Sean O’Reilly

Title History


  • International Tag Team titles defeating Hans Schmidt & Tarzan Tyler;
  • New England Tag Team titles;
  • International Jr. Heavyweight title defeating Lionel Robert;
  • New England Heavyweight title;


Career Highlights


  • Sean O’Reilly won Several Tough-Man contests in the early 80’s (early UFC style style fights)..
  • Sean O’Reilly was very strong push pressing 100 lbs. over his bodyweight..
  • Sean O’Reilly was discovered by Killer Kowalski doing a feats of strength demonstration for Muscular Dystrophy..
  • ~~~Feats of strength holding a car on his stomach and ripping license plate in two..
  • Sean O’Reilly was a private student at Killer Kowalski’s school for 6 months..
  • ~~~Kowalski taught Sean the 1950s version of wrestling. That helped, but hindered his career..
  • Sean O’Reilly did not lose a match in his first 60 bouts. Working New England & Quebec..
  • Sean O’Reilly promised Gene LeBelle (at age 19) that if he was not financially set in wrestling by age 27 he would retire..
  • ~~~On that day Sean O’Reilly was working for WCCW in Pasadena, TX..
  • ~~~~~~Bruiser Brody announced Mike Von Erich commited suicide. Sean O’Reilly retired that night..
  • Sean O’Reilly teamed with Timothy O’Reilly (Joe Meagher) in a team known as “The O’Reilly Brothers“..
  • ~~~Sean O’Reilly said that Timothy O’Reilly was the best worker that he ever was in the ring with..
  • Sean O’Reilly’s idol as a child was Danny Hodge — as an adult it’s still Danny Hodge..
  • Sean O’Reilly defeated Lionel Robert with a German suplex to win International Jr. HC.
  • Sean O’Reilly defeated Hans Schmidt & Tarzan Tyler for International Tag Team titles..
  • Sean O’Reilly wrestled boyhood favorite Prof. Tanaka to a draw..
  • 1998: Sean O’Reilly suffered a major heart attack..
  • Sean O’Reilly is now an Actor, appearing in BIAC productions “Little Man” Random Foo’s Blackout..



Trained By

Killer Kowalski




Danvers, Massachusetts




Finishing Move(s)

German suplex

Favorite Move(s)

Rolling short arm scissors

Notable Feuds

Hans Schmidt
Tarzan Tyler
Jos Leduc
The Moondogs
Dan Petty
Bob Van Winkle
