Jack Ringer

Last updated: April 28, 2014

Title History


Career Highlights


  • Jack Ringer main evented in Arizona in the early 1970s, notably having wild feuds with Cowboy Bob Ellis and Armon Hussein
  • While wrestling Armon Hussein in Tucson, Ringer caused the biggest riot in the history of professional wrestling in Arizona..
  • Jack Ringer was especially known for his ability on the microphone, giving arrogant and outrageous promos
  • After he left Arizona, a “brother” named John Ringer cropped up who was actually no relation to Jack Ringer..
  • ~~When he finally saw a photo of his namesake and was telling other wrestlers, “Hey, I finally got to see a picture of that m—f—!”


birthday: July 18, 1939
hometown: Bagley, Minnesota
height: 6'2"
weight: 275 lbs
trained by: Edouard Carpentier
Rene Goulet
debut: 19?? (Omaha)
finishing move(s): Reverse strangle with a leg grapevine
favorite move(s): Bearhug
notable feuds: Danny Kroffat
Cowboy Bob Ellis
Armon Hussein

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