Johnny Kwango

Last updated: April 28, 2014

Title History

Career Highlights


  • Johnny Kwango was a professional dancer with a travelling African Dance company before turning to wrestling..
  • Johnny Kwango was extremely popular in England and other European countries..

    Peter Sawyer wrote: Johnny Kwango was renowned for his athleticism in the ring- dropkicks, springboard crossbodies and his famous headbutt. He also used to put his hand on the opponents head and headbutt his own hand repeatedly to stun his opponent.


Neil Burchell wrote: Just a quick email to say like the site and it was good to see you mention Johnny Kwango. I was brought up watching British Wresting. I used to watch it live in Brighton at the Dome. Many a fun night with all the real wrestlers like Sid Cooper, Mighty John Quinn, Quick Kick Lee and a many more. It was great to see you mention Johnny Kwango as he was one of the best. Please keep the site running as this reminds me of my youth.

finishing move(s): Leaping Headbutt
favorite move(s): Airplane Spin
notable feuds: Jackie Pollo
Mick McManus
Steve Logan
Jan Bowers
Pasquale de Gusto
Hussein Ali Bey

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