
Title History


Career Highlights


  • Gary Lindgren trained with Verne Gagne and then suffered a brain aneurysm and had to take a break from the business..
  • 1987: The Blaster made his debut, bursting through the wall and scaring the crap out of AWA announcers Larry Nelson & Al DeRusha..
  • ~~~The Blaster gimmick was derived from MAD MAX BEYOND THUNDERDOME movie..

    Big Al wrot: I managed a gym in Duluth, Mn where Gary (Master Blaster) Lingren worked out at. He was always a cool guy. Always telling me stories about his wrestling days. One day I said “Hey Lerch! let’s wrestle once right here in the gym” I am a weight lifter but much smaller than Gary at 5′ 8″ and 215#. I was much faster and he had a hard time catching me but when he did all the members in the gym got kind of scared because they thought Gary was really mad at me when he caught me in mid air and threw me and I landed on the stair stepper almost upside down. Haven’t seen him in a while but if you post this and Gary sees it. Big Al says come on tough guy I want a rematch.


Updated: April 5, 2024 @ 4:48 pm

Active Promotion Inactive

Trained By

Verne Gagne








Finishing Move(s)

The Clawhold

Favorite Move(s)

Notable Feuds

