Emory Hale

Title History


Career History


  • Emory Hail played baseball growing up and even had a try-out with MLB’s Baltimore Orioles baseball team..
  • Jimmy Hart brought Emory Hail to WCW hoping to groom him as the next big man for Hulk Hogan’s main event..
  • February 2, 2000 – WCW Thunder: Diamond Dallas Page defeated The Machine (Emory Hale under a mask)..
  • Emory Hale has worked in many projects with Jimmy Hart and Hulk Hogan since they left World Championship Wretsling..
  • October 2003: Emory Hale was in the ICU of Tampa General Hospital after developing pneumonia stemming from a kidney transplant..
  • January 28, 2006: Emory Hale passed away after dealing with kidney problems for years…..

    Two Days Before, we Received this email from DreamBlue:

    Emory Hale is in the ICU at St Petersburg General and is not expected to survive. Walked in having a hard time breathing, ended up on a ventilator, never got better. Not sure what the official diagnosis is.



Execution time: 0.0082 seconds

Execution time: 0.0004 seconds

Trained By



December 13, 1969






350 lbs.

Finishing Move(s)

Leaping Piledriver

Favorite Move(s)

Notable Feuds
