday night. Here are the highlights…

The issue between Vince McMahon and Randy Savage:

“If I didn’t have the guts to ask Randy to his face about what you’re referring to, then I wouldn’t dare speculate about it now.”

If the WWE has contacted the family about the Hall of Fame: 

“I got a call from John Laurinaitis before the Miami (WrestleMania), the year before last. He was real nice to me, he just forgot to extend his condolences. I’m from the old school; even if you’re glad he’s dead, just pretend like you loved him and extend your condolences. That’s all I ask. He was just trying to get my feedback on that. I said, ‘Go ahead and do it, but make sure you play the video of the Huckster and the Nacho Man,’ so he can keep it even.”