Recent Jack Swagger interview

JackSwaggerJack Swagger recently spoke with Music Recall Magazine.

Here are some highlights:

MRM: How did Zeb Colter become your manager?

Swagger: It’s a cool story. We were a couple weeks out from the Elimination Chamber in 2013. And we were in Nashville for a Raw TV taping, and Zeb lives in Nashville, and we knew we wanted another character to go along with the storyline. Triple H had an idea to bring him in, and he came in. He started discussing some ideas, and he did a couple promos on tape and Vince and Hunter just loved it. It was very meant to be. He already had the mustache and fit the character to a T.

MRM: How did Antonio Cesaro become a “Real American” and your tag team partner?

Swagger: Antonio is a great competitor, a great technical wrestler and a very smart individual to go along with it. He immigrated to the United States the correct way: filling out the right paper work and paying his taxes. And as a Real American that’s all we ask for. He’s an example of what we want all immigrants to do in this country, storyline wise.

I injured my hand; I severed two tendons in my thumb back in May. So I was off TV for a little bit, and Antonio came along. And him and Zeb had a real good bond. The rest is history. I came back from surgery, and we’re off to the races. We have great rapport with each other, work very well with each other and complement each other very well.

MRM: Is your future in singles or tag team competition?

Swagger: Both. I love tag team wrestling. I love working with Zeb and Antonio, I think we’re a great team. Singles is a lot of fun too. I think deep down I’ll always consider myself a singles wrestler. But tag team wrestling is a whole different animal, and I love the challenge of it, I love being the heel and getting away with stuff behind the ref’s back. Just the extra two people in the ring brings a different dynamic to the match that anything could happen. And it really intensifies things and really forces you to stay focused and keep your head on a swivel. Because you never know what could happen in a tag team match, which is very exciting in my eyes.

Recap courtesy of