PCW Results from Arlington on 8/04/07



Canyon beat Jerome Daniels
Diamond Dave beat Andy Dalton by disqualification Mike Foxx beat Robert Evans Wally Darkmon beat Thomas, Chris, Steven & Larry Bussey in a No-DQ Handicap Match James Johnson beat Colossus in a No Holds Barred Match to win the PCW Television Title Apocalypse and Mace Malone went to a no-contest


The following, except for the dark matches, was taped for airing in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on the Lone Star Channel, as well as worldwide distribution via SmartVideo and release on DVD, with Ring Announcer Travis Baxter, TV Commentators Rob Moore and Attorney-At-Law Paul Lewis and one of the PCW Knockouts.

“The HARDCORE ICON” CANYON (w/ Thomas, Chris, Steven & Larry Bussey) beat “FLAWLESS” JEROME DANIELS by pinfall –Whenever Canyon tossed Daniels out of the ring, the Busseys set upon him like a pack of wolves, smacking him around with their flip-flops. Canyon ended the match with an over-the-shoulder face-first drop to get the pin, but the beating continued after the bell when the Busseys danced and pounded Daniels further, and Canyon himself danced, showing flashes of the old C-Diddy, and splashed Daniels to put the final exclamation point on the contest.

“DYNAMIC” DIAMOND DAVE beat ANDY DALTON by disqualification –J.T. LaMotta, who has yet to beat Dave on both Uncut and Full Throttle, ran in and attacked Dave to cause the DQ, and LaMotta’s attack left Dave laying and very slow to get up.

Mace Malone came out and said he’s coming after the Dark Circle and the Faithful, and he vowed to start tonight against the Circle’s Apocalypse.

“The DARK MESSIAH” MIKE FOXX (w/ “Angel Of Mercy” Claudia) beat “The ESSENCE OF EXCELLENCE” ROBERT EVANS by submission –Evans tried to take to the air for his Alpha Flight Headbutt, but Claudia prevented it by grabbing at his foot, enabling Foxx to counter. Moments later, Evans went for the Crossface Chicken Wing, but Foxx reversed it and got Evans in the Career Killer (Boston crab), forcing a tapout and resulting in a victory for the leader of the Faithful.

The four Bussey brothers came out, and PCW Owners Thomas & Chris Bussey, flanked by brothers/personal assistants Steven & Larry Bussey, said they had made a business decision to put Jiggle-O James Johnson in a rematch against the 7’2″ Colossus for the big man’s PCW World Television Title. They also talked about the upcoming Fight-Win-Survive, saying that the next match would determine the first of the four team captains. It would be Wally Darkmon against … Thomas & Chris in a Handicap Match!

CAPTAINS MATCH–NO HOLDS BARRED–WINNER WILL BE A FIGHT-WIN-SURVIVE CAPTAIN WALLY DARKMON beat THOMAS, CHRIS, STEVEN & LARRY BUSSEY by pinfall –After Darkmon frustrated the two company owners’ efforts, they announced that they were making it a 3-on-1 handicap match, adding Steven to the match. When Darkmon foiled that plan, the brothers brought Larry into it and made it a 4-on-1, with the No Holds Barred stipulation added in mid-match.
Darkmon fought against the numerical odds and piled up Thomas, Chris and Steven in a triple compromising position in a corner. Larry swung at Darkmon with his own cane, but Darkmon ducked and then kicked Larry in the crotch, making him scream like a little girl, and pinned him to win the match and become the first FWS team captain.

The Dark Circle’s “Gatekeeper,” Apocalypse, came out and said that the Dark Circle will be victorious at Fight-Win-Survive, no matter whether one or all of the trio were on the final two teams, with one of them climbing the ladder inside the steel cage and becoming the PCW World Heavyweight Champion. He got into a spirited argument with a ringside fan before leaving.

PCW WORLD TELEVISION TITLE MATCH–NO HOLDS BARRED “JIGGLE-O” JAMES JOHNSON beat “The ANGEL OF DEATH” COLOSSUS (w/ “Angel Of Mercy” Claudia) by pinfall to win the belt –The match threatened to become a carbon copy of the two men’s last meeting, which resulted in three chokeslams and internal injuries to Johnson. Colossus brought a table into the ring and started to chokeslam Johnson through it, but, instead, Colossus perched his much smaller opponent on the top rope. As the big man climbed to the second rope, perhaps to deliver a Superplex or another move through the table, Mace Malone ran in, wearing war paint, got under Colossus, and powerbombed the giant 450-pound gladiator through the table! Malone then got the Detonator (three-step
neckbreaker) on Colossus and hit a Frog Splash, and then Johnson came off the top rope with a Frog Elbow and covered the monster to, amazingly, score the pinfall and regain the TV belt. As fans went wild, an irate Mike Foxx stormed the ring and screamed at Colossus and Claudia for failing, but then they huddled and apparently smoothed things over.

“The Mind Of Wrestling,” J.T. LaMotta, came out and said he was “sick and tired” of people talking about Diamond Dave. Dave charged in, and the two men fought, causing PCW Street Team members and PCW staffers to run into the ring and separate them. Each man momentarily broke free and jumped his rival before the two were finally separated. Before it was all over, though, LaMotta decked PCW official Kody Kox, leaving him laying as LaMotta finally left the ring.

“The GATEKEEPER” APOCALYPSE and MACE MALONE went to a no-contest –The two were fighting an intense battle when Mike Foxx and Colossus, accompanied by Claudia, ran in and attacked both men. Foxx gave Apocalypse two M.F.’ers (RKO’s), while Colossus chokeslammed Malone twice. Foxx then got the mic and declared that, at Fight-Win-Survive, he will climb the ladder and become the new PCW World Heavyweight Champion, once again saying he will take the Faithful to the “Promised Land” and begin a new era of darkness in PCW.

There will be no PCW Full Throttle show on August 11. PCW Full Throttle’s next show will be on Saturday, August 18 at PCW Arena. Bell time is 8 p.m.

PCW will be a part of Ed & Betty Pariso’s 14th Annual Sports & Fitness Weekend August 10 & 11, 2007 at the Dallas Convention Center. Visit www.supershowexpo.com for more information.

Visit www.thelonestarchannel.com for information on how you can see PCW on TV every week.

Visit www.smartvideo.com for more information on how you can view PCW action worldwide 24 hours a day via your cell phone, PDA or Internet.

Visit www.pcwwrestling.com for more information about PCW, including upcoming shows, bios, photos, columns, Match of the Week and Move of the Week videos, and merchandise, including DVD’s and VHS tapes of past PCW shows, including major show DVD’s and videos featuring nationally known talent that have either passed through PCW or been part of the PCW talent roster, including some who are currently with either WWE or TNA. DVD’s of PCW’s weekly television show are available at the arena and through PCW’s website.

Submitted by ROB MOORE, The Voice of PCW

The voice of PCW …  http://www.pcwwrestling.com My MySpace site … http://www.myspace.com/robmooretexas
Percival A. Friend’s site … http://www.geocities.com/percivalafriend