Recent Alex Wright interview writer Daniel Pena reports that former WCW star Alex Wright recently joined “Inside The Ropes” radio.  Highlights from the interview are as follows:

On being in WCW during the nWo boom period:  “It was not a great spot for guys who weren’t in an nWo angle. The other guys were forgotten a little bit. I didn’t wanna be a part of the nWo. It didn’t seem the right fit for me. Too many old guys.”

Why the Berlyn character was canned so quickly after his debut:  “At that point, nobody backstage really knew what was going on in WCW. Nobody knew who was the boss, if they were gonna have a job in the next few weeks, backstage morale was the shits and finally when Russo came in, he dropped every angle, every character that Eric Bischoff, had created. He told me he didn’t like it. He said we’re gonna leave the gimmick.”

On David Arquette winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship being good publicity for the company:  “Bullshit, no it damaged WCW. I mean if guys like Hogan, Sting, Flair had wrestled these epic matches to win it and then you just give it to an actor? Nah that’s bullshit. We lost a lot of fans from that.

Wright also talks about how he ended up in WCW, initial impressions of Triple H, the Das Wunderkind gimmick, the infamous match with the trap door, negotiations with WWE. The full interview is available at