PCW (Texas) Results from 7/21/07



Kris Katera beat SB 1 and Charlie King in a Triple Threat Match Brandon Collins beat Jerry Brown to retain the PCW Cruiserweight Title Diamond Dave beat J.T. LaMotta Mace Malone beat Canyon Shadow (Lance Hoyt) beat Nobe Bryant


The following, except for the dark matches, was taped for airing in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on the Lone Star Channel, as well as worldwide distribution via SmartVideo and release on DVD, with Ring Announcer Travis Baxter, TV Commentators Rob Moore and Attorney-At-Law Paul Lewis and one of the PCW Knockouts.

KRIS KATERA beat SB 1 and CHARLIE KING when Katera pinned SB 1 with the Overdose (Death Valley Driver variation) –Katera was kicked to the floor for much of the match, but, when he got back into the ring, he made his presence known with a Sunset Flip on King, who, at the time, was Superplexing SB 1, resulting in a spectacular move.
Katera ended up on top when he hit his Overdose on SB 1 for the win.

Unexpectedly, Mace Malone, showing the burns on his face from last week’s fireball from Mike Foxx, showed up and, after revealing that his mentor, Action Jackson, had suffered a broken arm at the hands of the Faithful, challenged both the Faithful and the Dark Circle to come out. However, all of the Faithful and Dark Circle, along with Wally Darkmon, were suspended for the night by the Busseys as a result of last week’s uncontrollable brawl, so they didn’t come out. Instead, PCW’s “Hardcore Legend,” Canyon, came out and issued a challenge to Malone for later in the night, and Malone accepted.

Champion “The EXPERT” BRANDON COLLINS beat JERRY BROWN to retain the belt –This was Brown’s first Full Throttle appearance in several months. He used his extensive amateur and pro experience to his advantage, but Collins pulled out some effective moves of his own. At one point, Brown started shoving Referee Jamie Oller, who asserted his authority and shoved back.
Brown went for a Granbury Slam (Angle Slam) on Collins, who blocked it, but, moments later, Brown hooked in an anklelock. Collins reversed it, though, and he was able to get Brown in the combination Texas Cloverleaf variation/bodyscissors, forcing Brown to tap out.

Shadow came out after several weeks away and noted that he was back to “put things in order” in PCW, saying he heard that the PCW World Heavyweight Title was vacant and he wanted a shot at it, and he then talked about the upcoming Fight-Win-Survive, mentioning that he’s either won or been on the winning team many times in the event’s history. Suddenly, Nobe Bryant attacked Shadow from behind, and, with his PR rep Katie at his side, Bryant proclaimed himself to be the ONLY star in PCW and would prove later why Shadow is not a star.

“DYNAMIC” DIAMOND DAVE beat “The MIND OF WRESTLING” J.T. LaMOTTA by pinfall with a Shooting Star Legdrop –This was an outstanding match between two leading Cruiserweight contenders who gave it everything they had and then some. LaMotta used his ground game to effectively offset Dave’s high flying for much of the match, but that didn’t prevent Dave from pulling out some spectacular moves. Dave finally won with an incredible Shooting Star Legdrop for the 1-2-3.

MACE MALONE beat “The HARDCORE LEGEND” CANYON by pinfall with the Detonator (three-step neckbreaker) –Malone had bandages on his face to protect the burns, but those went by the wayside quickly as Canyon viciously tore into the still-fresh wounds.
Each time Malone tried to mount some kind of offense, all Canyon had to do was sink his nails or his teeth into the scabs to get his way. After failing to do so once, Malone managed to bodyslam the 350+ pounder. Malone, also on a second try, ended the match with the Detonator to put the big man down for the count.

All four of the Bussey brothers (Thomas, Chris, Steven and Larry) came out, with Steven carrying the PCW World Heavyweight Title belt. They announced to the crowd that Mike Foxx & his Faithful, the Dark Circle and Wally Darkmon were all suspended for the night because they had ruined last week’s Darkmon-Foxx title match. They added that, as a business decision, there is currently no champion. They talked about the upcoming Fight-Win-Survive and said there would be four teams participating, with the two top teams battling in the finals. They said that their friend, Brett Idol, would be on one of the two teams in the finals. Jiggle-O James Johnson’s music played, and the Busseys turned to the entrance, expecting Johnson to come out.
Instead, he ran in from the crowd. Johnson kicked Larry in the crotch, dropkicked Thomas, gave Chris a drop toehold, causing him to fall face-first into Thomas’ crotch, and, when Steven charged at him with the belt, Johnson gave him a drop toehold as well, causing Steven to kneel behind Chris. The Busseys balied out, leaving Johnson to admire the title belt.

SHADOW (Lance Hoyt) beat “The REAL DEAL” NOBE BRYANT (w/ Katie) by pinfall with the Blackout (flip Niagara Driver) –In this battle of former PCW World Heavyweight Champions, Bryant used Katie as a distraction while methodically going after Shadow’s left knee.
Shadow, though, was able to avoid Bryant’s Real Deal (axe kick) and hoist him up high for the Blackout, nailing it and scoring the win to emphasize his claim to the vacant World Title.

PCW Full Throttle’s next show will be on Saturday, July 28 at PCW Arena.
Bell time is 8 p.m.

PCW will be a part of Ed & Betty Pariso’s 14th Annual Sports & Fitness Weekend August 10 & 11, 2007 at the Dallas Convention Center. Visit www.supershowexpo.com for more information.

Visit www.thelonestarchannel.com for information on how you can see PCW on TV every week.

Visit www.smartvideo.com for more information on how you can view PCW action worldwide 24 hours a day via your cell phone, PDA or Internet.

Visit www.pcwwrestling.com for more information about PCW, including upcoming shows, bios, photos, columns, Match of the Week and Move of the Week videos, and merchandise, including DVD’s and VHS tapes of past PCW shows, including major show DVD’s and videos featuring nationally known talent that have either passed through PCW or been part of the PCW talent roster, including some who are currently with either WWE or TNA. DVD’s of PCW’s weekly television show are available at the arena and through PCW’s website.

Submitted by ROB MOORE, The Voice of PCW

The voice of PCW …  http://www.pcwwrestling.com My MySpace site … http://www.myspace.com/robmooretexas
Percival A. Friend’s site … http://www.geocities.com/percivalafriend