Recent Ken Shamrock interview on Wrestling’s Glory Days Weekly

Ken ShamrockUFC Hall of Famer and former Intercontinental Champion, Ken Shamrock revealed his intentions to make a full comeback to either TNA or the WWE in an interview conducted recently on Wrestling’s Glory Days Weekly with Steve and the Scum. Shamrock also spoke of his being “blackballed” by the wrestling industry and not being given any particular reason why.

Shamrock spoke candidly with WGD Weekly on many topics including:

His intentions to make a comeback to pro wrestling and being “blackballed” from the major companies: “…I am very open to that. I have pretty much been begging for someone to give me an explanation as to why I am at least not being considered…I’ve been pretty much just like black balled and I don’t know why?” He later added, “I just need someone to give me the opportunity, but right now, I’m not getting any feedback from anybody…”

A return to WWE: “…I don’t think I have any enemies, other than probably Hunter, who I didn’t think we didn’t get along, but we rubbed shoulders a few times the wrong way…I don’t know, I’ve been asking someone to please let me know what is going on, because I would really love to come back and get that shot at the title…”

A possible TNA return: “…TNA, in the short time I was there, I didn’t have the time I needed to work there. Now I have that time and I am in great shape…I don’t need to worry about keeping my size down for fighting because I’m not fighting…so yeah I’m pretty much open for getting back…”

TNA being a good fit for his return: “Yeah, you know, I would just love to. I just haven’t had anybody really reach out…I’m done fighting pretty much and I’m looking to get back into pro wrestling and do some stuff there…I’m pretty much open…”

In addition to the stating his desire to return to the ring, the “World’s Most Dangerous Man” touched on a variety of topics in the near 35 minute exclusive interview with WGD Weekly, including working as a “shooter” for “Mad Dog” Buzz Sawyer’s Wrestling Academy, training with Bret Hart in Calgary prior to debuting in the WWF in 1997, the Bret/Austin WrestleMania 13 match, challenging Mike Tyson to a fight on Raw, being backstage in Montreal at the 1997 Survivor Series, his thoughts on the Rock, Vince McMahon, Owen Hart, becoming TNA’s first ever World Champion and much more.

The full interview has just been released and  is available for listening at the link to WGD Weekly’s Facebook page below: