Tarzan Taborda

Last updated: April 28, 2014

Title History


Career Highlights


  • Tarzan Taborda was one of the most important icons and the biggest wrestling icons in Portugal..
  • Tarzan Taborda was multiple times European and World Champion and never lost a match in his long career!
  • September 9, 2005: Tarzan Taborda died of myocardial infraction at the age of 70…

    Bruno Ambrósio wrote: Born in Aldeia do Bispo, Penamacor, Portugal, wrestled over four thousand professional wrestling matches without loosing a single one in his country!. Tarzan Taborda was one of the most important icons and the biggest wrestling icon in Portugal.. Four times European Champion and five times World Champion, wrestled until1981. Placed second in Mister Europe as a bodybuilder, was a ballet dancer in Le Lido, Paris and was also a stuntman, working in movies with Brigitte Bardot, Alain Delon, John Wayne and Robert Mitchum. He also wrestled at Middle East, in countries like Iraq where he performed on Baghdad for Saddam Hussein. He founded and runned the biggest wrestling promotion in Portugal called ETT Escola Tarzan Taborda. On September 9, 2005 he died of myocardial infraction at the age of 70.


Luis Diogo wrote: He entered in over 4.000 fight and never lost. Retired in 1981. He was a Hollywood stuntman in filmes alongside Brigitte Bardot, Alain Delon, John Wayne and Robert Mitchum. Ranked 2nd place in Mister Europe bodybuilding contest. Died in is home, at 70, from a heart attack.

birthday: May 27, 1935
hometown: Fonte Da Telha, Portugal
previous names: Taborda Sputnik;
Tarzan Curtys;
White Angel (France);
King Kong (Africa);
Mr. Mexico;
Juan Perez

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