Title History
- WWWF Tag Team titles (as Moondog King) w /Moondog Rex, 1981;
- International Tag Team titles (Montreal), 1982-84 (2);
Career Highlights
- Sailor White was a top heel in Montreal, but was best known on in Eastern Canada and in South Africa.
- Sailor White, as Moondog King, briefly held the WWWF Tag titles with Moodog Rex before being replaced by Moondog Spot.
- ~~~White was caught at the Canadian border with drugs and couldn’t return to the U.S. so they brought in Spot.
- Sailor White’s career was cut short by out-of-the-ring problems, including alcohol and drug abuse.
- ~~~Sailor White also had a conviction on charges of assault and uttering death threats.
- 1990: Sailor White was out of prison and announced that he was drug free and a born again Christian.
- Sailor White was a candidate for the Canadian Extreme Wrestling Party in a 2000 federal by-election in St. Johns, Newfoundland.
- ~~~Sailor White had a campaign slogan “Parliament needs a Moondog” and finished last in a five-candidate race.
- Sailor White had a biography published in 1994, written by Dave Elliott.
- August 25, 2005: Sailor “Moon Dog” White passed in St. John’s, Newfoundland from apparent heart failure. He was 56.