Ed Gantner

Title History

NWA Florida Heavyweight Title (awarded in February 1987)


Career History


  • September 1, 1986 – Battle of the Belts III: The Road Warriors vs Ed Gantner & Kareem Muhammad ended in a DOUBLE DQ..
  • May 9, 1987–Eddie Graham Memorial: Barry Windham & Ed Gantner defeated Dory Funk Jr & Samu in St. Petersburg, FL..
  • December 31, 1990: Edward J. Gantner (31) committed suicide, brought on by years of steroid abuse and depression…

    Jay Ambler wrote: Ed Gantner died from suicide, brought on by years of steroid abuse and depression. His birthdate was Feb. 4, 1959. Gantner was one of the few promising stars in the late Eddie Graham’s CWF promotion during the final years. He was promoted heavily as a heel and was part of the House of Humperdink. He then broke away and teamed with Barry Windham in a series of matches. By late 1987 his run in CWF was finished and his ‘push’ had failed.



Execution time: 0.0053 seconds

Execution time: 0.0003 seconds

Trained By




February 4, 1959


Orlando, Florida




Finishing Move(s)

Favorite Move(s)

Notable Feuds
