PRIME Wrestling TV #172: Krimson vs. Iron

Prime Wrestling (OH)

PRIME Wrestling TV #172: Krimson vs. Iron

Original Airdate: 12/30/12

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“Embodiment of Evil” KRIMSON w/Kirst vs. “Handicapped Hero” GREGORY IRON w/Zach Gowen
Last week, Greg & Zach took part in one of the most feel-good moments of 2012 when, with the inspiration of manager Jill Dials (who was granted her dream by Greg & Zach after supported them so vehemently while addressing her own issues of battling spina bifida), The newly-dubbed “Handicapped Handguns” became #1 contenders to the tag titles by overcoming The Sons of Michigan. However, this week, the mood changes, as Iron steps into battle with the intimidating Krimson. While Krimson has a tentative date with Johnny Gargano for the PRIME Title, he will also be dealing with a tag title defense beforehand. Can the DWS send a message of dominance or will the Handguns keep rolling en route to a tag title opportunity?

One week ago, Johnny Gargano joined us to address the issues of Krimson & The Dead Wrestling Society, but was jumped from behind by the animalistic Gory, who proceeded to choke Gargano out cold with Pestilence. This week, we hear from Gargano a week away from his scheduled title defense against Gory. What frame of mind is the champion in now that he has been assaulted numerous times from this macabre group?

“True Talent” BOBBY SHIELDS vs. “Hot Commodity” MATT MASON
Two months ago, Shields & Mason did battle, but the result was anything but decisive. As it seemed Mason was en route to victory, Shields became desperate and struck Mason with a low blow to get intentionally disqualified. Shields’ frame of mind has been erratic at best since his indignant haircut this past summer, while Mason has seemed to be firing on all cylinders. Nicki Valentino, still yet to choose a side in his decision between ex-partners Bobby Shields and Bobby Beverly, has stated he will make his intentions known… maybe. Will Valentino have an effect on the result of this match?

The unstable and bi-polar “Babyfaced Assassin”, long since not permitted in PRIME Wrestling due to his unsafe nature and liability to others, sees action again thanks to the political power play of Upper Management’s Aaron Maguire. Page has already hurt a number of athletes, including heavy speculation blaming him primarily for the assault on Jason Bane we saw a week ago. Will Rickey add the 20-year-old upstart and rock band drummer Aiden Veil to his list of casualties?

Plus: “M-Dogg” Matt Cross speaks about the 6 man tag match set for “Pressure Rising” involving Team LaBar vs. Team Vic and we go back in time to profile the genesis of the Gregory Iron vs. Kirst rivalry that has become so personal, and hear from the Handicapped Handguns on the matter.

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