Martin Levy

Title History


Career Highlights


  • October 26, 1936: Martin Levy was featured in an article in Time Magazine ….
  • February 22, 1937: The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that Martin Levy had been turned down by the Pennsylvania Athletic Commission for wrestling in Philadelphia because physicians who examined him found a serious heart ailment.
  • Martin “The Blimp” Levy was briefly married to the former Miss Charlotte Jones of Denver, Colorado..
  • July 16, 1946: Martin “The Human Blimp” Levy defeated Gorgeous George in a 2/3 Falls match in Dallas, Texas…
  • July 23, 1946: Martin Levy (620 lbs) defeated Zeke Estep (411 lbs) in a 2/3 Falls match in Dallas, Texas..
  • July 30, 1946: Martin “The Human Blimp” Levy vs Dave Levin ended in a draw..
  • August 6, 1946: Jack Kennedy defeated Martin Levy in a 2/3 Falls match by Disqualification..
  • January 21, 1947: Martin Levy was defeated in a match in Baltimore by boxer-turned-wrestler Primo Carnera.
  • Reports of the death of Martin “The Blimp” Levy are in question. One gives his death as 1957.
  • There is another that he was found dead in his Pratville, Alabama mobile home on November 8, 1961.



Execution time: 0.0057 seconds

Execution time: 0.0004 seconds

Trained By





Boston, Massachusetts




642 lbs

Finishing Move(s)

Favorite Move(s)

Notable Feuds
