Recent JBL interview writer Michael Bluth reported the following:

Former WWE superstar JBL was recently interviewed by and spoke about his “Seven Summits Bermuda Challenge”. Here are some highlights of what the self-proclaimed Wrestling God said.

Does the danger scare him?  “[No]. It might be stupidity or naïveté but I really don’t have a fear of dying on these mountains or even getting hurt. I am going with great guides who have done these mountains many times, a lot of people do get hurt and die on these mountains especially when you get to the harder mountains but it is not a false bravado, I just don’t really think, I just don’t think it’s going to happen! It obviously could, hopefully my wife would be upset, it would be a shame if she doesn’t [Laughter} but I am focused on climbing the mountain. Its like going into a wrestling match, are you really worried about getting hurt? Its not like the danger isn’t there, it’s all about doing what you can do, and that is where my focus is on.”

Wrestling one more match:  “I have zero and no desire for one more match. I mean you never say never, but I have no desire at all for one more match.  WWE has never brought up one more match, so I don’t err see it happening. You never know, but I have no desire to have one! There certainly isn’t one in the cards, it’s something that I don’t care to do.”

Is he a Hall Of Fame candidate?  “I would be tremendously honored if the Hall of Fame knocked on my door, that would be the biggest career highlight a person could ever have to even have my name mentioned as a possibility is quite an honor considering the great superstars that are in there. That is a lifetime achievement that is phenomenal. That is completely out of my control, I hope someday somebody puts my name up and I hope I am not laughed out of the room. But I can’t control that; it would be a tremendous honor. It’s not something I am expecting. There are plenty of great performers that should go ahead of me in the Hall as very well they should be.”