Chief Little Wolf

Title History


Career Highlights


  • 1935: Chief Little Wolf began going to Australia in 1935 and traveled there many times between ’35 & ’53..
  • During the period betwen ’53 & ’58, he did two huge tours of Australia..
  • ~~~One with the carnival circuit with his own show, and one with Ashton’s Circus..
  • ~~~Plus he was still active in the squared circle..
  • 1958: Chief Little Wolf suffered a serious stroke, which paralyzed half of his body..
  • 1984: Chief Little Wolf knew he didn’t have much time left, and asked to be sent home to the USA to die..
  • Chief Little Wolf’s brother “Ernie” was also a wrestler. His ring name was “Chief Lone Wolf”..
  • Chief Little Wolf home to Colarado to die when he got ill in his old age..

    Greg Kelly wrote: Chief Little Wolf obviously wasn’t an Aussie but he lived over here in Melbourne permanantly from the mid 50s until he went back home to die in 1984. He was a resident in a Melbourne nursing home for the last few years..



Trained By

Count Zaremba



November 25, 1911


Hoene, Colorado
Moved to Seattle, Washington




210 lbs

Finishing Move(s)

The Indian Deathlock

Favorite Move(s)

The Standing Splits

Notable Feuds
