PRESS RELEASE: The STRAP: A Complete History of Sam Muchnick’s Missouri State Championship


The Strap: A Complete History of Sam Muchnick’s Missouri State Championship

by Roger Deem

Foreword by Larry Matysik

Edited by Scott Teal

I’m happy to announce the publication of a new book. Just go to the Crowbar Press homepage and click on the banner.

The direct link is:

We also have photos signed by Stan Hansen that will accompany every order of “The Last Outlaw” for those of you who haven’t yet ordered a copy.

For a limited time, the biography of Gordon Solie, “The Solie Chronicles,” is available at 50% off the regular price (plus $4.00 s&h) when ordered with any other autobiography.  Use the link below to order at the special price:

Be watching for a new series of books titled “The Wrestling Archive Project: 20th Century Mat Memories.”  We will have three to four volumes available later this spring.  Each volume will be filled with interviews originally printed in the “Whatever Happened to …?” magazine, as well as new interviews.  The first couple of volumes will feature never-before-printed interviews with Sandy Scott, Jackie Fargo, Leo Garibaldi, Tommy Weathers, and many others.

OVERSEAS and CANADA orders!!  Prices have skyrocketed as of last Monday.  I can ship two books (sometimes three depending on the thickness) via Flat-Rate International Priority.  Canada is $19.95 and overseas is $23.95.  I’m sorry it’s so much, but the increase was huge!

Jim Ross at the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in Waterloo, Iowa:

“I want to congratulate Scott Teal. I’ve enjoyed a great deal of his work. I read a lot of books, and for anyone to spend that much time with Ole Anderson, you have to compare it to chemotherapy, it is a fate beyond belief. You are probably the strongest, bravest man in this room, and that includes the Dandies — Dan Hodge and Dan Gable. God bless you, sir.”

Crowbar Press