PWF “American Wrestlution 2” Results 9/5

Courtesy of Alan J. Wojcik and
(1) Doug Basham defeated Francisco Ciatso (w/Double Deuce Social Club members Cannon & “Princess of Wrestling” Amy Vitale)
(2) Steve Madison defeated Sinn BoDHI.
(3) Michael Patrick/Mickey McCoy defeated Johnny Vandal/Craig Classic/Bobby Buthol.
(4) Pro Wrestling Fusion Cruiserweight champion Chris Jones defeated former NWA World Jr. Heavyweight champion “Mr. 630” Jerrelle Clark.
(5) Prince Iaukea defeated Nick Primo.
(6) “Iceman” Buck Quartermaine defeated “Classy” Chris Nelson.
(7) Freedom Ryder defeated Pro Wrestling Fusion Florida Heavyweight champion the Sheik (w/Bruiser Bradley) via DQ.
(8) Steve Madison/Freedom Ryder defeated Sheik/Bruiser Bradley.

On Saturday September 5th Pro Wrestling Fusion held American Wrestlution 2. It was held at the Temple Terrace Recreation Center. Thanks to Wrestling For a Cause and the National Wrestling Alliance the event benefited the Antioch Redskins football team. Speaking of the Redskins their coaching staff opened the show thanking everyone for coming out to support their cause. That was stopped by Francisco Ciatso and the Double Deuce Social Club. After he told the coaches and players he didn’t care for them being here he told the fans NO ONE would shut him up. That brought out former WWE superstar Doug Basham to the ring and he was able to shut Ciatso up long enough to issue a challenge to him.
(1) Doug Basham defeated Francisco Ciatso (w/Double Deuce Social Club members Cannon & “Princess of Wrestling” Amy Vitale)
In the opening minutes Ciatso spent more time complaining to the referee about Basham’s tactics than actually locking up with Basham. When they did lock up Basham had Ciatso on the mat in an armbar. A rake of the eyes changed that along with chokes from Vitale and Cannon. Ciatso took Basham down with a chinlock and put all his weight behind it. Basham fought to his feet only to run into Ciatso’s knee. The action went back to the mat with Ciatso locking in the chinlock. Basham was close to being counted down when the fans got active and this gave him a rush only to be hit with a slam. Ciatso didn’t listen to Vitale and Cannon’s pleas to NOT go up top. Instead he went second rope and met canvas. Basham hit several clotheslines but his pin was stopped when Vitale & Cannon grabbed the referee. The Redskins coaches got on the apron and Ciatso went to yell at them. This allowed Basham to win via a school boy roll.
(2) Steve Madison defeated Sinn BoDHI.
Bodhi wasn’t happy when Madison grabbed his blue teddy bear and punted it into the fans. Bodhi went after Madison but got hit with several shots to the head and body. Bodhi got out of a waistlock with a cartwheel which Madison mimicked to get the waistlock back on. Bodhi countered but Madison used leverage to dump Bodhi to the floor where the fans made fun of his attire (which needs to be seen in person.) Madison got hit in the gut and the “carnival freak” took over. Madison fought back but got hit with a vicious backchop and a legdrop on the ropes. Bodhi risked the DQ choking Madison with the ropes. Bodhi mocked the fans who called him Kizarny. This allowed Madison time to recover and get his wind back hitting chops and shoulder blocks. Madison went up top but missed a headbutt dive. Bodhi rolled to the floor and got his chair which was covered in a mini bed of nails. He went to drive Madison into it but got hit with an Acecrusher which ended the match. Bodhi was not too pleased and sought out his bear for a chat in private. But the ringside kids tore it to pieces.
Shannon Rose was ready to introduce the next match when “the World’s greatest promoter” Big Daddy JoJo interrupted things. He brought out his man Bobby Buthol who came out with his bodyguard and the duo of Michael Patrick & Mickey McCoy. Buthol wasn’t pleased that he sent the duo to help him wrestle the Shane Twins and he ended up on his ass. He called Patrick & McCoy losers and degenerates. Buthol said he found himself a tag team, Craig Classic & Johnny Vandal. Patrick took exception to the insults laid down and he said they would take on the new duo right now with or without Buthol in the match.
(3) Michael Patrick/Mickey McCoy defeated Johnny Vandal/Craig Classic/Bobby Buthol.
McCoy and Patrick worked over all three men as JoJo protested every single move. The momentum ended when Classic kneed McCoy in the back on a rope run. The trio went to work keeping McCoy as far away from his corner as possible and it worked for several minutes. Classic thought he had the match won with a top rope headbutt but Patrick broke the pin up. Vandal came in with a neckbreaker and Buthol wanted the pinfall but ended up getting two. The trio began toying with McCoy and he made them pay when he decked Classic with a clothesline. This allowed Patrick time to tag in and clear the ring. In the ruckus Buthol was tagged in blind and he was hit with a double atomic knee drop into his bodyguard who was on the ring apron trying to help. There was no help in sight as Buthol was pinned by both men.
(4) Pro Wrestling Fusion Cruiserweight champion Chris Jones defeated former NWA World Jr. Heavyweight champion “Mr. 630” Jerrelle Clark.
Chain wrestling was on the menu in the opening minutes as both men tried to feel the other out. That ended when Clark was dumped to the floor with some help from Jones who countered out of a hammerlock. Clark tried to do the same to Jones but countered and sent Clark to the floor. Jones went to high fly but landed ringside and his huricurana was blocked and Clark slammed his back into the ring apron. Clark brought the action back to the ring where he blocked a head scissor and he dropped Jones chest first to the mat. Clark followed with an abdominal stretch submission. Jones countered out but his cross body block was countered into a gutbuster. Clark kept the pressure on with body shots and a senton. Clark went to the floor and went for a rope assisted 619 but Jones moved. The action went back to the ring where chest chops were traded but Jones corner whip only met the corner. Clark went for a corner power bomb but Jones countered into a huricurana. Both men fought to their feet where Jones went on the attack with another head scissor which sent Clark to the floor. Jones followed with a tope’ and then went up top in the ring hitting a frog splash for two. Joes and Clark traded forearm shots but Jones hit a blockbuster and a moonsault to get the victory.
(5) Prince Iaukea defeated Nick Primo.
The Antioch fans went into their own heel mode when it was announced Iaukea was part of the Brandon Hawks coaching staff. Primo became the most popular man in the building and he traded armbars and power moves with the former cruiserweight champion. Primo used his speed to keep ahead of Iaukea but that stopped with a kick to the gut and followed by the head. Iaukea hit shoulder blocks to the guy which kept Primo sucking for air. Primo fought back with a side legsweep for two. Primo followed Iaukea to the floor and quickly back to the ring where Iaukea begged for mercy. They traded chest chops and Primo blocked a kick hitting a dragon whip. Iaukea begged the referee to keep Primo back and he did when Iaukea shoved him into Primo. This allowed Iaukea to get in a cheap shot kick. Iaukea kept the focus on the upper body with a suplex and knees to the head. Iaukea went to end it with a chinlock with his knee in the back of Primo for more pressure. Primo fought to his feet but he was suplexed to the ring apron. Primo got back in but was hit with a superkick for two. Both men went up top but Primo sent Iaukea back to the canvas and came off with a bodyblock. Primo kept on the attack with body shots but Iaukea survived and went up top hitting a splash for the win which brought more boos from the crowd.
Before the next match “Classy” Chris Nelson came out to insult the residents of Temple Terrace and Plant City giving mobile home improvement tips. Nelson said tonight he was going to retire “the Iceman.”
(6) “Iceman” Buck Quartermaine defeated “Classy” Chris Nelson.
Nelson used some questionable tactics in the opening minutes claiming he was punched by Quartermaine as the referee wasn’t looking. On the third exchange Quartermaine did punch Nelson, several times followed by a backdrop and shot that sent Nelson to the floor to console himself. Nelson finally came back to the ring and went for an overhand wristlock but when he lost it he claimed his hair was pulled. The Iceman pulled a fast one on Nelson and it was time on the floor once more to figure things out. After some self help tape listening Nelson was ready for action and a test of strength which he lost. Nelson backed Quartermaine to a corner where he changed things with a right hand to the jaw. Nelson went into full rule breaker mode using his wrist tape to choke Quartermaine out. The action went to the floor where Nelson kicked Quartermaine in the ribs and drove them into the ring apron. Nelson tossed Quartermaine back in the ring where he got a two count. Nelson went for a corner splash but instead crotched himself on the second rope. Quartermaine hit the Buck Q shuffle but his top rope trip ended badly when Nelson cut him off. The duo came off with Nelson hitting the mat from a front suplex and Quartermaine hitting a top rope legdrop to win.
(7) Freedom Ryder defeated Pro Wrestling Fusion Florida Heavyweight champion the Sheik (w/Bruiser Bradley) via DQ.
The Sheik’s pre-match prayer ritual was interrupted by a chant of USA. As Sheik tried again Bradley got in Ryder’s face and Sheik used that as chance to attack from behind. The fight went to the floor where Sheik went on the attack with some help from Bradley. They finally came back to the ring where Sheik used the ropes, his boots and Bradley to choke out Ryder. Sheik locked Ryder in a chinlock submission but he refused to tap out. Ryder fought back with a sunset flip for two but got decked with a clothesline by the quicker Sheik who dumped Ryder on the floor where Bradley was waiting with open arms and kicks to the ribs. Once back in the ring Sheik locked in the chinlock but Ryder fought out only to be punched in the forehead. Ryder avoided a corner splash and got a rollup for two only to be hit in the throat with a double chop. Ryder had the title won when he hit a spinebuster but Bradley got the referees attention long enough to get a count. Ryder went hit a suplex and went up top but Bradley grabbed him and the referee had seen enough calling for the bell.
Bradley and Sheik began to beat down when Steve Madison and a folding chair sent them running to the floor. Madison called them out for a tag team matchup right on the stop. Surprisingly the challenged was answered.
(8) Steve Madison/Freedom Ryder defeated Sheik/Bruiser Bradley.
Madison was chased out of the ring by the referee as Sheik & Bradley dragged him to their corner. Ryder tried to fight back and he avoided a backdrop, grabbing Sheik’s head and driving him to the mat. Ryder went for the tag but Madison left the corner to argue with Bradley. When Madison got back Sheik dragged Ryder away towards more punishment. Ryder began dishing out some of his own trading chest chops with Bradley and following with a clothesline. But he couldn’t make the tag as Bradley was closer to his corner. Madison saw an opening and he used it to get Ryder to the corner for the tag. Madison took on both men and after tagging Ryder back in, he clotheslined Bradley to the floor. Ryder only needed a top rope shoulder tackle to finish off the Sheik.

Pro Wrestling Fusion return to Daytona Beach for Biketoberfest on October 16th. Log onto for more information.