Title History
Career Highlights
- “Teen Idol” Joey Epic often confused for Jardi Frantz..
- December 12, 2005-Pro Wrestling War: Joey Epic debuted in Team Epic, entered the special 22-Man Guantlet..
- January 14, 2005-Pro Wrestling War: Joey Epic walked out with Team Epic to call out Markus Riot..
- February 13, 2005-Pro Wrestling War: Team Epic quits War, only to come back and Attack Jack Evans..
- ~~~Team Epic took out Jack Evans, Scorpio Sky and Markus Riot and stole Diablos Wife..
- April 10, 2005-Pro Wrestling War: Due to injury Joey Epic doesn’t wrestle, walks out with Team Epic to beat on Markus Riot..
- May 27, 2005-Pro Wrestling War: Charles Mercury defeated Joey Epic by “Leg Drop Of Doom” (Top Rope Legdrop)..