Recent Konnan interview writer Daniel Pena reports that Konnan recently appeared on the Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast, where he spoke on everything from wrestling to politics. Highlights are as follows:

On his time in WCW: “[WCW] was the only company in the history of wrestling to beat WWE, [it was] 82, 84 weeks in a row in the ratings. We had all the big names – Hulk Hogan, Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage, The Ultimate Warrior, we just had all these big stars. Roddy Piper, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Ric Flair. It was really, really good TV. It’s a time that I can say that I was proud to be a wrestler. When you see some of the cheesy things they’re doing now on TV, it’s very embarrassing.”

On AAA’s expansion plans in the United States: “When we come [to the United States], it’s gonna be raw, it’s gonna be a whole different thing that’s never been seen. I’m gonna expose the United States to what I was exposed to when I was 23, and they’re just gonna be like holy [expletive].”

On his experiences in the Navy: “They sent me to Lebanon…and you start hearing all these things [like] we were there helping other [people’s] interests. I started to find out the truth – I had this Cuban guy come up to me, he was an officer, and he started to open up my eyes, ‘cos I would ask him ‘why are they saying this’ (on transmissions), ‘why are they saying that’, ‘what does that mean’? He goes, “this is all bull[expletive] dude, we’re not here to protect American interests, we’re here to protect some oil companies’ interests, and that’s all you’re here for.”

The current state of the American political system: “It’s not like we really control anything in the United States anyway, so why would our vote be taken into account? This is what I feel is going on in the United States: I just think that the richest guys in the [country] get together, make policies, say ‘this is what we want, this is what we don’t want’. We don’t really have power over anything.”

The full audio interview is available at