Title History
- WLW Heavyweight Championship (2);
Career Highlights
- Brandon Traven is an American Professional wrestler who was a performer on NXT.
- Brandon Traven began his Training under the watchful eye of WWE Hall of Famer Harley Race. Traven, whose ultimate goal has always been the WWE, trained for several years under Mr. Race. Race himself even said “it’s only a matter of time, before you get picked up.” Traven didn’t stop there, honing his skills by competing all over the Midwest. Traven really came into his own while competing in Japan. In Japan, he changed gears and began utilizing a much more physical style, also adopting a maneuver made famous by “Dr. Death” Steve Williams “The Oklahoma Stampede” (a fitting move for the Oklahoma native.) Traven plans to make his mark in the WWE, with his first stop being NXT!
- May 16, 2013 – Brandon Traven was released by WWE.