Recent Kenny Doane interview

Daniel Pena of Lords of reports that has published an article on Kenn Doane, 26, who appeared in WWE as Kenny and Kenny Dykstra from 2006 to 2008. The former Spirit Squad member enrolled in Nichols College in Dudley, Massachusetts this semester and made their football team as a tight end after not playing the game since he was 18-years-old.

“I have always loved football and I always set goals for myself. My first dream was to get to the WWE and I set that and my second goal after wrestling was to get a degree and play college football,” he said.

With his opportunity, Doane plans to take full advantage of it. “I can make my own schedule and I can slow things down work-wise with wrestling, and financially I am set. I can take 10 weeks, 12 weeks, however long the season is, into this and go full force. That is where I at now.”

Doane also discussed his road to WWE and what it was like working with fellow Killer Kowalski trainee, Triple H.

“Triple H is a very smart. Any time I had a question, whether it was personal, business, whatever, I would ask him,” Doane said.

On November 10, 2008, WWE announced that Doane had been released from his contract. He explains, “because they were going through a lot of different layoffs and a lot of us were getting paid a lot of money and they didn’t have a storyline for me at the time, plus my body was breaking down; traveling 270 days a year is really hard.” Following his release, he continued to wrestle independently, and still does on occasion.

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