PRIME Wrestlelution 5 iPPV results

PRIME Wrestlelution 5, Sunday, August 19 from the Jacobs Pavilion in Cleveland, Ohio

TV Champion Michael Facade beat Gory in a Casket Match;

Louis Lyndon beat Benjamin Boone (w/N8 Mattson);

Kirst beat Matthew Justice;

Gregory Iron beat Zach Gowen w/N8 Mattson (After the match, Zach turned on N8 and re-aligned with Iron);

Marion Fontaine beat Aaron Draven (Commissioner Justin LaBar & Aaron Maguire at ringside);

Rhino beat Jason Bane (During the match, the ring imploded and collapsed under the force of the action. The match continued with both men using parts of the ring as weapons);

Bryan Castle (w/Dan Arkham) beat Brian Bender;

Bobby Beverly beat Bobby Shields in a Hair vs. Hair Match;

M-Dogg 20 Matt Cross beat Petey Williams (show-stealing 15:00 match – Petey kicked out of Matt’s Shooting Star Press, Matt kicked out of Petey’s Canadian Destroyer);

Krimson beat Matt Mason in a No DQ Match (match involved thumbtacks, chairs, a guardrail, and shard of glass. Jayme Mason, Matt’s wife who had aligned with Krimson briefly, reunited with Matt);

Johnny Gargano beat PRIME Champion Jimmy Jacobs to win the title (Amazing 20:00 match which spilled all over the building including on a balcony and breaking through merchandise tables. Both referees, as well as celebrity guest ring announcer Chris Van Vliet & timekeeper New 102 DJ Kory, were all knocked unconscious throughout the match).

Order the iPPV replay now to watch whenever you want on demand! This OVER THREE HOUR event is filled with an unbelievable amount of chaos, action, violence, intrigue, drama and emotion! Don’t believe it? Buy it now for the one-time price of $14.99 and its yours to watch whenever you want!

To watch the replay, log on to and click on “iPPV” or go to this direct link –


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