Title History
- Revolution Pro Tag Team title (August 2004);
Career Highlights
- September 2004: Charles Mercury competed in Revolution Pro’s first ever Cage Match..
- December 2004: Charles Mercury held the most wins in Pro Wrestling War’s Championship Gauntlet Match..
- ~~~~One of which is over Indy sensation, Montreal’s El Generico..
- May 21, 2005–Hybrid Pro Wrestlng: Biggie Biggz & Charles Mercury (w/Jezebel) beat Santinos Bros. (Kaos & Mongol)..
- August 19, 2005–Pro Wrestling Guerrilla: Scott Lost defeated Charles Mercury..
- January 15, 2006–Pro Wrestling WAR: Aaron Aguilera vs Charles Mercury ended in a No COntest..
- November 9, 2007–NAW: Markus Riot defeated Charles Mercury and Funnybone and Frankie Kazarian in a 4-WAY…