Recent Chavo Guerrero, Jr. interview with the Miami Herald

ChavoChavo Guerrero, Jr. recently spoke with Scott Fishman of The Miami Herald about TNA’s recent budget cuts and releases:

“It’s a business. I’ve seen that exact same thing in every other company I’ve been in. It’s the nature of the beast. They are making what they think are the best decisions for the company. That’s the way it is. That’s in any business. I know people that are teachers, and they are let go. They are great teachers, but for some reason they are let go. It’s just the way it is.”

Chavo also talked about TNA having fewer pay-per-views:

“I think it’s great. I like the fact we went down to four pay-per-views. You see when you have 12 or 13 pay-per-views a year, it’s watered down. Unless it’s a big one like a WrestleMania or something like that, a lot of them are watered down. They are just doing them to do them. So I like the idea of less pay-per-views. I think it’s better for the company and the fans from a storyline perspective. We have three months or so to build to a big payoff. I like that and think the fans like that.”

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