Sunset Flip Presents… Raw Is Habit

Sunset Flip Presents Raw Is Habit
By Jim Boy Star

Good day everyone. This is Jim Boy Star with another column here on Online World of Wrestling.

Everyone has habits. Some habits can be very simple such as taking a shower every morning before going to work. Others are more complex. Perhaps you are visiting family in a foreign state and whenever you visit, you have to go to a certain restaurant when you visit your relatives.


Whether its simple or complex, good or bad, it turns into something you just wind up doing. I feel like World Wrestling Entertainment’s Raw has turned into a habit for me.


I no longer watch Raw with any excitement and have not in quite some time. Anyone that listens to the show knows what I like about Raw and what I do not like about Raw. Yet, every Monday night, I am at home watching Raw, even though I am prepared for Raw to not be good yet again.


Part of the reason I watch Raw is because I have a pro wrestling radio show and feel that out of all the shows I have to watch Raw for two major reasons. The first is because it is a LIVE show. Despite the fact I feel that most Raws are very predictable, there is a part of me that feels like at any moment The Rock can walk out with the Gobbldygooker and sing “Sweet Home Alabama”. It is not likely but as a LIVE show, it is possible and I would not want to miss it.


The other reason is Raw will always been seen as the flagship show. The A show. The number one priority show on all of WWE television in creative’s eyes. So if any names from the past return, it would more likely be on Raw than any of the other shows.


I have established Raw has become a habit. Since I’m not a football fan, that is not an alternative for me. Other than that, I do not know any other alternative television show that interests me. This does not help me break the habit that is watching Raw.


So next time you complain about how bad Raw, yet are about to watch it, talk to yourself. Ask yourself “Is Raw really as bad as I think it is?”. If the answer is yes, like my answer would be, perhaps it is time to break your Monday Night habit.


Check out the latest show this coming Saturday evening, the Hell In A Cell special. Visit this Saturday evening.


Jim Boy Star

Sunset Flip Wrestling Show
Sunday 6pm EST
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