Moose Evans

Last updated: April 28, 2014

Title History


  • AWA Tag Team titles w/Verne Gagne defeating Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher (February 9, 1964);


Career Highlights


  • Early 1960s: Moose Evans worked briefly under a mask as one half of the Mighty Yankees tag team with Bob Stanlee (Bob Merrill)..
  • ~~~Moose Evans and Bob Merrill (as Giant Evans) continued their partnership without masks after dropping the Yankees gimmick..
  • February 9, 1964: Verne Gagne & Moose Evans defeated The Bruiser & The Crusher to win the AWA World Tag Team titles..
  • February 23, 1964: The Bruiser & The Crusher defeated Verne Gagne & Moose Evans to reclaim the AWA World Tag Team titles..
  • Moose Evans retired and disappeared into obscurity and nobody seems to know what ever became of him…
  • Moose Evans married one of his fans and they are still married today, although she’s had some health issues.

    Eldon Haugen (from West Fargo, ND) wrote: I saw your information on Moose Evans and thought I should relay this information to you. Moose Evans was a favorite wrestler of mine growing up here in North Dakota. I was a kid going on 13 back in 1964 and I remember him being billed out of Albany, NY @6′ 8″ 327 lbs. I still have the old Wrestling Revue with his story intact. He disappeared from the scene maybe later in ’64 or ’65. But being a faithful subscriber to Wrestling Revue magazine, I noticed that he had reappeared in some of the ring results in the back of various ’67 issues on Sam Muchnick’s cards in St. Louis; losing on a few different occasions to Fritz Von Erich. Now, I was trying to keep tabs on these guys as a kid and so I wrote many letters to Tom Burke, the infamous Ring Wrestling correspondent and asked about various wrestlers. Tom told me he had heard that Evans had quit and was rumored to have gone into the insurance business either in St. Louis or the Missouri area. For what it’s worth, I just thought I’d pass that on to you. And also I do think that Tom thought Moose’s real name was John Evans. After all, why would anyone change such a common name like Evans into something different? Thank you.


Anonymous wrote (June 2010): I learned today that one of my customers is the former Moose Evans. He prefers to keep his past a secret, but I wanted you to know he is alive and well, 73 years old.

hometown: Albany, New York
height: 6'8"
weight: 327 lbs
finishing move(s): The Bearhug
notable feuds: Verne Gagne (AWA)
Rocky Hamilton (AWA)
The Crusher (AWA)

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