Pro Wrestling Riot-It’s Personal 4/12

Bruce SanteePRO WRESTLING RIOT – 4.12.08

Jonathan Gold introduced Club 305. The only members that came out were Amy Vitale & Austin Andretti. Amy said that she had fired her cabana boy, Logan Fernandez, since he was pinned last month in the Tag Team Warfare match & Scott Commodity has had an injured back from trying to carry all the dead weight in Club 305 for so long. She said that she refuses to associate with a bunch of losers and Austin better start stepping up. She set up a VIP gauntlet to help Austin turn things around. Out came Shane Swift & Miles Long.


1 – Austin Andretti pinned Shane Swift in a quick match.
2 – Austin Andretti pinned Miles Long. After the match Austin thought that he was in the clear, but then Amy brought out George Martel w/ Lou The Fixer & Madman Mandrake which led to…
3 – Lou The Fixer pinned Austin Andretti in a quick match. After the match Amy got on the mic and screamed “there will be more of that if you ever embarrass me again!” Amy then turned to George Martel and said “You’re not off the hook yet. When I lent you that money last month you said it was for a sure thing, well it looks like your sure thing made a fool out of you!” You’d better be working on getting me my money back, because if you don’t the House of M will be the House of Vitale!!!” She dropped the mic and left. Martel picked up the mic and looked nervous. He said “No problem Amy, I got everything under control. Those two bums aren’t leaving this building alive!”
4 – Sedrick Strong pinned Jon Davis in a very competitive match.
5 – Heartbreak Express beat The Lifeguards after using a foreign object on Lifeguard Wade.
6 – Damballah w/George Martel pinned Eddie Taurus in an insane Anything Goes Match after Damballah hit Taurus with a fireball.
7 – Team Vision’s Kenny King pinned Jaison Moore in a competitive match.
8 – Bumz ‘R’ Us (Ray Beez & Mr. Milo Beasley) beat Team Vision (Chasyn Rance & Mr. Saint Laurent) by disqualification. The House of M made their way to the ring but were stopped by all the Pro Wrestling RIOT officials, which caused mass confusion. Milo grabbed a chair and threw it to MSL who caught it and Milo fell to the mat as if he had been hit. The referee turned around saw MSL with the chair and disqualified Team Vision. Bumz bolted out the back door with the House of M in hot pursuit. Team Vision was furious.
9 – 911 Inc. (Kory Chavis & Francisco Ciatso) beat Bruce Santee & Sideshow in a Loser Leaves Town Tag Team Tables Match where the person who was put through a table had to leave Pro Wrestling Riot for 90 Days! Ron Niemi & The Shane Twins were banned from ringside. The end of this insane match came as Santee & Chavis brawled to the outside of the building and Bruce was jumped and taken out by Chavis’ Dark City Fight Club (DCFC) partner Jon Davis. Meanwhile, Sideshow had Ciatso on a table and had climbed to the top rope. He was about to put Ciatso through the table when Todd Shane appeared through the front door dragging Sideshow’s sister, Danielle, by her hair. She had a neck brace on and was in obvious pain. This distracted Sideshow long enough to be attacked by DCFC and allowed Ciatso to move off the table. DCFC hit their finisher, Project Mayhem, on Sideshow and double power bombed him from the ring through the table on the floor. or