Batten Twins


Title History


  • WWC Caribbean Tag Team titles defeating Kensuke Sasaki & Mr.Pogo (April 2, 1989);
  • WWC Caribbean Tag Team titles defeating Hurricane Castillo Jr. & Miguelito Perez (May 14, 1989);
  • WWC World Tag Team titles defeating Kendo Nagasaki & Mr.Pogo (August 6, 1988);
  • WWC World Tag Team titles defeating Chicky Starr & Ron Starr (November 12, 1988);
  • WWC World Tag Team titles defeating Dan Kroffat & Tama The Islander (March 4, 1989);
  • WWC World Tag Team titles defeating Ray Gonzalez & Ricky Santana (March of 1993);
  • NWA Central States Tag Team titles defeating Dennis Condrey & Bobby Eaton (November 21, 1985);
  • NWA Central States Tag Team titles defeating Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty (May 22, 1986);
  • NWA Central States Tag Team titles Brad Batten defeated Bobby Jaggers and he picks Bart (August 6, 1987);

Brad Batten:

  • NWA Central States Tag Team titles w/Bobby Jaggers awarded vacant titles by NWA (June 1987);

Bart Batten

  • NWA Central States Tag Team titles w/Rick McCord defeated MOD Squad (February 27, 1987);
  • ICW (Poffo) World Tag Team Team titles w/Johnny Wilhoit (1983);

Career Highlights

Angelo Poffo’s International Championship Wrestling:

  • Brad & Bart Batton were trained by the legendary Angel Poffo and his sons Randy Poffo and Lanny Poffo..
  • May 12, 1983: The Batton Twins made their pro debut against Tony Falk & Doug Vines in Prestonsburg, KY..

Central States:

  • August 15, 1985: Bob Brown & Marty Jannetty defeated The Batten Twins..
  • Junyary 5, 1986 – St.Louis, MO: The Batten Twins defeated Sheik Abdullah The Great & Akio Sato..
  • January 2, 1986 – Kansas City, MO: The Batten Twins defeated Sheik Abdullah The Great & Akio Sato..
  • January 9, 1986: Bart Batten defeats Sheik Abdullah The Great..
  • January 12, 1986 – St.Joseph, MO: Sheik Abdullah defeats Bart Batten in an “Iranian Death Match”..
  • January 16, 1986: The Batten Twins defeated Sheik Abdullah The Great and Tarzan Goto..
  • January 21, 1986 – Lincoln, NE: The Batten Twins defeated Mr.Pogo and Tarzan Goto..
  • January 23, 1986 – Kansas City, MO: Sheik Abdullah The Great defeated Bart Batten..
  • February 6, 1986 – Kansas City, MO: The Batten Twins & Rufus R. Jones defeated Tarzan Goto, Sheik Abdullah & Akio Sato..
  • February 13, 1986 – Kansas City, MO: Brad Batten defeated Tarzan Goto..
  • February 20, 1986: The Batten Twins defeated Sheik Abdullah The Great and Akio Sato..
  • February 27, 1986 – Kansas City, MO: The Batten Twins defeated Sheik Abdullah and Akio Sato..
  • March 1, 1986: Bulldog” Bob Brown & Kevin The Magnificent defeated The Batton Twins..
  • March 6, 1986: Bart Batten defeated Sheik Abdullah The Great in a Texas Death Match..
  • May 15, 1986 – Kansas City: Midnight Rockers defeated The Batten Twins for the NWA Central States Tag Team titles..
  • May 29, 1986 – Kansas City: Hacksaw Higgins & JR Hogg defeated The Batton Twins for the NWA Central States Tag Team titles..
  • January 30, 1987 – St.Louis, MO: The MOD Squad defeated The Batten Twins (aired 02/07/87 on TBS).

World Wrestling Council:

  • October 16, 1988 – Puerto Rico: Chicky & Ron Starr defeated The Batton Twins for the WWC Tag Team titles..
  • January 6, 1989 – Puerto Rico: Dan Kroffat & Tama defeated The Batton Twins for the WWC Tag Team titles….
  • March 11, 1989 – Puerto Rico: Steve Strong & Jason The Terrible defeated The Batten Twins for the WWC Tag Team titles..
  • June 9, 1989 – Puerto Rico: Miguelito Perez & Hurricane Castillo Jr beat The Batten Twins for the WWC Caribbean Tag Team titles.

On Tour:

  • November 9, 1987: Rick McCord & Porkchop Cash defeated The Batten Twins for the NWA Central States Tag Team titles..
  • April 23, 1992: Tom Prichard & Stan Lane defeated The Batten Twins in the first round of the SMW Tag Title Tournament..
  • April 2, 1993: The Batten Twins vacate the WWC World Tag Titles when they jump to AWF..
  • 1993: Kevin Sullivan defeated Bart Batten at a Smoky Mountain Wrestling show..
  • The Batten Twins appeared on the trashy hit TV show “The Jerry Springer Show”..
  • March 16, 2004 – Mountain State Pro Wrestling: Bart & Brad Batten wrestled The Memphis Mafia to a NO CONTEST in Oak Hill, WV..
  • April 2005: The Batten Twins announce their retirement tour throughout West Virginia..
  • May 21, 2005: The Batten Twins & Brent Batten (Bart’s son) defeated Steve Madison & Chris Vega & J.V. Insanity in West Virginia..
  • Bart Batten is now doing color commentary for a local promotion in Bluefield, West Virginia called “All Pro Wrestling”..
  • Bart Batten currently hosts the Mountain State Wrestling TV program that airs on Network West Virginia Monday Nights at 8:00 PM.
  • Brad Batten has taken up residence in Cleaveland, Ohio..
  • Special thanks to Bart Batten for emailing us and helping with a portion of the information on this profile.
  • Brad Batten passed away on November 18, 2014.



Trained By

Randy Savage
Lanny Poffo
Angelo Poffo


May 12, 1983


September 8, 1958


Mt. Hope, West Virginia




Finishing Move(s)

Double Drop Kick
Top Rope Drop Kick

Favorite Move(s)

Double Elbow
Double Hip Toss
Switching Without a Tag

Notable Feuds

The Midnight Rockers
Sheik Abdullah The Great
Hurricane Castillo Jr.
Miguelito Perez
