Title History
WWF Heavyweight Title (Taker)
Career Highlights
- April 29, 1999 – SD!: The Undertaker’s Ministry merged with Shane McMahon’s Corporation to create the Corporate Ministry..
- May 10, 1999 – RAW: The Big Show vs Paul Bearer ended in a No Contest (The Big Show called out The Undertaker)..
- ~~~Main Event: Steve Austin & The Rock & Vince McMahon beat Shane McMahon & Undertaker & HHH (HBK as referee)..
- May 16, 1999 – No Mercy: Steve Austin defeated The Undertaker and Triple H in an Anything Goes Triple Threat match..
- May 23, 1999 – Over the Edge: The Undertaker defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin to win the WWF title Shane McMahon as referee!
- ~~~The Union (Mankind/BigShow/Test/Shamrock) defeated The Corporate Ministry (Acolytes & Viscera & Big Bossman)..
- ~~~The Rock defeated Triple H w/Chyna by Disqualification (After the match Mankind came out to help the Rock)..
- May 31, 1999 – RAW: Vince McMahon defeated The Undertaker by DQ | Steve Austin defeated Undertaker by DQ..
- ~~~At the end of this match, “The Higher Power” made his appearance covered in a black robe and hood..
- June 7, 1999 – RAW: Vince McMahon revealed himself as the Higher Power joining the Corporate Ministry..
- ~~~The Undertaker vs The Big Show ended in a NO CONTEST when Big Show chokeslammed Taker through the mat!
- June 27, 1999 – King of the Ring: The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer defeated The Rock to retain the Heavyweight title..
- ~~~In the main event: Shane & Vince McMahon defeated Steve Austin in a Ladder match to become the CEO of WWF!
- ~~~Shane McMahon faked being injured so Steve Blackman could replace him, but Commissioner Michaels forced Shane to compete..
- July 11, 1999 – WWF HEAT: Viscera & Big Bossman & Mideon defeated Edge & Christian & Gangrel…
- July 19, 1999 – RAW: The Undertaker beat Triple H by disqualification in a #1 Contenders match..
- July 24, 1999 – Shotgun Saturday Night: The Corporate Ministry (Mideon, The Big Bossman & Viscera) defeated Flash Flanagan, Nick Dinsmore & Trailer Park Trash.
- July 25, 1999 – Fully Loaded: Steve Austin defeated The Undertaker (As a result Vince McMahon must leave the WWF!)..
- ~~~~~~Also on teh Fully Loaded card: Triple H defeated The Rock..
- July 25, 1999 – Fully Loaded: Steve Austin defeated The Undertaker (Vince McMahon was forced out of the WWF)..
- September 23, 1999 – Smackdown!: Mideon & Viscera defeated Hunter Hearst-Helmsley in a Casket match…
- ~~~Mideon & Viscera were replacements for The Undertaker, who refused to be in the match when told by Vince McMahon..
- ~~~As a result of his refusal to fight, The Undertaker was indefinitely suspended by Vince McMahon..
- ~~~This was a storyline to make up for the Undertaker’s groin injury that would keep him out of action for several months..