Jackie Nichols

Jackie Nichols

[In Sports, in Life, a Man of Great Strength]

Title History

  • Pacific Coast Junior Heavyweight title defeating Herb Parks (August 28, 1947);
  • NWA World Light Heavyweight title defeating Jan Blears [Tournament] (1948);
  • MWA (Ohio) World Junior Heavyweight title defeating Frankie Talaber (January 4, 1951);
  • NWA (Georgia) World Tag Team titles w/Roger Mackay defeating Freddie & Bill Blassie (January 6, 1956);

Career Highlights

  • Jackie Nichols was the local promoter for Angelo Poffo and Mario Savoldi’s International Wrestling.
  • April 22, 2003: Jackie Nichols passed away at the age of 92 in Portland, Maine.