Psychiatrist Dr. David Reiss, MD was a guest on The Ken Reedy Show. Dr. Reiss is an expert in pro wrestling psychology—both from the fans’ and wrestlers’ perspective, as well as an expert in wellness, both inside and outside of the ring. Dr. Reiss is frequently called upon by both mainstream and pro wrestling press. He has led numerous seminars at Cauliflower Alley Club, universities and other venues. After the tragedy in Newtown, Dr. Reiss was invited to lead a panel and address other therapists and members of the community.
You can listen to the interview via the link above. It is also available on iTunes by searching for The Ken Reedy Show. You can follow The Ken Reedy Show on Twitter: @TheKenReedyShow and on Facebook: The Ken Reedy Show
You can follow Dr. David Reiss at @trotdoc and @TheShrinkWrap and on Facebook at