Jose Estrada Sr.

Last updated: August 23, 2015

Title History

  • WWF Junior Heavyweight title defeating Tony Garea for vacant title (January 20, 1978);
  • WWC North American Tag Team titles (as Medics) w/Medic II defeating Butch Miller & Luke Williams (April 4, 1981);
  • WWC North American Tag Team titles (as Medics) w/Medic II defeating Gran Apollo & King Tonga (July 10, 1983);
  • WWC World Tag Team titles (as Super Medicos) w/Super Medico II defeating Pedro Morales & Carlos Colon (September 10, 1983);
  • WWC World Tag Team titles (as Super Medicos) w/Super Medico II defeating King Tonga & Hercules Ayala (January 28, 1984);
  • WWC North American Tag Team titles (as Medics) w/Medic II defeating Toru Tanaka & Invader III for vacant titles (June 7, 1984);
  • WWC World Tag Team titles w/Super Medico III (aka Don Kent) defeating Invaders I & III (August 4, 1984);
  • WWC World Tag Team titles (as Super Medico I) w/Black Gordman defeating Invaders I & III (December 8, 1984);
  • WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title (as Super Medic I ) defeating Black Gordman (February 10, 1985);
  • WWC North American Tag Team titles (as Super Medico I) w/Invader III defeating Butch Miller & Luke Williams (March 2, 1985);
  • WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title (as Super Medic I) defeating Fidel Sierra (July 6, 1985);
  • WWC Puerto Rican Heavyweight title (as Super Medic I) defeating Eric Embry (May 17, 1986);
  • WWC World Junior Heavyweight title (as Super Medic I) defeating Jonathan Holiday (May 20, 1989);
  • WWC World Junior Heavyweight title (as Super Medic I) defeating Chicky Starr (July 29, 1989);
  • WWC World Tag Team titles w/Super Medic III (aka Jose Estrada Jr.) defeating Cuban Assassin & Ron Starr (March 31, 1990);
  • WWC World Tag Team titles w/Super Medic III (aka Jose Estrada Jr.) defeating Rick Valentine & Lance Idol (September 15, 1990);
  • WWC World Tag Team titles w/Super Medic III (ask Jose Estrada Jr.) defeating Texas Hangmen for vacant titles (September 22, 1990);
  • WWC Caribbean Tag Team titles w/Super Medic III (aka Jose Estrada Jr.) defeating Eric Embry & Rick Valentine (November 10, 1990);
  • WWC Caribbean Tag Team titles w/Super Medic III (aka Jose Estrada Jr.) defeating Eric Embry & Rick Valentine (January 6, 1991);

Career Highlights

  • Jose Estrada Sr. is the father of fellow wrestler Jose Estrada Jr...
  • March 24, 1980 – WWF: Kerry Von Erich pinned Jose Estrada in Von Erich’s Madison Square Garden debut
  • April 21, 1980–WWF: Greg Gagne defeated Jose Estrada at Madison Square Garden in New York City..
  • Jose Estrada Sr. wrestled as “Super Medic I” and “Super Medico I” with various tag team partners including his son Jose Jr…
  • Jose Estrada Sr. was one half of the famous Conquistadors tag team with Luis Rivera in the World Wrestling Federation..
  • July 16 2005–WWC Bruiser Brody Memorial: Jose Estrada Sr defeated Carlos Colon in a Legends Match..

    Maria wrote: Jose Estrada is my brother, it’s great to see that wrestling has not died and fans still believe in the heros. As for me, well… I can tell you great stories how it all began … In Brooklyn Bronzevill Recreation Center .. there is where the greats!!! came from. I met Andrea the Giant, Bruno SanMartino and the rest all struggle to get a little piece of the American dream and their ticket out of the Ghettos. I remember as a little girl, going to the center and watching my brother wrestle, I got to hold the belt and the cape, yes, he was a tag team back in the day with my cousin, they were vampires. Then on to Madison Square Garden, it was then I got to meet the Greats!!!! the rest is history…. Do yourself a favor and go back in history, and find out where it all began,,,, you will see my story is true.. and there’s so much more to tell … so how much of a fan are you really, Tito Santana came way after… and he and my bother are great friends. Lets move ahead 30 years and now meet my nephew “Rico Suave” in PR wrestling one of (Jose Estrada’s) son. have I got your attention yet. I was just reminiscing.. thanks for creating a web site.


previous names: Super Medic I
Super Medic II

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