Axel Fury

Title History


  • IWZ Heavyweight title defeating Steve Douglas (2006);
  • UIW European title defeating Bulldozer and Ace in a 3-WAY (May 12, 2007);


Career Highlights


  • October 25, 2003 – CZW Italy: Adam Flash defeated Axel Fury (italian wrestler trained by killer kowalski)..
  • July 16, 2006–UIW: Axel Fury defeated Vlad..
  • July 16, 2006–UIW: Puma & Tony Plex defeated Axel Fury & The Rocket..
  • Sepember 8, 2006–IWZ: Axel Fury defeated Vlad..
  • Sepember 10, 2006–IWZ: Axel Fury defeated Stevie Douglas for the IWZ World Heavyweight Title..
  • January 14, 2007–2PW: Tempesta defeated Axel Fury..
  • February 18, 2007–2PW: Axel Fury defeated Alex Flash..
  • February 24, 2007–TCW: ACE defeated Axel Fury..
  • March 11, 2007–2PW: Axel Fury defeated Agony..
  • March 24, 2007–UIW: Axel Fury defeated Martini..
  • April 29, 2007–TCW: Axel Fury defeated Il Marchese and Kyo Kazama in a 3-WAY..
  • May 12, 2007–UIW: Axel Fury defeated Bulldozer and Ace in a 3-WAY to win the UIW European title..
  • June 30, 2007–UIW: Caronte defeated Axel Fury by DQ
  • July 26, 2007–2PW Wrestle-Cup: Axel Fury defeated La Roccia in the 1st Round..
  • July 26, 2007 –2PW Wrestle-Cup: Ace defeated Axel Fury in the Finals..
  • October 6, 2007–TCW: Ace defeated Axel Fury
  • October 13, 2007–UIW: Axel Fury & Violent Joe defeated Ace & Golem
  • December 22, 2007–TCW: Axel Fury defeated Tyson Damien (TCW championship Tournament)
  • December 22, 2007–TCW: Fenriz defeated Axel Fury (TCW championship Tournament Finals)
  • January 19, 2008–UIW: Caronte defeated Axel Fury..
  • March 29, 2008–TCW : Axel Fury Won a 20 Man Battle Royal
  • April 5, 2008–UIW: Caronte & Italian Warrior defeated Axel Fury & The Killer
  • June 14, 2008–UIW: Axel Fury defeated Hard Ross (Then goes to TCW the same day)
  • June 14, 2008–TCW: Tyson Damien & Violent Joe defeated Axel Fury & Terry Idol
  • July 5, 2008–2PW: Axel Fury defeated Caronte.



Trained By

Killer Kowalski




May 19, 1979


Rome/Venice, Italy





233 lbs

Finishing Move(s)

Maximum Fury
This Is It!

Favorite Move(s)

Chained Suplexes
Arm-catch High Kick
Standing Enziguri
Knee Smash.
Running Big Boot
Backdrop Into Facebuster

Notable Feuds
