PCW Full Throttle Results from 10/13

(NOTE: This report courtesy of PCW Historian while I recover from radioactive iodine treatment–Rob)


Taping continues for the upcoming TLC series “Rough House”.

Brett Idol (with something like 9 Busseys at ringside) defeated Jerome Daniels and Jacob Starr ina Triple Threat Match after Idol stole Daniels pin on Starr.

Mike Foxx came out with Claudia and Kate Angel and threw down his Red Team shirt. Foxx proclaimed the only team he would be on was the Faithful’s team. In the tournament if he ran across a Red or Blue member he would destroy them just the same.

Franco D’Angelo advanced in Fight Win Survive by defeating Brandon Collins in a Thumbtack Match. Franco put Collins into the thumbtacks with The Silencer to win the match.

Robert Evans came out and discussed his Prince of Darkness Match later tonight against Foxx, counting on support from the fans.

Wally Darkmon advanced in Fight Win Survive by defeating Apocalypse in a First Blood Match. Darkmon ripped barbwire across Apoc’s face to tear him open for the win in a very brutal match.

Thomas and Chris Bussey brought Brett Idol out. They announced that Tim Storm would receive a bye to the second round. They let us know that by the end of the night we would know who Idol’s opponent would be in the Quarterfinals next week. And they said their friend Sabu would be here next week and they were letting him pick who he wanted to destroy.

Mike Foxx advanced in Fight Win Survive by defeating Robert Evans in a Prince of Darkness match. Foxx used Kate and Claudia to his full advantage in this one. Kate pulled off Evans’ hood and the ref forced Evans to break his submission to put the hood back on allowing Foxx to raise his hood, find Evans, and then deliver an MF’er to him for the win.

Mace Malone advanced in Fight Win Survive by defeating Nobe Bryant in a Lumber Yard Match. This match featured wood, saw horses, tools, scaffolds. Mace Malone got the pin and was immediately attacked by Brett Idol. The Busseys announced that next week it would be Brett Idol vs. …..then the lights went out and Sabu’s video played. The crowd chanted Sabu’s name as Brett went crazy on the befuddled Busseys.

Next week its the Quarterfinals of Fight Win Survive

Mike Foxx
Mace Malone
Action Jackson
James Johnson
Tim Storm
Brett Idol
Wally Darkmon
Franco D’Angelo

4 will move on, one is destined to be the next PCW Champion.

Also next week – Sabu vs. Brett Idol!
What will Idol do now with both a match in Fight Win Survive AND a match with Sabu?

The voice of PCW … http://www.pcwwrestling.com My MySpace site … http://www.myspace.com/robmooretexas Percival A. Friend’s site … http://www.geocities.com/percivalafriend