AEW All Out 09 05 2020

AEW All Out Results
September 5, 2020
Jacksonville, Florida (Daily’s Place)
Results by: Jerome Wilen of

We go live to Daily’s Place, which at the 15% allowed capacity for an official sell-out.

Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur are on on commentary.

Jim Ross introduces the show. There were crowd shots shown with fans wearing masks.  The commentary team goes through the card for the PPV.

Tooth and Nail Match
Dr. Britt Baker vs. Big Swole

Big Swole comes out of a car and is at Britt Baker’s dental office to check in.  Swole hits Britt with a clip board.  Swole is looking for Baker throughout the dental office.  Swole is in a room of fake chattering mini teeth.  Baker from behind hits Swole from behind and the ref calls for the bell.  Baker puts Swole in the dental chair.   Both women now are fighting outside the building.  Baker and Reba double team on Swole.  Baker DDT’s Swole on top of Baker’s “Rolls Royce.”  Baker hits Swole with a crutch to the back.  Both women are now back inside the dentist office.  Baker puts a swinging neck breaker to Swole on the floor.  Baker and Swole trade blows back and forth.  Swole goes for a cover but Baker kicks out at two.  Baker has a drill and tries to drill Swole, but the drills the chair instead.  Baker then has a needle with novocaine – Swole grabs it and stabs into Baker’s leg.  Reba freaks out.  Swole hands Reba Baker’s diploma in a frame and punches in the face of Reba.  Swole grabs an oxygen mask and puts in on Baker.  Baker goes to sleep.  The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Big Swole

The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) vs. Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus)

Nick Jackson and Jungle Boy start the match.  Nick is tagged in.  My B/R Live feed temporarily went out due to an internet issue so I missed a portion of the match. Luchasaurus gets a superkick to the face by Nick Jackson who fell to the outside.  Luchasaurus is tagged in.  Luchasaurus chops both Nick and Matt to their chests.  Luchasaurus does a standing moonsault press, but Luchasaurus only gets the two count. Matt takes a nasty headbutt by Luchasaurus.  Luchasaurus then does a moonsault off the ring apron to The Young Bucks onto the floor.  In the ring, Nick does a pull in destroyer on Luchasaurus.  Matt has Jungle Boy on his shoulders and Nick gives Jungle Boy a running kick to the chest.   Back in the ring, Matt goes for the cover, but only get a two count.  Luchasaurus choke slams Nick.  Jungle Boy goes for the cover, but only gets a two count. Luchasaurus leaps off the top rope on to the floor onto The Young Bucks.  Back in the ring both Bucks superkick Jungle Boy, but only gets a two count.  The Young Bucks do a sandwich kick to the head of Jungle Boy and get the win.

Winner: The Young Bucks by pinfall

21-Man Casino Battle Royal

Participants include: Darby Allin, Lance Archer, Brian Cage, Ricky Starks, Pentagon Jr., Rey Fenix, The Butcher, The Blade, and Eddie Kingston

Justin Roberts goes over the rules.

Entrants are coming out to the ring.  Trent, Christopher Daniels, Jake Hager, The Blade, Rey Fenix compete for three minutes. The action is all over the place with double and triple teaming.  However, the faces are going for the heels and the heels are going for the faces. At the end of the first three minutes the next entrants are Frankie Kazarian, Santana and Ortiz attack Chuck Taylor outside of the ring.  Christopher Daniels is eliminated by Will Hobbs. The next three minutes are coming up for the next entrants which is Billy, Pentagon, Jr., Ricky Starks and Brian Cage.  Cage picks up Billy and throws him over the top rope. Darby Allin then comes out as the next entrant.  Rey Fenix gets eliminated. Chuck Taylor gets eliminated. The action continues all over the place with Cage and Starks going after Darby Allin.  Three minutes are up again for the final group of Shawn Spears who walks to the commentary table to put on a headset and talks with the commentary team.  The next entrants are Eddie Kingston, The Butcher, Sonny Kiss and Lance Archer. Jake Hager gets eliminated by Sonny Kiss. Santana eliminated himself and ended over the rope.  The joker in the battle royal is Matt Sydel.  He appears to have botched a move off the top rope and falls on the back of his head. He gives Lance Archer a knee strike.  Matt slipped off the top rope. It looked like he might have botched that move.  Shawn Spears is in the ring.  This battle royal is all over the place.  Ricky Starks was eliminated by Darby Allin.  Starks took Allin out of the ring and through him against the ring post.  Starks goes under the ring to get a body bag.  Cage is attempting to put Allin in a body bag full of thumb tacks. Cage puts Allin in the bag, zips it up and throws Allin in the bag over the top rope to eliminate him.  Sydel eliminates Spears.  Will Hobbs puts a spine buster to Sydel on the thumb tacks.  Cage and Archer trade blows to the face and kicks to the chest. Cage and  Hobbs who fight on the apron get eliminated by Archer.   Sydel eliminates The Butcher.  Archer gives Sydel the Blackout.  Sydel is elminated.   It is down to Archer and Eddie Kingston.  Kingston is on the top turnbuckle with Jake Roberts distracting Kingston with the snake in the bag.  Archer chokeslams Kingston outside the ring and is the winner.

Winner: Lance Archer

Broken Rules Match
If Matt Hardy loses, he will leave AEW
Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara

Broken Matt Hardy calls for Guevara inside TIAA Bank Arena.  Sammy shows up on a golf cart and both men are fighting inside the concessions area of TIAA Bank Arena.  Both men are on a scissor lift.   Both men fell through the a Jon Moxley merchandise table.  It appears Matt’s head bounced off the concrete floor.  Aubry Edwards is checking on Matt and counting to ten.  Matt gets up to his feet at eight.  Matt Hardy is dazed.  Aubry Edwards puts up the X and stops the match.  The AEW doctor is checking on Matt Hardy.  Hardy is now up to his feet.  Broken Matt Hardy and is looking for Sammy who is going towards the ring area.  Aubrey calls for the bell as there must be a winner.  Matt DDT’s Sammy on the concrete floor.  Both men are fighting on the ring entrance staging area.  Sammy climbs the scaffolding and Matt follows him up.  Both men are about 10-15 feet in the air.  Hardy knocks Sammy off who falls through the stage.   Referee Aubry Edwards counts to ten and Matt Hardy is your winner.

Winner: Matt Hardy

AEW Women’s Championship
Hikaru Shida (c) vs. NWA Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa

Both women exchange blows.  Rosa looked for an ankle lock and went to the rope to break the hold. Both women exchange chops  in the corner.  Rosa gives Shida a neckbreaker, goes for a cover, but only gets the two count.  Outside the ring Shida gets a steel chair.  Rosa uses it as a launch pad for a running knee to the face on Shida.  Rosa is slamming the spine of Shida into the ring apron.  Rosa gives a running kick to the head of Shida. Rosa rolls Shida back in the ring for the cover but only gets a two count.  Rosa gives Shida a backbreaker and then covers Shida, but Shida kicks out at two.  Shida then puts Rosa in a sleeper and goes for the cover on Rosa, but only gets a two.  Rosa gives Shida a leg drop across the head.  Rosa continues her dominance with blows to the back of Shida.  Shida counters a roundhouse from Rosa.  Shida lands a running knee strike on Rosa.  Both women are down.  Shida goes for a knee strike and the cover, but only gets a two count.  Shida then goes for a falcon arrow and goes for the cover, but only gets a two count.  Rosa gives Shida leaping drop kick onto the stage.  Both women are on the second rope. Rosa executes a Death Valley Driver on Shida on the ring apron.  Back in the ring, Rosa has Shida in an arm bar.  Shida gets her foot on the bottom rope to force the break.   Shida is on the middle rope and lands both knees on the face of Rosa on the stage.  Both women exchange blows and knees to the mid sections.  Rosa kicks out of a Falcon Arrow.   Shida has Rosa in the full metal muffler, but Rosa reaches the ropes for the break.  There have been a lot of near falls with both women only getting two counts.  Shida retains the title her finisher.

Winner: Hikura Shida by pinball

Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford made their official announcement that they are getting married.  They are going to have their wedding live on an episode of Dynamite.  The best man for the wedding will be revealed on this week’s episode of Dynamite.

The Dark Order (TNT Champion Mr. Brodie Lee, Colt Cabana, Stu Grayson, and Evil Uno) vs. The Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall), Scorpio Sky, and Matt Cardona

All men fight at once just before the referee calls for the bell.  In the ring its Brodie Lee and Dustin Rhodes.  Evil Uno gets tagged in, then Qt Marshall gets tagged in.  The action is all over the place.  Scorpio Sky is now tagged in as in control of the match over Evil Uno.  Matt Cordona is tagged in, then QT Marshall.  Evil Uno and Stu Greyson double team Cordona before the legal tag is made for Greyson to come in who then tags Colt Cabana.  Lee and Cordona are now in.  Lee now tags in Greyson who hammers QT Marshall to the face.  Dustin comes in to hit Greyson from behind.  The ref gets Dustin back in the ring. Greyson tags in Evil Uno. Uno then tags in Cabana.  Cordona and Cabana exchange blows, etc.  Cordona attempts to cover Cabana, but Lee puts Cabana’s leg on the bottom rope to break the count.  Tony Schiovane mentions that Cabana may have broke his nose.  Jim Ross said maybe his “bell was rung with the shot to the face.”  The quick tags continue.  The Dark Order is in control with continuing to take down Cordona.  Dustin tries to get in the ring as he is being bated in, but the ref holds him back. Cardona and Evil Uno are the legal men.  Now its Cardona and Lee in the ring.  QT and Cabana are now tagged in and legal.  QT goes to the top and crashes on the Dark Order to the floor.   Cabana who is legal does a huge splash to QT on the ring mat, and goes for a three count, but only gets two.  Lee and Dustin are now in the ring.  Lee gives a huge clothesline on Justin.  Cabana then gets tagged in for a huge splash off the top rope and missed.  Dustin then covers Cabana for the win.

Winners: The Natural Nightmares by pinfall

Post Match: Lee slaps Cabana and is very angry at Cabana who takes responsibility for his mistake.

Backstage Tony Schiavone interviews Dustin Rhodes and it is announced that Dustin gets a shot for the TNT Title on Dynamite this Wednesday.

AEW World Tag Team Championship
Kenny Omega and Hangman Page (c’s) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler)

Match starts off with Kenny Omega and Cash Wheeler. Hangman asks to be tagged in and he is.  Wheeler and Hangman lock up. Wheeler tries to shake hands with Hangman, but Hangman throws punches and Wheeler.  Double high boots to the faces of FTR by Hangman and Omega.  Hangman chops both members of FTR to the chest which echo throughout the venue.  There are quick tags with Omega and Hangman.  Omega chops Wheeler.  Omega stays on the offensive.  Hangman is tagged back in.  Wheeler picks up Hangman for a supplex.  Darwood is then tagged in.  Wheeler is tagged back in again.  Wheeler tosses Hangman across the ring.

During the match, Tony Schiavone provided an update on both Matt Hardy and Sammy Guevara.  Matt Hardy told the AEW doctor he was okay to continue.

FTR double teams Hangman page. Omega and Wheeler are the legal men.  Omega goes for a cover on Wheeler, but only gets a two count.  Omega counters with a drop kick on Wheeler who comes off the top rope.  Wheeler tags in Harwood who power bombs Omega. Harwood goes for a three count, but only gets two.  Ref was distracted for a tag.  Harwood attempts a supplex off the top rope, but Hangman tries to stop him.  Harwood supplexes Omega and Wheeler splashes on Omega, and Harwood goes for a cover, but only gets a two count.  Hangman is still outside the ring while FTR continues quick tags back and forth continuing to punish Omega.  Harwood has Omega in a figure four.  Hangman finally makes it back to his corner.  Harwood focuses on the right leg of Omega with continued quick tags.  FTR continues again quick tags and continues to take out Omega’s left leg and knee. Omega does a snap dragon on Harwood out of desperation.  Omega inadvertently shoves Harwood into Hangman who falls to the outside of the ring.  Omega finally tags Hangman who comes in with offense on both members of FTR.  Hangman catches Wheeler for a fall away slam.  Both members of FTR are on the outside.  Hangman is on the top rope who does a front moonsault and takes out FTR on the floor.  All men back in the ring with Hangman covering Wheeler, but only gets a two count.  Hangman and Wheeler’s heads collide.  Harwood covers Hangman, but only gets a two count.  FTR do diving headbutts on Hangman.  Omega comes in to break the count.  Omega gets a bulldog from FTR onto the outside of the floor.  FTR does a double team bulldog headlock on Hangman from the top rope.  Spinebuster supplex off the top rope with Wheeler.  Hangman goes for the three count, but only gets two.  Omega goes for a knee to the face, but Wheeler moves and hits Hangman.  Wheeler then chop blocks Omega’s bad knee.  FTR hits Omega with a mind breaker, but Omega kicks out at two.  Omega gets a spike pile driver and we have new AEW Tag Team Champions.

Winners and new AEW Tag Team Champions by pinfall: FTR

Post-Match FTR celebrates with beer.  Hangman is in the ring.  Omega grabs a ringside table, looking like he is going to hit Hangman, but throws it down.  Hangman then collapses. Omega throws beer on the camera and walks off.  Backstage Omega and The Young Bucks are walking and The Young Bucks want to take to Omega who gets in a vehicle that drives off.

Mimosa Mayhem Match
Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy

Justin Roberts states that this match is also no count out, no rope breaks and no DQ.  The only way to win is to throw your opponent into one of two of the tubs of Mimosa which are on each side of the ring.

Orange Cassidy charges Chris Jericho who gives Cassidy a codebreaker.  Jericho slaps Cassidy across the chest with knife-edge chops.  Jericho attempts to submerge Cassidy in one of the tubs.  Jericho picks up a table and throws to the face of Cassidy. Jericho then shatters a cocktail tray across Cassidy’s head.  The action is on the outside of the ring with Jericho hitting the barricade.  Jericho grabs a chair and hits Cassidy in the back.  Both men are on the narrow part of the platform with Jericho almost falling in the tub of Mimosa.  Both men are exchanging blows. Jericho aimed for the tub, but Cassidy counter, and then Jericho power-bombed Cassidy through a table.  Jericho grabs his bat, but Cassidy superkicks Jericho in the jaw.  The action is back in the ring.  Jericho drop kicks Cassidy who almost falls in the tub of Mimosa.  Both men are back in the ring exchanging punches. Cassidy goes for a swinging DDT, but Jericho counters with a Walls of Jericho.  Cassidy pulls himself under the rope and grabs a large glass and fills it with Mimosa and throws it in the face of Jericho to break the hold.  Cassidy tosses Jericho over the rope, but only Jericho’s leg went in the tub.  Cassidy hits Jericho with a Running PK.  Cassidy goes for the three count, but only gets two. Cassidy super-punches Jericho who was on the rope and Jericho falls back into the tub of Mimosa.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

A commercial airs for the next pay-per-view – Full Gear on Saturday, November 7.

AEW World Championship
Jon Moxley’s Paradigm Shift is banned

Jon Moxley (c) vs. MJF

Both men lock up and we begin with mat wrestling.  MJF has Jon Moxley in a headlock on the mat.  MJF again does a headlock takeover on Moxley.  MJF went to punch Moxley, but was instead chopped on the chest by Moxley.  MJF is thrown outside to the floor.  Both men are back in the ring. Moxley attempted a Paradigm Shift, then stopped.  Both men are outside the ring.  Moxley slams MJF on the barricade.  Moxley then pulls the fingers of MJF in different directions. Both men are back in the ring with near falls. Moxley gets distracted by Wardlow and then MJF pulls Moxley down and Moxley’s elbow hits the ring apron.  Back in the ring, both men attempt strikes on each other.  MJF goes for the cover, but only gets a two count.  Both men are outside the ring.  MJF went face first into the ring post by Moxley.  Back in the ring, Moxley is attempting to get his shoulder back in place.  MJF comes out from under the ring and is bleeding very badly from the forehead.  Moxley bites MJF’s bloody head and has blood on his mouth.  MJF is slapping Moxley, who then counters with, but is met with a kick to the knee.  Moxley takes down MJF who is on his back in the enter of the ring.   MJF gets to his knees and then spits in the face of Moxley, who then attempts the Paradigm Shift, but then Moxley stops and MJF brings Moxley down and wrenches on Moxley’s bad arm.  Moxley attempts to choke MJF, but then MJF counters and hits Moxley with a heat seeker.  MJF goes for the cover, but Moxley kicks out at two. MJF attempts another heat seeker, but Moxley counters with a slam.  Moxley goes for the cover, but only gets a two count. Both men are on their knees and exchanging blows and slaps to the face.  Both men are back to their feet and Moxley is head butting MJF, who then gives Moxley a thumb to the eye.  MJF covers Moxley for only a two count.  MJF distracts the ref and hits Moxley with a low blow, and then goes for the cover, but only gets a two count.  MJF hits Moxley with a crossroads, MJF then goes again for the cover, but again only gets a two count.   Wardlow throws in the MJF’s ring, but MJF misses the catch.  With the ref’s back turned to Wardlow, Moxley hits the Paradigm Shift for the one, two, three and retains the title.

Winner and still AEW World Champion Jon Moxley

Moxley gives Lance Archer and Jake Roberts who are watching in the seats, the middle finger as he celebrates the win, as the show goes off the air.