Vladimir Petrov

Title History


Career Highlights


  • Not to be confused with the russian spy in the 1950s who lived in Australia who was also named Vladimir Petrov
  • John Nord (later became known as The Berzerker) was originally slated for the role of Vladimir Petrov, but it didn’t come to fruition..
  • Vladimir Petrov replaced Krusher Kruschev and teamed up with Ivan Koloff and was a member of Paul Jones’ Army in JCP..
  • Vladimir Petrov briefly worked for Bill Watts’ Universal Wrestling Federation and locked up with Steve “Dr. Death” Williams..
  • 1987: Vladimir Petrov was busted for drug possession and never wrestled again..

    Greg Kelly (from Australia) wrote: There was a bit on a nostalgia show on TV the other night about a spy scandal that happened in 1954 when a husband & wife announced that they were Russian spies & wanted political asylum in exchange for the details about a spy ring working out of the Russian Embassy in Australia, Russian agents forced them onto a plane at Sydney airport but when it stopped in Darwin Aust authorities took them back off & gave them asylum & they spent the rest of their lives here, the point of this little tale is that his name was Vladimir Petrov….but I don’t think he ever got to team with Ivan Koloff :-) . Since I was a kid I’ve often heard of the Petrov affair but the name didn’t click until the other night.



Execution time: 0.0057 seconds

Execution time: 0.0003 seconds

Trained By

Eddie Sharkey
Ivan Koloff


Early 1987




Minneapolis, Minnesota





300 lbs

Finishing Move(s)

The Bearhug

Favorite Move(s)

Elbox Smash
The Suplex

Notable Feuds

Nikita Koloff
Ron Garvin
Steve Williams
