Angus Campbell

Last updated: April 28, 2014

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Title History


  • Stampede North American title defeating Les Thorton (August 14, 1971);
  • Stampede North American title defeating John Quinn (November 6, 1971);
  • NWA (Central States) Heavyweight title defeating Danny Little Bear (1972);
  • NWA (Central States) North American Tag Team titles w/Roger Kirby beat Danny Little Bear & The Stomper (June 29, 1972);
  • NWA (Pacfic Northwest) Heavyweight title -as Rasputin- defeating Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka (August 10, 1974);
  • NWA (Central States) Television title defeating Bob Sweetan (September 29, 1977);
  • European Heavyweight title (June 1978);


Career Highlights


  • Frank Hoy was actually born in Enniskillen County Fermanagh – Northern Ireland..
  • Angus Campbell feuded with Ian Campbell early on in the UK over who was the “True Scotsman” of two..
  • “Wild” Angus Campbell later formed a tag team with fictional brother “Iron” Jock Campbell for Stampede in Calgary..
  • ~~~After they split up Angus became either Wild Angus or Black Angus and Jock changed his name to Jock Cameron..
  • Black Angus came to North America through Stampede (Calgary), & then drifted either down to the Central States or to Vancouver..
  • Black Angus wrestled in the Central States area from 1970 through about 1975 and was managed by Percival A. Friend..
  • Harley Race said in an interview that he ran into Black Angus in 1993 and he was living in Scotland and working as a forest ranger..
  • April 21, 2005: Frank Hoy (Angus Campbell) unfortunately passed away in Stranrear, Scotland, where he lived..

    Former pro-wrestler Earl Black wrote: I met Angus (Campbell) in 1971 when I moved to Stu Harts Calgary territory from Vancouver. We stopped in a hotel for a week or so, Then Angus found an apartment on 17th Avenue in Calgary so we took that together. He was a deeply religious man, something few people knew, and he had a strong sense of right and wrong. Angus had been trained for the priesthood for a time in Ireland, where he was born, but never spoke of it to others. We had profound theological and philosophical discussions, but only when no one was around. He had amazing strength, although he never used weights or any other means to increase it. He had five older brothers just as big and strong, some of them bigger than he was! Angus would often take other wrestlers aside and help them improve their technique, or give then advice on problems. He helped a lot of peoples careers. He was also psychic, another thing he kept to himself. We were together in Kansas City when Pat O Connor and Bob Geigel were running the territory. Neither of us had a car at the time, so Pat O Connor asked Chatti Yokuchi to take us to St Joseph, Missouri, for a match, as Chatti and his partner Yasu Fuji were wrestling there too. Angus, as usual, slept most of the afternoon, but woke up an hour before Chatti was due to collect us. As he awoke, he said to me; “Chatti is not coming to pick us up, he wants to do the main event and is jealous because we have knocked him and his partner off the top spot.” “We are going to cross a river and some railway lines in a white car, belonging to a woman, and get there in time for our match. Chatti will claim that he came to pick us up on time, but we were not there.” I thought he had just had a bad dream, but by 8:30, Chatti still was not there. We went to the hotel lobby and enquired about buses or trains to St Joseph. A blonde woman we had never seen before, walked up and gave Angus the keys to her car. It was a white compact. We asked her if she was a wrestling fan, did she want to come to the match. She said no, she just wanted to help us. Angus drove, I was never happy driving on the wrong side of the road, especially at traffic lights. As we were new to the area, we got lost. Imagine my feelings, and the chill I felt, as we turned a corner where the road ahead crossed a small river and then some railway lines. We did get to the match on time. When Angus confronted Chatti, the excuse was word for word what Angus said it would be. Danny Little Bear, Ronnie Aitchison and the Viking, who were in the dressing room that night have now passed away,but Harley Race was only 20 at the time, so may remember the incident. I swore to Angus that I would never relate this experience to anyone, it is only now after his death that I am able to reveal it for the first time.


nickname: Black Angus Campbell
hometown: Born in Northern Ireland
Moved to Scotland
Moved to Calgary (1971)
weight: 280 lbs
previous names: Wild Angus (Calgary)
Rasputin (Portland)
finishing move(s): The Piledriver
favorite move(s): Various Suplexes
notable feuds: Ian Campbell (UK)
Danny Little Bear
Bob Sweetan (Central States)
Buck Robley's Army (Central States)
Roger Kirby (Central States)
Ox Baker
The Beast (Amarillo)
Dutch Savage (Portland)

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