Pro Wrestling RIOT from Florida 3/27

Courtesy of Alan J. Wojcik of 
(1) Ronnie the Red & Brett Thunder defeated The Heartbreak Express (“Superstar” Sean & “Fabulous” Phil Davis w/the House of Vitale’s Lou Cypher, Raymond “Killing Machine, Snow, Vic Slowhand and Amy Vitale)
(2) In a heavyweight tournament quarterfinal match, “The 8th Deadly Sin” Sideshow (w/CJ O’Doyle) defeated “Classic” Scott Davis.
(3) In a heavyweight tournament quarterfinal match, “The Marquee” Bruce Santee defeated Chris Jones.
(4) CJ O’Doyle (w/Sideshow) defeated Sedrick Strong.
(5) In an open challenge, Alejandro defeated Raymond Snow via DQ.
(6) In a cruiserweight challenge match, TJ Perkins defeated Jaison Moore.
(7) In the finals of the Pro Wrestling Riot Tag Team Title Tournament, 911Inc.’s Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis & Kory Chavis w/Rod Steel, Francisco Ciatso and referee Rich Ambruzzito) defeated Bumz R’ Us (Ray Beez & Milo Beasley w/Milo Bearsley.)
(8) In the heavyweight tournament finals, “the Marquee” Bruce Santee defeated “8th Deadly Sin” Sideshow (w/CJ O’Doyle.)
On Friday, March 27, 2009 World Wrestling Network presented Pro Wrestling Riot’s “Road to the Gold: Last Stop.” The event was held at The New Lakes in Regency Park Civic Center of Port Richey, FL. Former ECW/XPW superstar New Jack was in attendance signing autographs and joined Shannon Rose & Jake Cerrone for DVD commentary.

(1) Ronnie the Red & Brett Thunder defeated The Heartbreak Express (“Superstar” Sean & “Fabulous” Phil Davis w/the House of Vitale’s Lou Cypher, Raymond “Killing Machine, Snow, Vic Slowhand and Amy Vitale)
Before the match Slowhand and Sean Davis whined about how they were supposed to be wrestling for the championship belts tonight. They said the main reason was Lou Cypher who didn’t seem to like being reprimanded publicly. Early on the Express tried to use their size and experience to win but kept getting outrun and outsmarted by Thunder and the Red. That all came to a crashing stop when Ronnie took his focus off Phil Davis to hit Sean who was on the ring apron. Phil hit from behind and the knee sent Ronnie to the floor where the House of Vitale attempted to dismember him. What came next was classic tag team wrestling as the Express isolated Ronnie from Thunder for several minutes. Thunder was finally able to tag in and he took the fight to the Express as his partner tried to recover. But things changed in an instant when Slowhand distracted the referee so Cypher could help Sean Davis double team in the corner. But when Davis charged the corner, Cypher moved Thunder out of the way and Davis crashed into the buckles. Davis was stunned long enough to have the three count send him to the losers column. Cypher left the ring on his own to the shock of the fans and the House of Vitale who appeared to be speechless for the first time ever.
(2) In a heavyweight tournament quarterfinal match, “The 8th Deadly Sin” Sideshow (w/CJ O’Doyle) defeated “Classic” Scott Davis.
How the match came to be: Scott Davis defeated Jerrelle Clark in the first round & Jaison Moore in the second round. While Sideshow defeated Dim Ballah in the first round & Chasyn Rance in the second round. Early in the match Davis learned that despite being a hardcore competitor, Sideshow has great wrestling skills and could go move for move with Davis. After a flurry of offensive moves hit him, Davis took some personal time on the floor before getting his focus back on Sideshow. Instead Davis walked right into Sideshow was ready to deliver ten punches in the corner. But after a corner move, Davis was able to hit Sideshow with a sidewalk slam and the rulebreaking began. Davis took the match to a new level when he blocked a Sideshow kick and he sent Sideshow’s ankle into the ringpost. Sideshow beat the referee’s count but the damage was already done and Davis went to work on the injury. First up was a half crab followed by a step over submission. Nothing made Sideshow tapout and Davis’ anger level grew with each passing moment. But Davis made a tactical error by letting Sideshow to his feet and it resulted in an enziguri hitting Davis. Sideshow fired in several punches and double atomic drops followed by a neckbreaker for two. Sideshow went for a running forearm in the corner but Davis moved and appeared to roll up Sideshow but the referee saw Davis using the ropes for leverage. When he told Davis to let go, Sideshow rolled up Davis with the ropes to win. Davis argued with the referee after the match but he refused to alter the decision.
(3) In a heavyweight tournament quarterfinal match, “The Marquee” Bruce Santee defeated Chris Jones.
How the match came to be: Bruce Santee defeated Roderick Strong in the first round & Shawn Osborne in the second round While Chris Jones defeated Austin Amadeus in the first round & Francisco Ciatso in the second round. Having competed in the Jeff Peterson Memorial Cup (now available on DVD from the site listed below) Santee had experience wrestling men much smaller. Santee offered a test of strength but Jones couldn’t reach so Jones grabbed the side headlock but Santee deposited him on the ring apron. Jones went for a single leg but Santee didn’t go down. Santee countered into a waistlock and then dropped Jones on his chest. Jones tried to knock Santee down with forearm shots but he bounced off when he went for a shoulder block. Jones kept firing in the shots but Santee just kept shaking them off. Santee dropped Jones chest first again and got two. After some shoulder blocks in the corner Santee took Jones to the mat in a body stretch submission. Somehow Jones got to his feet and went for a head scissor but Santee countered into an Alabama Slam for two. Santee shook off the near fall and locked in a bear hug which looked to end Jones, but Jones kept his arm up when the referee dropped for the third time. Santee appeared to get frustrated a Jones kept fighting out of pin attempts. Jones used this to his advantage as he was able to hit Santee with several moves and avoid contact. Santee caught Jones off the top and went for the Big Dump but Jones countered into a tornado DDT. However Jones’ luck ran out when Santee blocked a huricurana and hit a sitout power bomb to win.
(4) CJ O’Doyle (w/Sideshow) defeated Sedrick Strong.
These two men have had some partnerships but their differences involving Sideshow who came to the ring with O’Doyle. Despite this the fans cheered for both men throughout the match. The duo began with chain wrestling which didn’t lead to an advantage. That changed when O’Doyle hit Strong hit several armdrags and settled into an armbar. Strong got to the ropes and he hit O’Doyle with several moves ending in a mat based chinlock. Sideshow paced ringside shouting encouragement to O’Doyle who got out of the hold with forearm shots that led to Strong being dropped to the floor. O’Doyle followed out with a tope’ through the ropes. Back in the ring O’Doyle hit a suplex for two and followed with charge to the corner but Strong moved and Strong hit a powerslam for two. O’Doyle fought back with a backslide for two and a headbutt which appeared to affect both men. O’Doyle ran into a boot but both men hit the mat following a double clothesline. O’Doyle blocked a move with a backdrop and Strong fired in punches but couldn’t avoid a shoulderbreaker for two. O’Doyle went to work on the injury with a nerve hold but Strong refused to tap out. Strong got out with a jawbreaker but got locked into a cross armbreaker but the hold was broken by a foot on the ropes. O’Doyle kept the pressure on but Strong fought back with clotheslines and a dropkick for two. O’Doyle hit an inverted DDT for two before taking Strong up top. They fought on the ropes and Strong came off but O’Doyle blocked the blockbuster. O’Doyle went for a move but got hit with a T-Bone suplex. But when Strong went to charge O’Doyle, Sideshow was holding his ankle. This allowed O’Doyle time to recover and hit an Acecrusher to win the match. Strong was not too pleased with the end result and had revenge on his mind.

Before the event House of Vitale’s Raymond “the Killing Machine” Snow made an open challenge. The group came to the ring and the “Princess of Wrestling” Amy Vitale addressed the fans. The challenge was answered by New Jack and his protégé Alejandro. New Jack wasted no time in verbally tearing into Vitale and Sean Davis.
(5) In an open challenge, Alejandro defeated Raymond Snow via DQ.
Despite New Jack’s presence at ringside it didn’t change the fact that Snow had a size and strength advantage. New Jack’s protégé fought back with punches to Snow’s head but nearly had his taken off with a clothesline. Snow missed an elbow drop and was hit with dropkicks but when the action got close to the ropes, Sean Davis got involved tripping up Alejandro. The referee called for the bell. New Jack left ringside and came back with Lou Cypher and a huge hunting crossbow. Cypher called out the House of Vitale to face him in the ring. Just when things looked to have settled down, the House of Vitale returned to try and take out Cypher but it backfired and Cypher was the last man standing in the ring.
(6) In a cruiserweight challenge match, TJ Perkins defeated Jaison Moore.
This was Perkins’ debut in Riot and he didn’t disappoint the fans going hold for hold with Moore. Moore nearly lost the match when Perkins locked in a leglock but he quickly got to the ropes. Perkins switched and went to work on the left wrist but Moore fought to his feet. But when Moore went for a corner move Perkins did a handstand on the ropes and hit Moore with a head scissor. Perkins took Moore down with a chinlock but the two men fought for position of a leglock which Perkins won with a Boston Crab also grabbing Moore’s arms for added pain level. For some reason Perkins let the hold go and he went for a sling shot move but Moore moved and hit a Samoan Drop for two. Moore kept on the attack with a mat based chinlock but Perkins got to his feet hitting a jawbreaker. Moore and Perkins traded kicks to the head and barely beat the referee’s count. Perkins got on the attack hitting several moves including a second rope elbow drop for two. Perkins went for a Figure Four Deathlock but Moore fought out and got a rollup for two. Moore avoided a neckbreaker and hit a second rope jawbreaker type move for two. Moore hit a cannonball senton but his J-Driver was countered and he got locked in the Figure Four Deathlock which there no escape from, forcing Moore to submit. As the match ended, “Classic” Scott Davis charged the ring and jumped Moore. To the surprise of many, Perkins came back to the ring with a chair and when the dust settled, shook hands with Moore.
(7) In the finals of the Pro Wrestling Riot Tag Team Title Tournament, 911Inc.’s Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis & Kory Chavis w/Rod Steel, Francisco Ciatso and referee Rich Ambruzzito) defeated Bumz R’ Us (Ray Beez & Milo Beasley w/ Milo Bearsley.)
How the match came to be: Bumz R Us defeated Dynamic Duo in the first round & The Heartbreak Express in the second round. While the Dark City Fight Club defeated The Lifeguards in the first round & The British Lions in the second round. Riot Commissioner Jet Jaguar felt this match was important enough to have two referees involved. So Josh Rich was on the floor while Ambruzzito was in the ring as Beasley began the match against Chavis. The DCFC made tags but couldn’t keep either Bum in their side of the ring and it frustrated Steel and Ciatso. The momentum changed when Davis hit Beasley with a clothesline that nearly sent his clothes into the crowd. The DCFC cut the ring in half and with some help from their pals and the referee conveniently being out of position, took turns beating down Beasley. Beez and Bearsley could only cheer their man on as he fought off defeat several times. But a double team slam backfired as Beasley slid off and tagged in Beez who cleaned house, until the DCFC hit him with a double team move. Beasley went to hit Davis with a move but Davis’ legs took out the referee. As referee Rich checked on his colleague, the DCFC tried to end the bout but somehow Davis ended up alone in the corner. It allowed the Bums to hit a double team move that literally broke the ring, actually the bottom rope. The Bums went for the win but in the end it was a double team Spinebuster that led to championship gold.
(8) In the heavyweight tournament finals, “the Marquee” Bruce Santee defeated “8th Deadly Sin” Sideshow (w/CJ O’Doyle.)
These two men weren’t strangers so it would take something huge to surprise the other competitor. The two men shook hands before the match and went right into trying to end it quick. After several moves Santee ended up on the floor and Sideshow grabbing a chair. He used it as a step to launch into Santee on the floor. The action came back to the ring where Sideshow laid in punches to Santee jaw but Santee fired back with a slam of his own for two. Santee hit a suplex for two and followed with a Rude Awakening for two before locking in a chinlock. Sideshow got to his feet hitting Santee with a jawbreaker. But Santee was waiting for Sideshow off the ropes with a boot to the face and another slam into a shoulder submission hold. Santee couldn’t get the submission so he went into a full nelson but Sideshow got out only to be hit with a Samoan Drop. Santee went off the normal plan by going up but missing a senton bomb. Sideshow got on the attack but ran into a Black Hole Slam for two. Santee thought it was over with that move and got caught off guard when Sideshow hit a modified Sliced Bread #2 for two. Santee blocked Double Penetration but didn’t block a dropkick to the face delivered by Sideshow. Santee fought off Sideshow and hit a release TKO followed by a Big Dump which ended the match and gave Santee the championship.
After the match Santee went to shake hands with Sideshow but he was hit with a low blow. O’Doyle joined Sideshow in the ring as they beat Santee down with a double team chokeslam. Sedrick Strong hit the ring in an effort to save Santee but it backfired as he was also beat down. Sideshow took the mic and addressed the fans as O’Doyle kept beating on Santee and Strong. He said that all he had been through with his sister Danielle, the 90-day suspension and injuries the fans never sent one email or card. So Sideshow told the fans where to stick it as he called his partnership with O’Doyle the Celtic Sinners. The duo left Santee & Strong beaten down to the dismay of the fans.
The next Riot event will be Friday May 1st. Log onto for event information.